Topics: Arts and Culture, Funny, Geography, History, Modern Technology, Movies, Books, TV-Shows, Music, Random, Science and Work. Unanswered So every now and then during this quarantine, my friends and I have been having PowerPoint nights on Zoom as a way to connect with each other and have a good time. 10 funny presentation ideas you can use in your class that will send your entire class alonsigde the teacher in laughing fits we bet. In: Awesome, Humor, Ya Nailed It. No, mum, bathing doesn’t become more fun if you call it a foam party. 222 Disliked 0 1. Trivia & Quiz questions for your next PowerPoint Presentation. This group of friends created the concept of DTL or Drink, Talk, Learn. Let's be real, PowerPoint presentations are no joke especially for introverts but with funny presentation ideas, they can win. A PowerPoint party is exactly as nerdy as it sounds, but it’s the most fun I’ve had with friends while being sheltered in place. And to really make it authentic, the dress code is business casual. Get some ideas for your next trivia quiz night or presentation with our collection of original questions. Jan 18, 2018 289 Liked! Make presenting fun—while staying socially distant at home—with this comprehensive guide and list of ideas for PowerPoint parties. Party where every guest gives a drunken Powerpoint presentation is an amazing idea By: Alex. My friends and I are having a PowerPoint night on Zoom and I need some funny ideas! Schedule The Due Date. The rules are simple: you have to create a 3-minute PowerPoint presentation for the rest of the party and present it up front while everyone (including yourself if you choose to do so) drinks merrily. Learn how to host a PowerPoint Party, learn what a PowerPoint party is, see PowerPoint party ideas, and more with this guide to hosting PowerPoint parties. This fun, quick thinking, on-the-spot style game originates from TikTok, the hot new social app. Some users have been creating fun PowerPoints to share with their friends — and it's aptly called, a PowerPoint party. This game is simple and fun, and improves your public speaking skills in a very creative, care-free way. A PowerPoint party may sound like an oxymoron, or a trick your mum used to use to get you to do things. Their topics ranged from ranking Disney princesses to a presentation on Parks and Recs characters and more. Explore Top Funny Presentation Topics, Latest Essay topics, presentation papers, 5 to 10 minutes presentation topics, seminar paper, 2019 Speech Samples ideas, creative essay topics, group discussion, GD for Interviews, College and School Students for the year 2019 2020. Also, if you want to add even more of a twist to the game, for the adults, there is a drinking version of Powerpoint Nights, details found below. It's most important to first set a date and time for the presentations to take place. If you want to have a Zoom PowerPoint party with your friends, it's pretty simple to do so. A group of teenagers from Texas shared with The Atlantic’s Friendship Files that they were using the PowerPoint parties for those exact reasons. If you’re looking for a fun and fresh game to liven up your next party or Chiver meet-up, you’ve come to the right place. PowerPoint party time: throw the virtual event of the year 3 Apr 2020.