Advertisements. Falasi +10 Epheria: Old Prow x1. Added a new ship, Epheria Carrack, which can be upgraded from the Epheria Caravel and Epheria Galleass. Ship Upgrade Permit: Epheria Frigate x1. ; You can hand over the first trade goods to Ravinia’s sisters to receive the Crow Merchants Guild's Barter Voucher. Enhanced Island Tree Coated Plywood x 300, Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Beginner) x60, Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square x180, Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Expert) x30. For concerns, please visit any BDO branch nearest you, or contact us thru our 24x7 hotline (+632) 8631-8000 or email us via Different from regular ship items, the Enhancement level of new ship equipment items will not decrease even if the Enhancement fails. It works like a force enhance. Material. However farming those requires 90 days of dailies with lots of combat activity. BDO's latest insights into future global tech hubs. 03 February 2021 10:01; Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfits Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfits 27 January 2021 13:10; Patch notes - 27th January 2021 Check this week's Patch … [–]Tenshl 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (1 child). Ship Upgrade Permit: Epheria Galleass x1. Currently i have 4 barter routes, I trade in all the level 1 items I get 5 times a day + the quest that gives you 50 of the stones. Do not impersonate other users or official Kakao Community Managers or Game Masters. Epheria Galleass Upgrade Method. If you are looking for more basic information, such as how to craft a basic fishing boat then you can find this in our Ships Starter Guide.Also check out our Bartering Guide if you are looking for informtion on upgrading to an Epheria Caravel or Galleass ID Initial ship Upgraded ship Materials; ID Initial ship Upgraded ship Materials; Loading data from server – You can check in your existing ship to the Wharf Manager and then add materials to upgrade it to a more advanced ship. The Epheria Caravel/Galleass are upgrades of the Sailboat/Frigate respectively. Rendered by PID 7605 on r2-app-06a29cd1195d34284 at 2021-02-10 08:45:33.699356+00:00 running 0502e58 country code: US. To Upgrade Caravel (T4 trade ship) or Galleas (T4 combat) to carrack you need round about the same materials. New costume will drop from Bloodstorm Nouver, Don't download BlackDesert+ on your phone. Heating Fiery Black Stone x10 a Starlight Crystal x1. The necessary materials for the upgrade can be forcefully enhanced from any Enhancement Level. Ocean Current and Wind: Tame the wind and take advantage of it in this new navigation system 2. I see it alot both downwards and upwards. 84% Upvoted. Feel free to post or promote your original content, Twitch, or YouTube as long as you are an active member of this community. Ruddy Manganese Nodule x50. Do not intentionally cause drama or call out players. In this patch guide I will go into detail about the sea monsters and other updates brought this patch. Galleass Upgrade stuff (self.blackdesertonline), My pics of what is needed to upgrade my ships; mostly so I don't have to keep going back to port to check,,, [–]PorkBunGuy 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (1 child), Cries in elder tree saps, old tree barks, and white cedar saps, [–]PelasommaOokOokSpin 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). It has enough loading space (30 slots) and capacity (10,000LT), allowing the ship to be advantageous for trades and barters. Defeat Khan, the . save. Old Totem of the Sea. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: and join one of thousands of communities. Spam is not. Upgrade your boat, hire your crew and go barter and fight monsters on the huge and vast ocean! Likewise, original content is great! Hardpillar is wrong, u need Log x 1000 & 1000 Plywood Hardener. Upgrading your ship. BDO Epheria Frigate Upgrade: Galleass or Improved – Design, Materials, Quest. If you'd like a Twitch flair with a link to your stream, message the moderators. [–]joker17j 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (2 children). 100% chance. I would also advise having a look through our Advance Ships guide which will give more detail about things like sailors, ship gear and the new ship UI. The improved versions are just lateral upgrades that give captain controlled cannons. The Black Spirit may be called upon to perform an upgrade on this item. This guide covers Tier 1 and higher ships (Epheria ships, Guild Galley and the Carrack). didn't know about holding it to increase the range , thanks . [–]dotcom09Wizard 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). [–]irrelevantlyrelevant 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (1 child). You can hand over the Crow Merchants Guild's Barter Voucher to Ravinia in exchange for the Verdant Black Stone. [–]Blackbirdm3 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). Problem with BDO is the end game … 2. Need 25 more stones to complete mine. Black Desert Online - Pearlshop Update (February 09th, 2021) [KR]. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. People said they are going from the improved frigate to the caravel, but hows that possible? Tonight Cronmoth completed the trio and made me the mother of dragons! It has 4 Cannons on each side, making them 8 in total, which allows the ship to be advantageous for battles. level 1. Pure Pearl Crystal. If too much green is cut away, it will not grow back and the tree. Upgrade stuff bdo Solution Tableau des Stacks Black Desert Online - Wiki-Drago . Defeat Sea Monsters, Processing. The following is banned: NSFW/lewd/nude/clothing mod/sexualized content of classes that are underage or classes that appear to be under 18 years; Bikini/underwear or revealing content of any class that lore-wise or appears underage, even if they are purchased in-game; Visible genitalia modifications outside of the game (including both sexes), clothing mods, or nude NSFW content of all classes, regardless of lore age or age of appearance. However farming those requires 90 days of dailies with lots of combat activity. Last updated Jun 5, 2020 at 6:27PM | Published on Dec 27, 2019 | Black Desert Online, Life Skills, Sailing & Barter | 1 . Back to grind and gain. Upgrade paths for ships To upgrade Epheria Galleass to the Carrack: Volante or Carrack: Valor, vist the in Veila, Port Epheria, or Illya Island. Fiery Black Stone: Enhancement +0~5 zelených/modrých doplňků pro Epheria Caravel/Galleass. Be sure to have all the materials for the upgrade in your inventory, then simply click the Upgrade button. Same for me, should be done by tomorrow... [–]maxcrsn 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (3 children). Use 5 or more fail stacks (maximum of 8) to get +1; Use 5 or more fail stacks (maximum of 8) to get +2; Use 10 or more fail stacks (maximum of … Improved is optional. This thread is archived. [–]Eckish 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Cannon number is the same for the next tier, Carracks, but cannon reload timer of Carrack: Valor is the best. This includes posts/comments, usernames, and flairs. They upgrade again the same way a base sailboat/frigate does. also crafting the Margoria Dark Iron can proc, so you might need alot less Hekaru Process and Pure Iron then you think you need. hide. BDO Nexus / Wiki / Epheria Carrack; Epheria Carrack. Rules for posts and comments on the subreddit will be enforced by moderator discretion. But, isn't the Daily from Ravinia (Wiggly Wiggly quest) only a 7 part quest and not a daily? ※ When attempting upgrades, Inverted Heart of Garmoth x1 will be consumed to upgrade a Fiery sub-weapon to have the following effects. … Do not post descriptions, images, or videos of cheats, hacks, private servers, bots, payout selling, etc. [–]Akiris 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child), [–]Nickster2423[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), Probably the Galleass first, then the Caravel, [–]Klaasjeturk 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (2 children). After the upgrade the old ship will be converted to the upgraded version. A good ratio is 10% promotion/90% participation. New boats: This new update increases the total of large ships, and also introduces br… It looks like it can move swiftly over the ocean like a dragon. Sort by. Solution Tableau des Stacks blackdesertonline pc. There is a quest that starts in the Crow's Nest I believe. Your email Recipient email. There are 4 different types of upgraded Epheria Carracks, and each have different characteristics . Epheria Galleass: Upgraded Plating +10. To all of those folks that have a passion for naval, I am really curious on which naval gear is better for the frigate. [–]maxcrsn 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago* (0 children). that is my biggest bottle neck atm. If you hold the button to power up the shot, that go pretty far. Market looks savage at the moment! To get your hands on blue grade gear you will either need to make it yourself or buy it from the central market. The base ship needs to be checked-in first. 25 comments. Edit: i found a list. What is that symbol in marketplace? You can still use the upgraded ship for Vell but reduced damage and you will probrably need to get closer. – You can get an Epheria Caravel by upgrading an Epheria Sailboat. Guaranteed success with 10 dura loss on each one. Epheria Galleass and Improved Epheria Frigate were introduced in the The Great Expedition Update on 23 October 2019. best. [–]Eckish 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago* (0 children). Adding to this, I was using the improved sailboat at the very edge and if I charged the cannon fully I overshot vell. L'optimisation dans Black Desert Online sert à améliorer vos armes et vos armures afin de les rendre plus puissantes et/ou plus résistantes #BlackDesert #BlackDesertOnline #BDO If you enjoyed watching this video or found it helpful, please give it a like! After know Improved Epheria Frigate can be upgrade again to Epheria Galleass, no doubt to upgrade it, since in this new patch The Great Ocean old … Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. While with an improved frigate alone the time is already halved. Or are they just upgrading a second one? BDO. The "Verdant Black Stone", a material which can enhance the necessary materials for upgrading a ship to an Epheria Caravel or an Epheria Galleass, has been added. Materials to upgrade Epheria Frigate to Improved Epheria Frigate. This site uses local storage to save your choices and requires Javascript to function properly.. Added "Ship material Barter" from 27th May 2020 patch. Galleass Upgrade stuff. 1.2.1. share. Do not flame, troll, witchhunt, or harass players/staff or content on this subreddit. Upgrade process can be performed at the wharf manager. Caravel can then be upgraded to Carrack versions Advanced and Ballanced (T5 Trade), Galleas to Valor and Volante (T5 Combat) As someone who got Galleas and Caravel at my fingertips: The go by "strategy" i give to my guildies currently is: Get the epheria sailboat (Aka T2 trade) first. BDO Ship Upgrading. Enhance after Purchase from Falasi +10 Epheria: Old Plating x1 +10 Epheria: Old Cannon x1 +10 Epheria: Old Wind Sail x1. Freelance league recap: 11 2020 Airstream Caravel 19CB, 2020 Airstream Caravel 19CB . An Inverted Heart of Garmoth can be used to have a 100% chance of success at upgrading Fiery sub-weapons. Standardized Timber Square x1000 (Fixed) Gathering, Processing. Timber for Upgrade x100. You'll need to be able to repair 100% of the durability for each part as part of the process. [–]Klaasjeturk 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). [–]themoobz 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). It'll make you do stupid things on MP. Objets. IMPROVED FRIGATE INTO GALLEASS PHASE. Tried the Galleass at Vell. Send this to a friend. Patch notes - 3rd February 2021 Check this week's Patch Notes! EDIT: I just attempted my upgrade and it complained about the low durability on the parts. I know that it wont revert but prob it will fail a lot though. Epheria Caravel: Upgraded Plating +10. Press RMB to upgrade an item. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 7605 on r2-app-06a29cd1195d34284 at 2021-02-10 08:45:33.699356+00:00 running 0502e58 country code: US. Enhancement "starých" doplňků pro upgrade Sailboat/Frigate na Caravel/Galleass: Výměna level 1 zboží za coupon a jeho výmena za stone u Ravinia at Crow’s Nest. BDO Epheria Galleass Upgrade… report. report. [–]Chronoglenn 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). [–]Tenshl 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (4 children). Oct 24th, 2019. 03 February 2021 12:00; Pearl Shop Update: Azure Knight Pack Please note that Pearl Box and Kakao Cash sales will be terminated on Feb 10th. All exploits, cheats, and hacks should be reported to the Black Desert support team. [–]Luckfarmer 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), If i remember correct, there is a daily from Curio on oquilla island to give 10 coral pieces. You can go improved or bypass it. Send Cancel Cancel To upgrade Epheria Frigate to the Improved Epheria Frigate or Epheria Galleass, vist the in Veila, Port Epheria, or Illya Island. How did you get the sea stalk seedweed? © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Graphite Ingot for Upgrade x100. So glad I bought all of the saps before the patch. Thanks, will work on those trade routes then. I didnt have any ships at that moment, just a small boat. How bad is the chances with these? If this is your first visit, you may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Could you tell me how are you getting that many ? My pics of what is needed to upgrade my ships; mostly so I don't have to keep going back to port to check. To start viewing messages, select the … Al lvl1 items can be trade? [–]joker17j 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). I wanna try and upgrade my epherian sailb The necessary materials for the upgrade can be forcefully enhanced from any Enhancement Level. Check out your Galleass and remove any gear currently equipped, then check the ship back inside the wharf. Take in consideration that the money invested in making a caravel will be less, and by bartering they will come back faster then with the galleass, and it get even worst if you use your galleas for sea coin runs to get materials. Enhancing Blue Caravel/ Galleass Gear Green Epheria Caravel/Galleass parts can be tapped to +10 without any failstacks needed or you can use very low failstacks. You can hand over the first trade goods to Ravinia’s sisters to receive the Crow Merchants Guild's Barter Voucher. BDO Unibank is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas with contact number (02) 8708-7087 and with email address, and webchat at Detailed Guide: Green Galleass Ship Parts. The ship cannons can reach surprisingly far, so you don't need to get that close to Vell. - Jangan lupa Untuk Like & Subscribe : - Join Discord Gw : Halo guys ! That's the only I'm missing at the moment. Don't ask for or offer gift packages, pearls, guild payouts, or pearl items. So you need to repair 20 dura at some point to get to +10. * Most of the materials needed for the upgrades above can be obtained through daily quests for [Sailing to the Ends of the Vast Ocean] recurring quests. - Price: Silver 4,500,000 - Durability; 100/100; 1.50: 0 0 each: 45: Pure Pearl Crystal . The Great Expeditionextends the existing ocean content by adding additional maritime features to the Great Ocean content. You can purchase the Green Grade equipment for Epheria Caravel and Epheria Galleass from Falasi. 3. Epheria Caravel boat upgrade! a guest . Introduction. If you believe that a post or comment, while adhering to the letter of the rules, was posted in bad faith or violates rules in an unspecified way, message the moderators here or report the post/comment in question. Or ask in the sailing discord, the seafaring community is more helpful than the average BDO. It gives 50 of those stones with some other materials. I charged to 75% to hit him easily. – Though you can't get on an Epheria Caravel's or an Epheria Galleass' cannons, you can fire the cannons while driving your ship. 418 . I recently obtained the Bartali Sailboat from a quest. – You can get an Epheria Galleass by upgrading an Epheria Frigate. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [–]Tenshl 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (8 children), It seems like getting all the stones for the +10 stuff is the bottleneck :(, [–]Eckish 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (5 children). Ty! Here are some of the highlights: 1. However you'd need to be wary of other nearby ships as the cannons on the Galleass/Caravel fire lower and has a high likelihood of hitting other ships. This item is obtained via fighting Khan (guild boss) and Nineshark. bdo epheria galleass upgrade Send Cancel Cancel To upgrade the Epheria Frigate into an Epheria Galleass, you will need to first check the Epheria Frigate into a wharf at the wharf manager. Reward is 4 seaweed stalks, [–]DickintheRiver 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), [–]themoobz 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (5 children), can you still hunt vell with the improve or upgrade ship i mean from the look of its the range of cannon when upgrade is not that far, [–]Eckish 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (1 child).