Best Kusarigama Build. Please help with a kusarigama build" - Page 2. CalculusMarx. Question. Anyhow, here is what I like so far. They have reach and … Nioh-newbie here. Best Kusarigama Build. Nov 10, 2017 @ 10:38am I WANT TO BE OP what build do you think? The Kusarigama have always been considered the most technical weapon in Nioh, and that remains the case in this sequel. For the Guardian Spirit, you … For Nioh on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Newbie! I'm really interested in running with a Kusarigama and Spear build, but am having trouble figuring out the best stats to invest in and in what order. This Nioh build primarily focuses on PVE and uses axes as the primary weapon and spears/kusarigama as the secondary weapons. For Nioh on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dilemma: My 2 favorite weapons are AXE and KUSARIGAMA. The Axe and Spear complement one another if you’re going for a Tank build, go for Light or Medium armor (Heavy if you have enough Strength). The Kusarigama (chain-sickle) is a weapon that delivers a lot of quick damage to an opponent. Kusarigama Build - Nioh Das Kusarigama ist eine der interessantesten Waffen von Nioh. I like using the high stance of Kusarigama. ... Want to say that I am really enjoying NiOh and I really hope for new sequels of this wonderful game. Greetings All, I find myself spending more time on Google in game making sure I don't mess up this build leveling up. Thingiverse is a universe of things. How do I build? Nioh: Complete Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. ". Stats: Dexterity, Skill, Body. Just started the game two days ago. Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter, or CNC. I was curious if anyone had any suggestions? Having a blast with it and am level 16 and attempting (and struggling) to take down Onryoki. ... Kusarigama is going to be our go-to weapon for this build and it is an added bonus if … To help you out with the perfect build for your playstyle, we have this Nioh 2 Builds guide. I know the fun part should be just discovering it on my own, but my playtime is limited so I want to progress when I do have time to play. Es bietet eine kleine, gebogene Klinge (ähnlich einer Sichel) an einer Kette, die am anderen Ende ein stumpfes Gewicht hat. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Waffen, die auf Stößen und regelmäßigen Schnitten beruhen, wird diese Waffe in großen Bögen geschwenkt, um schnelle Combos direkt vor Ihnen zu …