The One Who Waits is Helena Walker as an ascended Homo Deus, creator of Explorer Notes on Extinction . If you came directly to this page you can find the other Explorer Notes on page Explorer Notes. Quick Guide to Dossiers & Explorer Notes. I have a question. A list of coordinates for all Ark Note locations. Collecting these notes will give you more information about the creatures that inhabit the island. Level 5 . A TrueAchievements player has outlined a command for Ark which will unlock all achievements related to Explorer Notes in the game, including a … Leading up to the release of Extinction, you will be able to find drops of Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Note #1 (Thanks Nagafen) Helena. Explorers Notes are similar to dino dossiers, and are also located around the map. You can find them in the form of Dino Dossiers and Explorer Notes. I understand ark started as a dino survival game and the evolved (ahahah) over the years. Earlier word was received that the Extinction Chronicles V update will hit soon! Extinction Explorer Notes [ edit | edit source ] Les Notes des explorateurs sont des objets récoltables éparpillés sur The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction et Genesis: Part 1, qui sont soit un Dossier soit un récit de survivants réels destinés à raconter l'histoire derrière les Arches.Les notes des explorateurs sont collectées en marchand ou en volant près d'elles. Explorer Notes are collectible items scattered across The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, and Genesis: Part 1 that are either a Dossier or a piece of narrative from actual survivors intended to tell the story behind the ARKs. Note. Helena's Extinction Explorer Notes (1-30) 0 replies [MGR] SamGregImmortal. Cheat SetPlayerPos -108490 55103 -36252 . And especially why dinosaurs on earth in extinction? Ark Note Location Coordinates List. ARK: Survival Evolved. Why dinosaurs? Explorer Notes or Genesis Chronicles can be found on The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration and Extinction. First of all, your work on ark is fantastic and makes the game so much better. There are various secret collectibles hidden all around the island of ARK. I often wish they made an animated series out of the explorer notes. Posts: 103 . By chicca roqs ... Hier die Genesis Chronicle Notes für Extinction: #12 X -271176 Y -178530 Z-2392 #13 X 60074 Y -292269 Z 13582 #14 X 211676 Y 25775 Z -44401 #15 X-271380 Y 279568 Z … Collecting notes rewards you with experience and an XP boost for 10 minutes. Note #2 (Thanks Nagafen) Helena. Forums » ARK Explorer Notes » Helena's Extinction Explorer Notes (1-30) » » Tweet. Cheat SetPlayerPos -10595 68325 -36664. Votes: +131 . LEVEL 5 . Cheat SetPlayerPos -160667 7421 -21859. Note. On October 16th, a client and server side update will bring Extinction Chronicles V to you on PC, Xbox, and PS4. Explorer Notes (Extinction) Helena Walker (Extinction) Note. Click the copy button to copy the setplayerpos teleport command to your clipboard. Note #4 (FEARIUN) Helena. The Explorer Notes are … ... Explorer Notes - Extinction. It's been a while since my last entry, hasn't it? Note. Collecting an Explorer Note gives you … Note #3 (Thanks Nagafen) Helena.