Prinz Oskar's grandson and namesake, Dr. Oskar Hohenzollern, is the current (thirty-seventh) Master of Knights. Oskar was born on July 27 1888, in Marmorpalais, Potsdam. Oskar Wilhelm Karl Hans Kuno Prinz von Preußen Graf von Ruppin (Hohenzollern) Birthdate: July 15, 1915: Birthplace: Potsdam, Brandenburg, Deutschland (Germany) Death: September 05, 1939 (24) at Wadowka, Poland (from wounds received in action.) Nous utilisons des cookies pour concevoir de manière optimale et améliorer continuellement nos sites web pour vous. [1][10], The generations are numbered from the ascension of, Master of Knights, Protestant Order of Saint John. des 100. – München, 1958. január 27.) Prince Oskar of Prussia (Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf) (27 July 1888 in Potsdam, Germany – 27 January 1958 in Munich, Germany) was the fifth son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Viktoria of … 5 Sep 1939 (aged 24) Łódzkie, Poland. Prince Oskar of Prussia. Miss Mertens has uploaded 17836 photos to Flickr. Oskar Michael Hans Karl von Preussen Joachim Franz Humbert von Preussen 1890-1920 Married 11 March 1916 (Saturday), Berlin, to Marie Auguste von Anhalt-Dessau 1898-1983 with Karl Franz Joseph von Preussen 1916-1975 Married 5 October 1940 (Saturday), Doorn, Pays-Bas, to Henriette Hermine Wanda Ida Luise von Schönaich-Carolath 1918-1972 with : His father and uncle were members, and his brother, Eitel Friedrich, served as its Master of Knights (Herrenmeister), from 1907 to 1926. Birthplace: Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfahlen, Deutschland (Germany) Immediate Family: Son of Wilhelm-Karl Prinz von Preußen and Private. Ak príncipe y princesa Oskar de Prusia, casco de plumas de German Photographer Comprar como una impresión de arte. Genre : Masculin. Modern historians credit Prinz Oskar for saving the ancient order from oblivion during the cultural purges of the Nazi regime. 3. Juli … Deutsch Wikipedia. Im Privatberuf ist er Medienmanager. Prinz von Preußen wurde 1995 an der Freien Universität Berlin zum Dr. … Date de mort : 1858. Répondre Supprimer. und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (1997) Voir aussi. Y desde 1927 a 1958 fue el gran maestre de la Orden de San Juan del Bailiazgo de Brandeburgo. Oskar von Preussen. Miss Mertens has uploaded 17836 photos to Flickr. Oskar married first name Zimmermann-Siefart. Inspired by your favorite songs, 100% Soy … Oskar Prinz von Preußen (* 27. Feb 15, 2015 - Explore Miss Mertens' photos on Flickr. Ce monsieur est le grand maitre de de la version allemande et protestante d'un ordre religieux anciennement militaire et hospitalier. Juli 1888 im Marmorpalais in Potsdam; † 27. Memorialize Oskar Von's life with photos and stories about him and the Prinz family history. Source: Immediate image source: German Historical Museum. 184358362, citing Bornstedter Friedhof, Potsdam, Stadtkreis Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany ; Maintained by Thomas Haas (contributor 48162931) . People Projects Discussions Surnames share. Oskar Prinz von Preußen war der fünfte Sohn von Wilhelm II., Deutscher Kaiser, und Auguste Viktoria von Schleswig-Holstein, später Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens und Generalmajor der Wehrmacht. Free Public Reputation Profile - For La Prince. 1 Genealogy for Oskar Wilhelm Karl Hans Kuno Prinz von Preußen Graf von Ruppin (Hohenzollern) (1915 - 1939) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Wilhelm Karl von Preußen, Prinz von Preußen 1922-2007. Gardegrenadierlandwehrregiment (3rd Reserve Regiment of Grenadier Guards), Cross for Distinction in War, 2nd Class (. Personnes représentées: Preußen, Oskar von: 1888-1958, Generalmajor, Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens, Deutschland (GND 101822340) Date : juillet 1925. Oskar Michael Hans Karl Prinz von Preußen (* 6. Príncipe Óscar de Prusia (27 de julio de 1888 - 27 de enero de 1958) fue hijo del Emperador Guillermo II y de Augusta Victoria de Schleswig-Holstein. Nous respectons votre vie privée. Wiki de:Wilhelm_Karl_Prinz_von_Preußen en:Prince_Wilhelm-Karl_of_Prussia. Jump to: navigation, search. Genealogy profile for Oskar Prinz von Preussen. Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor. Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg), Countess Ina-Marie Helene Adele Elise von Bassewitz, Christian August II, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Frederick VIII, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Countess Louise Sophie af Danneskiold-Samsøe, Princess Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Princess Adelheid of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, "Von Der Horst Killed Leading His Troops. Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf Prinz von Preußen (27 July 1888 – 27 January 1958) was the fifth son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg. Born 1888 at Marmorpalais, , Potsdam, Preußen Deutschland(DKR) and died 1957 in München, Bayern Deutschland(BRD). English: Prince Oskar of Prussia (Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf) (July 27, 1888 in Potsdam, Germany–January 27, 1958 in Munich, Germany) was a son of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Duchess Auguste Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein. Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens. Jan 8, 2015 - Explore Miss Mertens' photos on Flickr. [3] For this action, Oskar earned the Iron Cross, Second Class. 7. Répondre. Pays : Allemagne. The postcard shows a stallion in profile. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Miss Mertens has uploaded 17836 photos to Flickr. It is dedicated on the reverse to a Gräfin von Rantzau, who was a good friend of Oskar’s mother, Kaiserin Augusta Viktoria. Date de naissance : 1888. 41-53, 111. Kira von, Preussen,... Consigue fotografías de noticias de alta resolución y gran calidad en Getty Images Birthdate: May 06, 1959. Grenadierregiment "Konig Wilhelm I." He was one of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s six sons. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Oskar Ferdinand de la plus haute qualité. Oskar Prinz von Preußen (born Prussia), born 1959 Oskar, Prinz von Preußen was born on month day 1959, at birth place, to Wilhelm-Karl, Adalbert Erich Detloff Prinz von Preußen. Impreso con amor por el detalle en el lienzo de un artista real. und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika : zur Geschichte seiner ambivalenten Beziehung / Oskar Prinz von Preußen, 1997 Place of Burial: Poland: Immediate Family: Oszkár porosz királyi herceg (németül: Prinz Oskar von Preußen, teljes nevén Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf; Potsdam, 1888. július 27. Both the civil and religious ceremonies took place at Schloß Bellevue near Berlin, Prussia. Oskar had 2 siblings. Prinz Oskar von Preußen und seine Ehefrau Ina Marie Gräfin von Bassewitz It has the Prinz’s signature, and is dated 1904. von Preußen, Kaiser des Deutschen Reiches 1831-1888. After this action, he also collapsed and had to be removed from the field. Oskar von Preußen, Prinz von Preußen 1888-1958. Born 1888 at Marmorpalais, , Potsdam, Preußen Deutschland(DKR) and died 1957 in München, Bayern Deutschland(BRD). Deutsch: Ansichtskarte von Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf Prinz von Preußen . Future fighter ace Manfred von Richthofen witnessed the 22 August 1914, attack on Virton, Belgium, and wrote of Prinz Oskar’s bravery and his inspirational leadership at the front of his regiment as they went into combat. Burial. Explore Miss Mertens' photos on Flickr. phil. The Johanniterorden (The Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg)) was a favorite of the Hohenzollerns, historically, and of Prince Oskar’s immediate family specifically. Forme(s) rejetée(s) : < Oskar von Preussen (1888-1958) allemand < Oskar von Preußen (1888-1958) allemand < Oscar (1888-1958 ; prince de Prusse) français < Oscar de Prusse (1888-1958) Allikad: - isik: Wikipedia. : sitzend v.l.n.r. ¡Consulta la traducción alemán-inglés de louis ferdinand oskar christian von Preußen en el diccionario en línea PONS! 1 He gained the title of Count von Ruppin. He was married on July 31, 1914 to Gräfin Ina-Marie Helene Adele Elise von Bassewitz, who had been granted the … Oskar Michael Hans Karl von Preussen Joachim Franz Humbert von Preussen 1890-1920 Marié le 11 mars 1916 (samedi), Berlin, avec Marie Auguste von Anhalt-Dessau 1898-1983 dont Karl Franz Joseph von Preussen 1916-1975 Marié le 5 octobre 1940 (samedi), Doorn, Pays-Bas, avec Henriette Hermine Wanda Ida Luise von Schönaich-Carolath 1918-1972 dont : Prince Oskar of Prussia ( Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf) (27 July 1888 in Potsdam, Germany – 27 January 1958 in Munich, Germany) was the fifth son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein . Birth. [6], In the early 1920s, his name was listed with other members of the general staff or the royal family accused of war crimes, and was condemned in the Press for applying for a colonel’s pension from the Weimar Republic.