Get 12 bar blues in a number of keys under your fingers as well. Then we will add melody notes on the beat and between the beat. All you’ll have to do is move the chord in a different position to play a different chord. I realize that the word “easy” is totally subjective and will mean different things for different players, but the truth is that fingerstyle playing is just awkward when you first try it. It’s got that delta blues, Robert Johnson kind of feel to it. There are three elements in this twelve-bar blues (in order): The melody in this blues lesson is straightforward. I’ll explain it slowly and step by step so it’s easy to understand for guitar players of all levels. Joseph Alexander of Fundamental Changes returns with another lesson to sharpen up your Delta blues chops. Finger picking, gaining thumb and finger independence, keys, chords, scales, tabs and exercises. This basic course in fingerstyle blues guitar breaks it all down into easily digested topics for novice players. Click on each song for the full guitar lesson. Acoustic Blues Workshop Notes q= 96 Our goal is to be able to play a simple, but effective solo blues guitar piece, hopefully with some improvisation. As I mentioned, there are so many different ways of playing blues chords. Here are my Top 60 fingerpicking songs of all time. The Blues is one of the simplest styles of music of the 19th Century.. Today I want to show you how to play an easy 12 bar blues on your acoustic guitar using the fingerstyle technique.. Elvis Presley – “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” Elvis made plenty of impact over his long and … Instead, we are going to use a different type of chord called “Blues Power Chord.”. Here is a list of 18 easy blues songs to learn: “Boom Boom” - John Lee Hooker. Support me at patreon to get the full PDF! Notice how the chords in the square have two notes. This list was created to help fellow fingerstyle guitarists grow as players and to build their repertoires. Fingerstyle Guitar Tabs Fingerstyle guitar is the technique of playing the guitar by plucking the strings directly with the fingertips, finger-nails, or picks attached to fingers, as opposed to flatpicking (picking individual notes with a single plectrum called a flatpick) or … I’ll explain it slowly and step by step so it’s easy to understand for guitar players of all levels. I don’t consider this lesson to be the “Blues for Absolute Beginner” type of thing but more of a simple, intermediate twelve-bar fingerstyle blues. For me guitar and blues are like salt and pepper, or like Yin and Yang. To get started, follow these picking hand instructions: 1. In this guitar lesson, we are going to combine chords and melody. Description. Cordoba Dolce 7/8 Size Acoustic Nylon String Classical Guitar. If you want to play, for example, a blues in C major, you will have to learn the C7, F7, and G7 shape. Instead, we will focus on how to play the blues on acoustic guitar using the fingerpicking technique. Easy Blues on Acoustic Guitar for Beginners Combine Chords and Melody. Your source for all things country blues. Kelly Joe Phelps (Image credit: Stephen J. The song exemplifies the blues … Features 15 top blues tunes: Bright Lights, Big City * Come On in My Kitchen * Every Day I Have the Blues * How Long, How Long Blues * My Babe * Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out * (They Call It) Stormy Monday * and more. The notes from the A minor Pentatonic scale are A – C – D – E – G – A. This easy acoustic fingerstyle blues tutorial is the ideal introduction to acoustic fingerpicking. For the minor Pentatonic only play the I III IV V VII from the minor scale. One of the things that I like a lot about the Blues is that we can really decide how difficult we want it to be. I suggest that you strum the chords several times. I'm assuming a little bit of basic knowledge and ability on the guitar. The book also includes an easy introduction to basic fingerstyle guitar. If you aren’t familiar with fingerpicking yet, you should check out 16 Legendary Fingerpicking Patterns. Kelly Joe Phelps (Image credit: Stephen J. This percussive approach is only used one time for each bar. The chords we are going to learn are: A7; D7; E7; With these fingerpicking Blues chords, you will only pluck the strings with the dots. To get started, follow these picking hand instructions: 1. The scales I used for the blues melody are the A major and A minor Pentatonic scale. A7 and E7: Melody using the A major Pentatonic. The additional note we add to the chord is called “extension,” and the chord will be called “extended chord.”. Pluck the strings downwards using the big knuckle. Because we are playing a slow shuffle blues, the basic blues chords for beginners, the blues chords with bar chords, and the fingerstyle chords we learned at the beginning of this article won’t work. Fingerstyle Blues Guitar: Master Acoustic Blues Guitar Fingerpicking and Soloing by Mr Joseph Alexander Paperback $17.99 Usually the fingerpicking pattern is also part of the intro of the song which makes the tune easy to recognise. Adding the additional D7 chord on bar number 2 will make the blues progression less static and more lively. How to play fingerstyle blues with alternating bass and melody. Welcome to Fingerstyle Blues. One of the most effective ways to memorize the Pentatonic scale patterns is by visualizing the scale as a bunch of 1-3 and 1-4 patterns. The fingerstyle guitar technique is used in every