. 9 Thus the Lord assured Abraham: I will confirm my covenant as a perpetual covenant between me and you. 5-8). For our purposes here, it is sufficient to recognize that the changing of Jacobâs name to Israel is linked with the formula, âThe God of Abraham and Isaac.â A bit later, Jacobâs name change and the blessings of the divine presence in accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant are conveyed and confirmed to Jacob upon his successful entrance into his homeland (Gen. 35:9-15). Isaac in turn became a channel of blessing for his descendants. They had 2 children: Anna Gelb (born Isaak) and one other child. As Abram entered Canaan in accordance with the Lordâs command, God revealed to him that this land would belong to him and to his descendants (v.7). 6 Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.”. Thus at a time when Isaac visited the King of the Philistines in Gerar (Gen 26:1), the Lord appeared to him (v. 2) and entered into covenant with him. 12 U. Cassuto, A Commentary on the Book of Exodus, trans. Abraham had 6 siblings: Jakob Isaak, Katharina Harder (born Isaak) and 4 other siblings. One of these was the reinstitution of the Passover. These were concluded by a narrative epilogue detailing some historical notices (34:1-12). They, however, were about to experience the fulfillment of Godâs promise to the patriarchs: Then the LORD said to him, âThis is the land I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob when I said, âI will give it to your descendants.â I have let you see it, but you will not cross over there.â (Deut 34:4). 16 The use of the name Isaac here reinforced the covenantal nature of Mosesâ request, for it reflects Jacobâs name change at the time of Godâs blessing of Jacob as an heir of the Abrahamic Covenant and his name being included as the third part of the covenant formula. This, however seems to be contrary to Godâs word to Moses that, âNo man can see me and liveâ (Deut. 19 For further information concerning Hoseaâs prophetic teaching concerning Jacobâs struggle with the angel of the Lord (Hos. This was in keeping with Godâs own faithfulness to the terms of the covenant, which included judgment for infidelity. 11:25-32). Accordingly, Larkin observes, âThrough the âseed,â who is the Messiah, the blessing was intended to extend beyond the Jews to the Gentiles, but the Jews still had priority in receiving the fulfillment, for God raised up his servant Jesus and sent him âfirstâ to them (3:26).24 The implication is clear. (Gen. 17:7). The same is no less true for Godâs people today (cf. Abraham - (Isaak -) Jakob: Israels Väter im Johannesevangelium. Thus he declared himself to be: the bread of life (John 6:35; cf. God would yet deal with his people as a nation in accordance with his covenant, so that eventually Israel would enter the land of promise. Il est le fils d'Abraham et de Sarah. 6:10; cf. Israel Abrahams (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1974), 38. Although both of his twin sons, Esau and Jacob, were to receive the Lordâs blessings, it was the younger son Jacob who was the Lordâs choice as a source of spiritual heritage (cf. Upon hearing this, Moses interceded for the peopleâs safety and in so doing besought the Lord on the basis of his covenantal promise: Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel your servants, to whom you swore by yourself and told them, âI will multiply your descendants like the stars of heaven, and all this land I have spoken about I will give to your descendants, and that they will inherit it forever.â (v. 13)16. Thus the God of Abraham became the God of Abraham and Isaac. One of these is found in a dialogue between Jesus and the Sadducees. 2:9-12; Rev. 9-10). Das Leben der Erzväter Israels Abraham - Isaak - Jakob / Josef. Yet it was not too late, for the Lord stood ready to receive repentant sinners who put their faith in the resurrected Christ Jesus. Certainly God must discipline his people as the covenant prescribed (cf. 3:28-29; cf. The Book of Genesis starts from the creation of the light and continues to sketch the ancient human history briefly until the call of Abraham. But actually, what does the bible says about the soul of a person after his death. Even then, however, God would never forget his covenant promises to the descendants of the patriarchs: However, when they confess their iniquity and their ancestorsâ iniquity which they committed by trespassing against me, by which they also walked hostility against me⦠and then their uncircumcised hearts become humbled and they make up for their iniquity, I will remember my covenant with Jacob and also my covenant with Isaac and also my covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land. Croire que Dieu peut faire l’impossible et que rien n’est trop difficile pour Lui. By doing so they could experience the times of refreshment prophesied in Godâs Word. It is the Second Coming Christ? 