If for any reason Yubel - Terror Incarnate leaves the field you can then special summon Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare which destroys any monster it battles and inflicts damage to your opponent equal to that monster's attack. 15:45. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. "), Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "The Ultimate Nightmare attacks!" I don't have most of the cards, I am a f2p player. If you were dueling against Vagabond it might have been a no special summon challenge. Read more. 2019 kl. new card never heard of it. And then the Necroz found them and turned them into weapons for their own use, Yubel is way to consistent, I would reckon more consistent than six samurai, You can get discord by downloading it on app store. ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Raviel, Lord of Phantasms effect activates!" followed by "Cerulean Skyfire! For Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki Updates. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Before damage calculation, when this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by an opponent's monster: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's ATK. followed by "Strangling Claw! Maybe you are an idiot and you pissed her off. (Voice lines found in game files but not currently not in game yet). Yubel has no inherent special summoning condition and tribute summoning her might be difficult and costly. "), When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Yubel - Terror Incarnate's effect activates!" ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Grinder Golem, pulverize! This page notes details of Yubel (DARK/Fiend/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. But Jaden sent Yubel into space, wishing the light of the universe would clear the darkness in Yubel's heart. Duel Links. ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Phantom Skyblaster, fire!" We sincely appreciate your understand. ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Yubel attacks! Duel Links > General Discussions > Topic Details. (spoken as "Uria's effect activates! ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I activate my own effect! And save the world! ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Regenerating Rose's effect! Thank you for visiting Duel Links wiki by GameA! ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Rise, my mighty Rainbow Dark Dragon!" The release of Blazing Vortex comes with the release of new archetypes. Konami limited the wrong deck in my opinion. Competitive Duel Links gameplay from the World Championship Finalist, Best Player in NA. Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Arkbrave Dragon, and the whole Dragon squad versus this new Yubel Meta? Yubel: DARK Fiend ★10 ATK 0 / DEF 0: Yubel at Lvl 45 [UR] Special Pack Vol. Summoning her from the graveyard might prove to be the most effective method if you have a way to get her there in the first place. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! December 23, 2020 Traphacker 2,100 1 Comment Counter, Sacred Beast, Yubel. Burning Victory. He was originally exclusive to the special event Rise of Yubel - Soul Polymerization, only being able to be dueled or unlocked during the event.However, as of November 29, 2019, he is now unlockable via Character Unlock missions alongside Yubel. Ive seen people with Synchro Samurai and Yubel-Nepthys decks on this. Read more. (spoken as "The Ultimate Nightmare's effect activates! Decks Non-Meta Decks . She can now be dueled at the Gate using Black Gate Keys. Yu-Gi-Oh! Mar 16, 2019 @ 7:38am Is Yubel Even Useful So far it looks like nothing more than a pointless distraction card, anything that can make it remotely useful or is it just a waste of a space ... Yubel-Phoenix is a pretty effective anti-meta deck. We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! Yubel's dialogue for when she loses a Duel against Jaden Yuki becomes extended when losing against Jaden/Yubel. "), Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Armityle shall make you suffer! Change Yubel to defense position while attached with Limit Reverse to destroy her. Yubel and nephythis is out of control, Even in the results for kc most top decks were yubel and burn decks. When dueling against Level 40 Yubel, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop. Wtf, Yubel skilled didn’t activate. Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. [Skill] description User; A Cosmic Scourge: Galaxy-Eyes At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" to your Deck.Can be used if … ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder's effect activates!" This page notes details of Yubel (DARK/Fiend/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Maybe Yubel didn't want to activate her effect because she didn't like you. This deck isn't anti meta, its anti everything but the meta. But you can't win either since Prime Material still can't inflict battle damage or destroy Yubel in battle..... What happens if Amazoness Swordsmen attacks this card ? ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Mad Reloader, attack! The best way to special summon the original Yubel is with Limit Reverse so that you can easily destroy it by switching battle position turning it into Yubel - Terror Incarnate which needs no cost to stay on the field. Yubel's level 10 deck, since GameA doesn't list it: normal: 3x Embryonic Beast [500/750] 3x Fungi of the Musk [400/300] 3x That Which Feeds on Life [1200/1000] Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. Neos Wiseman Turbo Otk ft. Neo-Spacian (Rise of Yubel Reward, Yu-Gi-Oh! https://www.DuelLinksMeta.com Top Player Discord: https://discord.gg/DuelLinksMeta Subscribe through TWITCH for DISCORD ACCESS! You can easily test it by using your own swordswoman vs Yubel at the Gate. ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare's effect activates!" ... with Kagemaru/Yubel Decks together you shall rule duel academy . Blue-Eyes Synchro: deck recipe [Feb 2021], Gren Maju Da Stromberg: deck recipe [Feb 2021], The Melody of Awakening Dragon | Deck and Rulings. Duel Links on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Yubel meta is cancer". ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Phantom of Chaos, attack! Today we take an in-depth look into Springan; a new FIRE MACHINE archetype that focuses on XYZs! The game has gotten to the point where Yubel is just too slow to work. ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Neos Wiseman, attack!" DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. I destroy it from my hand and it didn’t special summon Terror Incarnate and I lost the duel. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Neos Wiseman's effect activates! amazoness swordsmen?? Sounds unlikely, but I whipped up something to counter Yubel Phoenix! Requires a tribute every turn to stay on the field. sacred beast/ yubel deck. He only appears in-game after the player claims his Character Unlock Mission reward for Summoning Warrior-Type monsters 10 times after the player reaches Stage 8 in Duel World (DM). The Legendary Duelists who have the longest dialogue for the specific cards that feature a cut-in frame of the said character(s) are: There are some Legendary Duelists who possess a, Joey Wheeler (DM), Tristan Taylor (DM) - Fields of the Warriors. ... Yugioh Duel Links - FARM Jaden/Yubel - … Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links! This Skill can only be used once per turn. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Overdone Burial and Limit Reverse revive Yubel and give you options to destroy her and summon her higher forms. ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Attack, Dark Summoning Beast! Add "Yubel" to your hand. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Wtf. ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Rainbow Dark Dragon's effect! (spoken as "Yubel - Terror Incarnate, unleash the pain! Yu-Gi-Oh! ), Skill: The Ultimate Nightmare (Yubel will start off with Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare on the field.). Who knows. Destroys any monster that battles with her and inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's attack. ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Phantom of Chaos's effect!". How to Report Abuse. Thanks as … Yugioh Duel LinksHow to summon Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare? But that doesn't change the fact that Jaden and Yubel have a deep connection that transcends time. When this card is destroyed, except by its own effect: Its owner can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" from their hand, Deck, or Graveyard. The Vylons were also corrupted by the lswarm virus, actually (via Gishki Noellia). ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Go Hamon!" Yubel. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). This card cannot be destroyed by battle. followed by "We will fight the Waves of Chaos. "), Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Terror Incarnate, unleash the pain!" ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. "), Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Raviel attacks!" GX anime.. Can be used each time your Life Points decreases by 1000. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without any notice. When dueling against Level 40 Yubel, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop. 2/8: 02 [UR] Yubel Unlock Event: Rise of the Yubel, the Ultimate Nightmare [UR] Rise of the Yubel - Soul Polymerization [UR] : This card cannot be destroyed by battle. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. followed by "Vision Blast! Well, yeah but this deck is incredibly costly. Can you play terror incarnate by using yubel in a tribute? New player guide: What packs to buy first? Meta Decks: Deck Master: Yubel: TCG/OCG: TCG: Submission Date: December 14th 2019: Last Updated: December 19th 2019: Author: Spada: YGOPRODeck File Download : View in Online Deck Builder Purchase on TCGplayer Text View YDKe ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Prepare for an endless, restless sleep! Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Thank you for visiting Duel Links wiki by GameA! There are some Legendary Duelists who share the same signature card, and 3D cutscene for the said card: Yami Yugi, Yugi Muto (DM), Yugi Muto (DSOD) -, Yami Yugi, Seto Kaiba (DM), Seto Kaiba (DSOD) - Obelisk the Tormentor, Yami Yugi, Yami Marik - The Winged Dragon of Ra, Seto Kaiba (DM), Mokuba Kaiba (DM), Seto Kaiba (DSOD), Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD) -, Seto Kaiba (DM), Seto Kaiba (DSOD), Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD) -, Joey Wheeler (DM), Rex Raptor, Joey Wheeler (DSOD) -, Joey Wheeler (DM), Mako Tsunami, Joey Wheeler (DSOD) -. Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. This is a video game depiction of Yubel, a character and Duel Monster Spirit from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. (spoken as "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare attacks!") Duel Links Meta has the best, most competitive information about the game. check in yugioh duel links meta webiste, the yubel farm deck is already available and is easy af. You can ease the summoning by using Mausoleum of the Emperor and paying 2000 LP to summon her instead. Duel Links Meta 116,596 views. ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Samsara Lotus's effect activates! ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Attack, Grave Squirmer!" We post news, leaks, decks, tier lists, tournaments, guides, reviews and event reports! This card is one of the examples in which I believe its original manga artwork is better than its... Yubel Unlock Event: Rise of the Yubel, the Ultimate Nightmare, Synchro Summon Guide: The Advent of Synchros in Duel Links. Yu-Gi-Oh! With Overdone Burial Yubel's effect on the field is negated meaning she can be destroyed by battle, but when she hits the graveyard she will no longer be affected by Overdone Burial allowing you to upgrade her. Yubel is a Duel Monster Spirit and playable Legendary Duelist, who appears in Yu-Gi-Oh! #4. ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Chaos Core's effect activates! ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Phantom Skyblaster's effect activates! We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! When Jaden was young, the card spirit Yubel was his dear friend. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. GX anime. (spoken as "Hamon's effect activates! Send the card on the top of your Deck to the Graveyard, and recover 300 LP. followed by "Ultimate Nova! The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Yubel reach a certain Level. followed by "Dark Rainbow Refraction! YuGiOh! You can use cards like Archfiend Call and Damage Gate to revive her. (spoken as "Terror Incarnate's effect activates! Duel Links! If you receive damage from your opponent's card effect when your Life Points are at 2000 or lower, your opponent will receive the same amount of damage. This page notes details of Neos Wiseman (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Since Yubel's effect does not trigger when he destroys himself with his own effect you can use these effects to destroy Yubel yourself and summon Yubel - Terror Incarnate. Skill: Terror Incarnate (Yubel will start off with Yubel - Terror Incarnate on the field. Decks Fun/Casual Decks . I attack with Samsara Lotus! You can remove the ads and support us directlyby becoming a DLM Promember. Yubel - Terror Incarnate destroys every monster on the field during your End Phase. During your End Phase: Tribute 1 other monster or destroy this card. ", Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Attack, Regenerating Rose! GX anime.. Jaden Yuki is a playable Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! followed by "Shimmering Scraper! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Special Summons from your hand / Special Summons from your Deck / Special Summons from your Graveyard, Prevents battle damage / Damages your opponent. You take no Battle Damage from battles involving this card. Biggus Dickus. There are some Legendary Duelists who possess cards with 3D cutscenes that aren't preceded by a cut-in frame of the whole character: Yami Yugi, Yugi Muto (DSOD) - Dark Magician Girl, Joey Wheeler (DM), Joey Wheeler (DSOD) - The Legendary Fisherman, Yugi Muto (DM), Yugi Muto (DSOD) - Silent Magician LV8. Elemental HERO Neos, Cosmic Crush! Use Stauch Defender to force your opponent to attack Yubel - Terror Incarnate. When Yubel loses a Duel against Jaden/Yubel, she says "Jaden, you will be by my side for eternity." (spoken as "Raviel's effect activates! "), Most of the time when Yubel declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Uria attacks!" followed by "Hyper Blaze", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Uria, Lord of Searing Flames's effect activates!" Visit our Patreon pageand subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. sacred evil of yubel. Unlocking Jaden also unlocks Duel World (GX). What happens to ranks at the end of the month? I come along with my 'not KOG' deck trying to enjoy myself, and then this deck reminds me, "oh yeah, im playing Duel Links, no one is ever there to actually fight you" ", When Yubel activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Grave Squirmer's effect activates!