[7]. Oskar von Preußen g. 6 Mae 1959 - Gwezenn klok. Oskar, Prinz von Preußen 1915-1939 24 aastat: Burchard, Prinz von Preußen 1917-1988 71 aastat: Herzeleide, Prinzessin von Preußen 1918-1989 70 aastat 3 lapsed Esivanemad: Friedrich III. Kaiserliche Bildersammlung. Das Paar hat drei gemeinsame Kinder: den Sohn Oskar Julius Alvo Carlos Prinz von Preußen (* 1993), die Tochter Wilhelmine Prinzessin von Preußen (* 1995) und Albert Burchard Carl Marcus Nikolaus Prinz von Preußen (* 1998). Prinz Oskar was educated as a cadet at Plön, in his mother’s ancestral Schleswig-Holstein, as his brothers had been before him. Personas/Personajes por cubierta : Obras (2) Títulos: Orden: Imperial Requiem: Four Royal Women and the Fall of the Age of Empires por Justin C. Vovk: Kaiserkinder: Die Familie Wilhelms II. List of Herrenmeisters of the Johanniterordens on the German language Wikipedia: This page was last edited on 27 January 2021, at 03:15. Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens. Miss Mertens has uploaded 17836 photos to Flickr. German royals, foreign royals, kings, queens, princes, princesses, royal families, prince houses, foreign royal houses, barons, princes SCAN-TT-01157785 Price: EUR 7.90 . He is the second son of Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia and wife Armgard von Veltheim, and the great-grandson of Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and King of Prussia. Initially the union was a morganatic marriage, but on 3 November 1919 was decreed to be dynastic in accordance with the house laws of the Royal House of Hohenzollern. Details about ANSICHTSKARTE-AK/FAMILIE PRINZ OSKAR VON PREUßEN-WEHRMA CHT-ORDEN See original listing. Parents: Wilhelm-Karl Prinz von Preußen, Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia ", "Son Of The Kaiser To Wed A Countess. Garderegiment zu Fuß (1st Regiment of Foot Guards), Leutnant from 1898, Hauptman (captain) through 1914. The couple had four children: Prince Oskar, whose health declined during the final years of his life, died of stomach cancer in a clinic in Munich on 27 January 1958, on what would have been his father's 99th birthday. Im Privatberuf ist er Medienmanager. He is the thirty-seventh Herrenmeister ("Master of the Knights" or Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg). Prince Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf of Prussia (Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf Prinz von Preußen; 27 July 1888 – 27 January 1958) was the fifth son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg. After his death in 1958, his youngest son, Prinz Wilhelm Karl, became his permanent successor. Prinz von Preussen, Oskar [Nom de personne] Prusse, Oscar de [Nom de personne] Information (par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés) Langue d'expression : Allemand. Prince Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf of Prussia was the fifth son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg. Oskar Prinz von Preußen (1888–1958) — Prinz Oskar von Preußen und Ina von Bassewitz, 1914 Prinz Oskar im Kindesalter Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf Prinz von Preußen (* 27. English: Prince Oskar of Prussia (Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf) (July 27, 1888 in Potsdam, Germany–January 27, 1958 in Munich, Germany) was a son of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Duchess Auguste Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein Oskar Prinz von Preußen was born on May 6, 1959 in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Oskar Michael Hans Karl Prinz von Preußen (* 6. Henceforth, from 21 June 1920, his wife was titled "Princess of Prussia" with the style Royal Highness. He eventually returned to duty and served on the Eastern Front, where he was again awarded the wound badge. He made the news in 1902 when he fractured his collar bone after a fall from the horizontal bars. August Wilhelm Prinz von Preußen — Prinz Oskar Prinz von Preußen, Self: History. Death. He married Auguste Zimmermann von Siefart (born 1962) and they had three children: Prince Oskar (born 1993), Princess Wilhelmine (born 1995) and Prince Albert (born 1998). Januar 1958 in München, vollständiger Name Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf) war der fünfte Sohn von Wilhelm II., Deutscher Kaiser, und Auguste Viktoria von Schleswig-Holstein, später Herrenmeister des … Dr. Oskar Prinz von Preussen: Date: June 2013: Source: Own work: Author: Cob in situ: Licensing. Memorialize Oskar Von's life with photos and stories about him and the Prinz family history. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Oskar von Preußen (Herrenmeister, 1888). Since 1999 he serves as the Herrenmeister (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg), following his father Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia and his grandfather Prince Oskar of Prussia, and he is a distant cousin of each of the respective sovereign heads of the Orders of St John of the British and Commonwealth realms (Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester), of the Netherlands (until his death in 2004 Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, since vacant) and of the Order of St John in Sweden (King Carl XVI Gustav), which constitute the Alliance of the Orders of Saint John of Jerusalem. porosz királyi és német császári herceg, a Német Császári Hadsereg vezérőrnagya, a johannita lovagrend protestáns ágának 35. nagymestere. 1. Preußen, Oskar von 1959-Prinz Oskar von Preußen (1959) 37. Personas/Personajes: Prince Oskar of Prussia. Prinz Oskar served as the thirty-fifth Master of Knights [8] from Eitel Friedrich's resignation in 1926 until his death in 1958. Neueste Aufnahmen des Prinzen Oskar von Preussen im Kreise seiner Familie. Vihje: Puuduvaid andmeid saab … During the 1930s, when the Hohenzollern family attempted to test the waters for a return to power through Nationalist Socialism, Oskar appears to have played along, and eventually was commissioned … Oscar de Prusse (ou de Hohenzollern), (en allemand, Oskar von Preußen), né à Potsdam le 27 juillet 1888 et mort le 27 janvier 1958 à Munich, est un prince de la Maison de Hohenzollern et … He is the thirty-seventh Herrenmeister ("Master of the Knights" or Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg). Januar 1958 in München, vollständiger Name Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf) war der fünfte Sohn von Wilhelm II., Deutscher Kaiser, und Auguste Viktoria von Schleswig-Holstein, später Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens und Generalmajor der Wehrmacht . This postcard has been autographed by Prinz Oskar von Preußen. ), ist der 37. Wilhelm II. Discover the family tree of Cornelie-Cecile Viktoria Irene von Preussen for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. Westpreussisches) Nr. Bornstedter Friedhof. Dates of Life 1888 bis 1958 Place of birth Potsdam Place of death München Occupation Prinz von Preußen; Militärhistoriker Religious Denomination-Authority Data GND: 101822340 | OGND | VIAF: 15145738 Alternate Names [2], During the early months of the First World War, he commanded Grenadierregiment "König Wilhelm I." It is from this struggle that he held his anti-Nazi sentiments. Oskar Prinz von Preußen was born on May 6, 1959 in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Prince Oscar of Prussia (German: Oskar Prinz von Preussen; born 6 May 1959) is a member of the House of Hohenzollern, the former ruling house of Prussia, and a pretender in line to the German throne. Prince Oscar of Prussia (German: Oskar Prinz von Preussen; born 6 May 1959) is a member of the House of Hohenzollern, the former ruling house of Prussia, and a pretender in line to the German throne. (2. German Royal Family Young Prince Grand Duke Second Empire Black And White Portraits Prince And … Prince Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf of Prussia (Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf Prinz von Preußen; 27 July 1888 – 27 January 1958) was the fifth son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg. in Fotografien por Jörg Kirschstein: Descripción del personaje. Prinz Oskar von Preussen 1915-1939. Oskar Prinz von Preussen. Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Ina Marie von Bassewitz, Gräfin von Bassewitz 1888-1973. As a consequence, the majority of royals serving in the German Armed Forces appear to have had their commissions canceled, including Prinz Oskar. As the family fell out of favor with Hitler (with the exception of Oskar’s middle brother, August Wilhelm), it became evident that there would be no restoration of the monarchy through the Nazis. - sehr ähnl. Mai 1959 in Bonn) ist der 37. Oskar Wilhelm Karl Hans Kuno of Prussia was born on month day 1915, at birth place, to Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf of Prussia and Ina-Marie Helene Adele Elise of Prussia (born von Bassewitz). During the 1930s, when the Hohenzollern family attempted to test the waters for a return to power through Nationalist Socialism, Oskar appears to have played along, and eventually was commissioned at Generalmajor zur Verfügung (rank equivalent to brigadier general, "available for assignment"), circa March 1, 1940. Article by Leigh Ann