9:1-5, 13-16), Godâs holy standards were embedded in the regulations of the Mosaic Covenant (i.e., the Law) made between God and Israel at Mount Sinai. In a classic expression of true faith it is said that, âAbram believed the LORD, and the LORD considered his response of faith as proof of genuine loyaltyâ (v. 6). 21-23). I have not come to abolish these things but to fulfill themâ (Matt. According to the bible, Isaac represent the Only Son of God, Jesus. 33:1; cf. Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, 13 vols. 7-17 and covenantal pledge (vv. The God of Abraham and Isaac now became the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob–According to the bible, the angel who has the seal of God appears at the wake of a series of signs. The story culminates by relating how Jacob, after sending some of his herdsmen ahead with gifts designed to appease Esau and after sending his family across the Jabbok River, was left alone (v. 24). Therefore, he prayed to the Lord for help: âO God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, O LORD, you said to me, âReturn to your land and to your relatives and I will make you prosper.â â¦You said, âI will certainly make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the seashore, too numerous to countââ (vv. Abraham, Isaak und Jakob: die Vätergeschichten des Alten Testaments in Ausmalbildern für Kinder Published: (1994) Abraham, Isaak und Jakob: [Rezension] by: … Third, both covenants are solemn reminders that the Lord in turn expects faithfulness from his followers. As such he directs all things, including the details of human history, so that as Israelâs covenant God he could be counted on to keep his promises. 26:27-29; 2 Cor. He was raised in the Mennonite village of Rosenthal, part of the Chortitza Colony, but later settled in the U.S. Then Moses once again interceded with the Lord on their behalf, in order that God might forgive them (cf. While they were there they had the opportunity to heal a man who had been lame since birth (Acts 3:1-11). Yet, there is still more. This book contains interesting stories of many generations, telling us how they lived and what their relationships to each other were like. Noté /5: Achetez Abraham, Isaak und Jakob. Another day is given to us that we may seek God and the Land of Truth. Share your thoughts Complete your review. A summary and applications for todayâs believers will bring the study to its close. Our exploration of the patriarchal formula of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has disclosed that, rather than being a mere linguistic or literary feature, it is a recurring and unifying biblical motif, which carries great significance. The bible says it goes to God. by Henk Binnendijk. The LORD your God is merciful and compassionate; he will not reject you if you return to him. Abraham, Isaak, Jakob, oder, Die Grundlagen des Glaubens : 1. ed., 2008) 1:392. In that message Peter laid a foundation for identifying himself with his Jewish audience by referring to their common belief in âThe God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our forefathersâ (v.12). Is it medically safe to engage in ten days of total fasting monthly taking only water. Genealogy profile for Rabbi Isaak Jakob Flehinger. 30:20; cf. These include not only natural descendants but those of faith, and especially those of genuine faith in Christ Jesus. Later, it tells the exiled life of Jacob to his uncle’s house and the children born to him at the place. La foi d’Abraham est une foi vivante. Moreover, Peterâs Jewish audience should remember that were themselves heirs of that promise. 12:2-6), see Richard D. Patterson and Andrew E. Hill, Minor Prophets; Hosea-Malachi, Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, ed. 1 Star - I hated it 2 Stars - I didn't like it 3 Stars - It was OK 4 Stars - I liked it 5 Stars - I loved it. On the other hand, his covenant obligations demanded that he punish his people for their sins. 2006) 12: 405. Nevertheless, as united to Christ believers must remember that Jesus said, âDo not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. As was their custom, one day Peter and John went up to the temple at the time of the afternoon prayer. 