style of music and if you’re looking to explore this technique or searching for some warm-up exercises then you’ve come to the right place. Rest the index (1st) finger on the 3rd (G) string 3. If you’ve never played an Ovation guitar before, … In the chord diagrams below, you can learn how to play the three chords we need to play a Fingerpicking Blues in A. This page contains a collection of the finest acoustic fingerstyle blues guitar songs I have selected and played. Fingerpicking Blues. Another scale is called the Pentatonic Blues scale, but we will not discuss this scale in this lesson. Practice this simple percussive approach I call “Thumb Slap,” in which you strike the bass note with the thumb while simultaneously strumming the top three strings with the middle finger. Position the thumb in front of the fingers and pluck the strings downwards. These chords can be played in many different blues variations, but the most common twelve-bar blues is played with I7 – IV7 – V7 chords of a key. Easy picking patterns for guitar, picking hand finger names. In this lesson, I will show you how to combine chords and melody over twelve-bar blues. This lesson will learn the 12 bar blues in A, or called “Blues in A.”. - Download free fingerstyle guitar tablature, PDF, gp, gpx, gp5 5 Essential Fingerpicking Exercises. Usually the fingerpicking pattern is also part of the intro of the song which makes the tune easy to recognise. Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Sheet Music Downloads in Notation and Tab Format from GuitarDownunder. In this first lesson we learn how to play the intro of Deep River Blues. We are going to combine chords and melody and make this lesson exciting and fun to play. This lesson is designed to show you how to play a relatively easy delta blues fingerstyle composition. Justin introduces Smokestack Lightning pretty early in the process, IIRC. In this introduction to finger style blues we will cover an alternating bass pattern over a 12 bar blues progression in E. We will start with the just the bass pattern. This lesson is included in the book "A Guide to Acoustic Blues Guitar." The Blues is one of the most popular styles of music of all times. This is an entertaining approach because it allows you to play the melody along with the chords. They are strongly connected to each other and found in every style of music, whether you’re playing rock, country, jazz or metal. So far, I know that we only covered a few basics, but I trusted me. I did my best to write the easiest blues arrangement for beginners so that almost everyone can give it a try and have fun playing this easy Blues. The shape will be the same. Here you find tab, sheet music and my video tutorial.. Shape of My Heart by Sting. Fingerstyle Blues Guitar Covers: Alternating, static and walking bass lines; Bends, Slides, Legato, Vibrato techniques I’ve got to say that this song is perfect for the guitar. In this lesson, the chords are straightforward and different from what you learned in this article. You play for yourself but you also make other people happy if you play for them. These are the notes we will play for each chord. Although not a blues guitar player in the strictest sense, Doc Watson's finger picking technique calls for special attention. I don’t think there is any other way to make this solo easier than that. A simple variation for the twelve-bar blues could be adding the D7 on the second bar. Fingerpicking also referred to as fingerstyle, is one of the many guitar techniques that is incredibly fun to learn. From pop fingerpicking hits to classics and golden oldies. Learn one chord at a time if you have to, but don’t get demotivated just because it sounds difficult. Description. Adjust the left-hand position using the three left-hand golden rules we talked about in the beginner course. In this lesson, I am going to show you how to play a traditional fingerpicking blues in A. As always, take things step by step and learn one thing every day. Once you familiarize yourself with the melody, add the single percussion on the strings. Yes, you could be more precise with this lick and use one finger per string on the top two strings – middle and ring, or maybe index and middle. Also, I think that with the information you learned so far, playing the blues could be kind of boring. Each chord should be strummed or plucked four times (as shown by the repeat sign) in a steady beat and as evenly as possible. 24/10/2019 Posted by BlitzGuitarAdmin Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson Hey guys, today I feel Blues so I decided to show you an easy fingerstyle blues super fun to play. Finger picking, gaining thumb and finger independence, keys, chords, scales, tabs and exercises. This page contains a collection of the finest acoustic fingerstyle guitar songs selected for their beauty and musicality. I prefer to pluck the strings with the side of the fingertip and use a combination of fingernails and flesh. 2. You are hopefully comfortable with basic chords. Bet you're excited about that right? Free acoustic guitar fingerstyle tabs lesson with PDF! This scale is just five notes (from the word Penta) and is the most popular scale for guitar players and other musicians. These are my personal guitar covers with tab, sheet music my video tutorial and PDF.. Let’s take the A minor Pentatonic scale as an example. 2. Next, if you are not familiar with acoustic blues, get "Easy Steps to Acoustic Blues" volumes 1 and 2.