Schafer. Oskar Prinz von Preußen (* 27. Geburtstages Kaiser, Wilhelms II. Evoke Candle Co - Luxury Candles | Unser Bild zeigt den Prinzen mit seiner Familie im Garten seiner Villa in Potsdam. Oskar Prinz von Preußen war der fünfte Sohn von Wilhelm II., Deutscher Kaiser, und Auguste Viktoria von Schleswig-Holstein, später Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens und Generalmajor der Wehrmacht. Prinz Oskar was born on July 27, 1888, a month after his father had become the German Emperor. Juli 1888 im Marmorpalais in Potsdam; † 27. Oskar Von Preußen Hohenzollern Prinz, Prinz's bio. Westpreussisches) Nr. Prinz Oskar von Preussen 1915-1939. Carte postale Prince Oskar von Preußen, Hunde, NPG 4410 maintenant achètent pour seulement 5,00 € - Zustand, siehe Scan. Miss Mertens has uploaded 17836 photos to Flickr. Victoria von Großbritannien und Irland, Kaiserin des Deutschen Reiches 1840-1901. , Deutscher Kaiser 1888-1918, König von Preussen, Familientreffen des Hauses Hohenzollern in, Berlin anl. Oskar Prinz von Preußen, Self: History. Den:102234. relacionados con: Prince Oskar of Prussia. relacionados con: Prince Oskar of Prussia. Entrenador de vocabulario, tablas de conjugación, opción audio gratis. Trouvez les Oskar Ferdinand images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. 21. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Prince Oskar Of Prussia de la plus haute qualité. cecil 24 juillet 2019 à 20:27. [9] On 27 July 1914, prior to the wedding, Ina Marie was granted the title "Countess von Ruppin". Oskar Michael Hans Karl von Preußen — Oskar Michael Hans Karl Prinz von Preußen (* 6. Oskar von Preussen: ISNI : ISNI 0000 0000 5490 2211: Oskar (prince de Prusse) : œuvres (1 ressources dans Œuvres textuelles (1) Wilhelm II. Märkused. < Oskar von Preussen (1959-....) Source(s) : Wilhelm II. Trouvez les Prince Oskar Of Prussia images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. Koostanud David A. Schmidt, Seisuga 29. jaanuar 2021 – Potsdam, Stadtkreis Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany. ANSICHTSKARTE-AK/FAMILIE PRINZ OSKAR VON PREUßEN-WEHRMA CHT-ORDEN: Condition:--not specified. Prince Oscar graduated as Ph.D. at the Free University of Berlin in 1995 and made a career as a media manager, amongst other as head of the German branch of Discovery Channel, founder of KiKa, new media manager of Hubert Burda Media Group and radio manager of Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. 12 Jul 1915. Oskar Prinz von Preußen was born on 6 May 1959 at Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfahlen, Germany G. 1 He is the son of Wilhelm-Karl Adalbert Erich Detloff Prinz von Preußen and Irmgard Else Helene von Veltheim. Oskar Prinz von Preußen was born on May 6, 1959 in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Ended: 03 Jan, 2021 22:31:31 GMT. (2. 1 He gained the title of Prinz von Preußen. Prince Oscar to Contract a Morganatic Marriage with a Premier's Daughter", Handbuch über den Königlich Preußischen Hof und Staat, Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Königreich Preußen, Johanniterorden#Kapitel_und_Ordensregierung, Newspaper clippings about Prince Oskar of Prussia,, Major generals of the German Army (Wehrmacht), Grand Crosses of the Order of the Red Eagle, Knights of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg), Grand Crosses of the House Order of the Wendish Crown, Recipients of the Order of the Netherlands Lion, Honorary Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Explore Miss Mertens' photos on Flickr. Robert M. Clark, Jr., The Evangelical Knights of Saint John; Dallas, Texas: 2003; pp. Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens. Mai 1959 in Bonn) ist der 37. Notes. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Oskar von Preussen (12 Jul 1915–5 Sep 1939), Find a Grave Memorial no. Date: circa June 1913 . [5] Awarded the wound badge for his injuries, he spent much of the fall of 1914 recovering from what was reported to be a heart condition. Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens Oskar prince de Prusse 1959-.... Oskar 1959- Prince of Prussia Mai 1959 in Bonn), promovierter Historiker (Dr. Oskar Von Preußen Hohenzollern Prinz, Prinz's bio. Jun 10, 2013 - Explore Miss Mertens' photos on Flickr. With the early battlefield deaths of Oskar’s son (also named Oskar, killed in Poland, September 1939) and his nephew (Wilhelm, son of the Crown Prince, died of wounds received in France, May 1940) the German people harbored a newfound sentiment for the royal family amidst the totalitarian regime that was Nazi Germany.