1:6-3:29), he reminds them that the land to which they were coming was theirs. (2 Kings 13:22-23). For it is in Christ Jesus that all of Godâs covenantal promises will be realized both in the future and in righteous living here and now. From this point up to the end of Genesis, the rapid which travelled fast through a long distance of time suddenly becomes an Amazonian river meandering through the wide flat land making snake-like traces following the footsteps of Abraham and his descendants until the death of his great grandson Joseph. James Martin, 3 vols. 11-12). 33:23-26; Ps. vv. Exod. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. Genesis 17:19 21 But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year.” 22 When he had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him. Mose/Genesis 12 die Geschichte Israels. 4:1-5, 23-25). Abraham married Katharina Isaak (born Lorenz) on month day 1930, at age 20 at marriage place. (vv. Accordingly, Thomas Edward McComiskey, (âHosea,â in The Minor Prophets, ed. Together all the texts we have considered demonstrate that the Lord was truly the God of Abraham. Answer me. To teach us the truth and to take us to the land of Eternity God came as man in the flesh. The belated birth of Isaac is followed by the story of twins born to Isaac and their rivalry to win the right of the firstborn of their father Abraham. Gen. 50:24). Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Abraham Isaac Jacob. Heb 6:1-12). All this will come to pass because Abraham obeyed me and kept my commandments, my charge, my statutes, and my laws. People Projects Discussions Surnames Then what are the signs that foreshadows the coming of the angel? 9-14), and (3) the promise that Sarah would conceive and bear a son (v. 16). The use of the patriarchal formula not only reminded the Israelites of who was their God, but also demonstrated that those who are faithful to the Lord could call upon him and have their prayers answered (cf. During the night, he encountered a âman,â with whom he wrestled until daybreak. In still other times Godâs patient tolerance of his peoplesâ spiritual stubbornness testifies of his graciousness and mercy. 13 Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., âExodus,â in The Expositorâs Bible Commentary, eds. E. Ray Clendenen (Nashville, Broadman & Holman, 2000), 240. Who is Abraham and what is the message of God in him? Subsequently, however, the other Israelites were to experience the Lordâs faithfulness to his promise in the Abrahamic Covenant.18 In all of this the presence of the ancient formula associated with the Abrahamic covenant once again gives assurance of the holy faithful character of the Lord. Too often he was faced with the peoplesâ rebellious hearts. When Moses turned aside to view this spectacle, the Lord spoke to him out of the bush telling him not to come any closer, for he was on holy ground. 21-22). Moreover, this is to be an everlasting covenant with the people of Israel (vv. de Stein, Georg: ISBN: 9783403025160 sur amazon.fr, des millions de livres livrés chez vous en 1 jour This was doubtless reassuring to Moses as well, for the contest with Pharaoh was about to begin. Throughout the days of the Old Testament, then, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel was ever his peopleâs gracious and merciful God -- even though in accordance with his covenant faithfulness he must of necessity judge them for their infidelity and sins. God wants us to overcome the world and sinful desires and finish the race for the imperishable crown of life in the kingdom of heaven. Finally, to fulfill the promise, when Abraham was 100 years old, a son was born to him and his wife Sarah. vv. This formulaic pattern occurs three more times in the Genesis record. We can confirm this through the rich man in the parable. At first sight, todayâs reader of this account may wonder just why Peter used the precise formula, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in referring to âThe God of our forefathers.â 2 It is a fact, of course, that the Jews commonly used this formula in their times of daily prayers. In other words, Abraham’s family history contains a spiritual message behind it which God intended to give to His own people who would receive salvation. Still he clung tightly to his opponent in order to receive a blessing from him. I will make nations of you and kings will descend from you. God gave Genesis the beginning as prophecies to teach us “what is still to come.” The book actually lets us know what is going to happen in the end time. Revelation 2:7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Therefore, Isaac, the son of Abraham actually represents Jesus, the Son of God and the Age of Son. The Hebrew term for Godâs name, LORD (or Yahweh), together with Godâs self revelation as the I Am, carries the significance that he is exclusively the One being who is eternally self-existent and who causes everything to be.11 Therefore, the people could rely on him to fulfill all his promises made to the patriarchs to make them his people and to give them their own special land. 6-9). Al Abraham naskigxis Isaak, kaj al Isaak naskigxis Jakob, kaj al Jakob naskigxis Jehuda kaj liaj fratoj, Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 1:2 Finnish: Bible (1776) Abraham siitti Isaakin. The promises given to Isaac are familiar ones: the land, a vast number of descendants, and an avenue of blessing for all people: I will be with you and will bless you, for I will give these lands to you and to your descendants, and I will fulfill the solemn promise I made to your father Abraham. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’. 4:5). Mose/Genesis 50 erzählt wird. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, Rev. This led them to devise a substitute religion and so they fell into idolatry. Amos 3:2), but Israel is still his own and in accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant he will never forget them (cf. Donât be like your fathers and brothers who were unfaithful to the LORD God of their ancestors, provoking him to destroy them, as you can see. The rich man also died and was buried. In later years as Abram aged and he and Sarai still had no son, Abram became increasingly concerned about the realization of the promise of heirs. For their part, Godâs people in Mosesâ time were to respond properly and like Abraham (Gen 15:6) to be people of faith. v. 5). As Abram (later, Abraham) was instructed by God to leave his own relatives and country to go to one which the Lord would lead him, the Lord gave him some amazing promises: I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you and I will make your name great, so that you will exemplify divine blessing. 13:21-14:9). Accordingly, Joseph declared, âGod will surely come to you and lead you up from this land to the land he swore on oath to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobâ (v. 24). Philip W. Comfort, 18 vols. E. Ray Clendenen [Nashville, 2005], 560) points out, âMuch ancient Jewish and Christian speculation arose from this fascinating encounter of Jacob and the âmanâ.â Jewish tradition held that Jacobâs opponent was an angel. Since God is the creator and former of our spirit, after the separation from the body the spirit will go back to the origin, that is, God. (vv. Although some have viewed Genesis 17:1-16 as a suzerainty type of covenant, it is best understood as a royal grant type. As Moses had done so, he called Godâs attention to his promise with regard to the land to give it to âyour servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobâ as their homeland (v. 27). At first sight Godâs message that the people did not know him as LORD stands in stark contrast with the fact that the name LORD appears â162 times in Genesis.â14 The point, however, is that although the name LORD was not unknown to Godâs people, now the people of Mosesâ day would come to a much fuller knowledge. Passer au contenu principal.fr. In other cases it may reflect a dominant theme, often one that is well known and thus point to an earlier event. 20 Grant R. Osborne, âJames,â in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, ed. 6:13-20). 9:22-29). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Abraham Isaak (October 4, 1856 – December 10, 1937) was a newspaper editor and Russian anarchist. Jer. In the spiritual realm there is only one who can be called ‘Father’ that is God because God is the only one who gave birth to the souls of people. 3:26-27; 4:21-22), Moses was told that although the Lord was graciously allowing him (3:25; 4:21) to see the land, he would not be allowed to cross over the Jordan River with the other Israelites. As we noted in our opening remarks, Peter uses the occasion of the healing of the lame man first to deny any personal power of healing (Acts 3:12) and then to deliver a message to the amazed crowd that had gathered around them (vv. not only in the northern kingdom but in Judah as well. Isaiah 46:10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I will confirm my covenant as a perpetual covenant between me and you. God divided his salvation work into three ages: the Age of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Elijahâs prayer was answered in a convincing, spectacular fashion (vv.38-39). At that time he had to intercede passionately with God on behalf of the people so that they would not utterly be destroyed. In a bit later account we are told that when Abram did finally settle down in Canaan, the Lord reaffirmed his promise concerning that land (Gen 13:15). Jesus then reminded them of the well-known incident of Moses standing before the burning bush saying, Even Moses revealed that the dead are raised in the passage about the bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. It was now time to make this happen and Moses was to be Godâs representative before the Egyptian Pharaoh (vv. Godâs people in Old Testament times were to live in accordance with Godâs revealed standards of righteousness and proper conduct. 2:10). 1 Pet. It is noteworthy as well that in the formula utilized here the patriarchal name Israel occurs rather than Jacob. Much of what is expressed in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers is emphasized in Deuteronomy. In accordance with Godâs previous pronouncements to him (cf. Elsewhere Paul challenges his Jewish hearers to remember their great privilege of being descendants of the patriarchs through divine election by their God. Although the precise formula of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (or Israel) does not appear often after the days of Moses, Godâs promises associated with this formula occur frequently. Before the appearance of the angel, the bible teaches that there would be signs in the sun, moon and the stars. 29-30).10. In the parable of “A Rich Man and Lazarus,” Jesus teaches us the spiritual meaning of Abraham. When the people decided to follow the negative report, they aroused Godâs anger. Here once again Jacob is linked with the God of Abraham and Isaac. 2 Mose 6:3 German: Modernized und bin erschienen Abraham, Isaak und Jakob, daß ich ihr allmächtiger Gott sein wollte; aber mein Name, HERR, ist ihnen nicht offenbaret worden. . Peterâs hearers should place full confidence in Godâs plan, by repenting and receiving Jesus as he truly is, the Savior of all people and their promised Messiah. 21 Note also the remembrance of Jacob in the narrative of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacobâs Well (John 4: 5-6, 12). Indeed, as âheirs of God and also fellow heirs with Christâ (Rom. And the story ends with the death of Joseph. Then what is the spiritual meaning behind it? 8; 12:24). It is because Abraham is a figure given to us to represent God. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob–By comparing these two verses of the bible we can come to know that the angel in Revelation is none other than the Second Coming Christ himself who would come in the last day to give salvation to the chosen people of God. 5:17). 16-17). He expects his followers likewise to be faithful to covenant requirements. The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above; ancient of everlasting days, and God of love. It is in the account of his contest with the prophets of Baal that we find the familiar patriarchal formula. This site is protected by wp-copyrightpro.com, [WMSCOG] Figurative Meaning Of Clouds In The Bible, Abraham’s Family History And God’s Salvation Work, [GOD THE MOTHER] The Bride Of Christ, God The Mother, The Last Adam and the Last Eve, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother, A Priest Ministering With the Urim and Thummim, http://lastadamandeve.com/something-good-in-us/, A Priest Ministering With the Urim and Thummim Urim and Thummim. All the families of earth will pronounce blessings on one another using your name and that of your descendants. Sie wird als Geschichte der Familie Abrahams, seines Sohnes Isaak und dessen Sohnes Jakob erzählt. Moreover, the principles of holiness in the law are now written on the hearts of true believers under provisions in the New Covenant, which Christ himself has initiated (cf. That such was the case is attested throughout the following narratives concerning the life of Abraham. (Gen 12:2). 5 Victor P. Hamilton, The Book of Genesis: Chapters 1-17, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990), 373. This was all in accordance with what the Lord had told Abraham many long years before (Gen. 15:12-14; cf. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob–What God wants us to know through the family history of Abraham is, more importantly, about the people of God who would receive salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven. 6:10-15). One of them is found in the narrative of Elijahâs prophetic ministry. De God van Abraham, Isaak en Jakob (Dutch Edition) eBook: Binnendijk, Henk: Amazon.fr. 2 Cor. 3:16). I will make you extremely fruitful. Deut. It is true that Christians, whether Jew or Gentile, are free from the ritual requirements of the Mosaic Law (Gal. Having commended the centurionâs faith, Jesus declares that not only Jewish people but all people of true faith in Christ will enjoy fellowship as Godâs family: âI tell you that many will come from the east and west to share the banquet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heavenâ (Matt. 9, 12). Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob–Then how about the only son of Abraham, Isaac? Les meilleures offres pour Geschichten von Abraham, Isaak und Jakob, 2 Audio-CDs | Livre | état très bon sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Moreover, Abrahamâs faith was one of settled obedience to the Lord and his leading, even to the extent of being willing to sacrifice his only son Isaac if the Lord so commanded it (Gen. 22:1-14). 11:8-19) as well as the progenitor of an abundant number of descendants (Heb. zum Artikel; Der biblischen Erzählung zufolge beginnt in 1. Die Kinderbibel: Das Alte Testament in 5-Minuten-Stories als Bilderbuch-Stream!! Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob– The story starts from the call of Abraham by God and his journey to the land of Canaan. Then who is it that appears as prophetical Jacob to seal the people of God in the last days? According to this verse, we can come to know the purpose of Genesis. Ecclesiastes 12:7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Therefore, the Lord again assured him that he was indeed Abramâs God and that Abram would not only have an heir but a vast number of descendants (Gen. 15:1-5). It is Christ Ahnsahnghong. Let us confirm this through the salvation work of God in the last days. Fifth, the repeated use of the patriarchal formula in connection with Godâs covenants finds its most significant application in the promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, the One in whom all of the assured promises of God will be fulfilled. Genesis 32 records the account of Jacobâs return to his homeland after many years of service to his uncle, during which he acquired Leah and Rachel as his wives. Je suis apparu à Abraham, à Isaac, et à Jacob, comme le [Dieu] Fort, Tout-puissant, mais je n'ai point été connu d'eux par mon nom d'Eternel. Before examining the covenant in Genesis 17, it will be helpful to note certain details about covenant structure and content. âNeither faith nor works can function properly apart from each other. For his part, God would âaffirm that you are his people and that he is your God, just as he promised you and he swore by oath to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobâ (v. 13). Thus Kaiser is correct in declaring, âMoses and Israel (and later even the Egyptians) will know what âI am the LORDâ means.â13, In the course of Mosesâ meetings with the Pharaoh God again spoke to Moses. Thus during the Israelite encampment before Mount Sinai, God called Moses up the mountain to give him special instructions concerning proper worship procedures for the people to follow. 18 For further details, see the discussions in Peter C. Craigie, The Book of Deuteronomy, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976), 404-405; Eugene H. Merrill, Deuteronomy, The New American Commentary, ed. ;) Enjoy!!! 4:20-22), may have full confidence in the promise of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel to meet our every need (cf. We can learn about history, family, conflicts, love, etc… It contains all the aspects of human life and can give us a lot of teachings and lesson for our life. Therefore, the patriarchal formula held importance in Peterâs remarks by demonstrating that Jesus was the ultimate fulfillment of Mosesâ teaching and thus was of supreme importance to the Jewish peopleâthe very ones who had rejected him. As he did so, he again clearly identified himself as the LORD and added, âI appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name âthe LORDâ I was not known to themâ (Exod. 9:5). For like Jacob of old, the Israelites of Elijahâs time (i.e., during the reign of Ahab and his wife Jezebel) needed to hold fast to the Lord if they were to experience his favor and blessing. 6 C. F. Keil and F. Delitzsch, Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament: The Pentateuch, ed. One of these is Hezekiah (729-699 B.C.). He gave it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as a lasting promise, saying, âTo you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance.â(Ps 105:8-11). The next appearance of the formulaic pattern of the patriarchal pattern the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob occurs in connection with the incident of the burning bush. He goes on to add, âIt is best to understand that the angel of the Lord as a self-manifestation of God in a way that would communicate certain aspects of Godâs character peculiar to the existing circumstances.â.