Fallout 76 lets you choose which perks you want via perk cards. All Cards Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility … (No Power Armor), Sprinting consumes 40% fewer Action Points. 40% chance to find an extra meat when you "Search" an animal corpse. I’ve taken the time to detail all of the Legendary Perks in the game. Create a new build based on these perks. Some cards also require you to be a certain level before you can equip them. Your melee weapons weigh 60% less, and you can swing them 30% faster. Fallout 76 Perks Database. Fallout 76. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. Ten Endurance Perk Cards from Fallout 76 have been revealed so far in gameplay or trailers. The Legendary Perks system in Fallout 76 grants your characters up to a total of six legendary perk card slots. All drinks quench thirst by an additional 50%. While Fallout 76 is not the game most of us would've wanted, it has a few things I really liked, among those things are some of the new perks, specially those bringing some sort of balance for those who hate going around in Power Armor. Your rifle attacks have a 5% chance of crippling a limb. Strength Perk Cards - Fallout 76. Heavy guns gain a 8% stagger chance and a 8% chance to cripple a limb. Fallout 76 perk cards: all cards revealed so far and new S.P.E.C.I.A.L. When affected by rads, you periodically heal 140 rads on nearby teammates. Gain improved health and limb regeneration while in your camp or workshop. Gain +1 to STR and END between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Gain +2 to STR and END between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Gain +3 to STR and END between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Basic combat training means automatic rifles do +15% damage. Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. A Mysterious Savior will more frequently appear to revive you when downed. Your disease cures have a 50% chance to cure a disease on nearby teammates. (Plans required). Gain +9% (max 54%) damage for 30s per kill. Your stimpaks now also heal nearby teammates for 75% of normal strength. Reduce your target's damage output by 10% for 2 seconds after you attack. Learn more about Fallout 76's SPECIAL attributes and Perk Cards! E. E. Level 41. Eating Human, Ghoul, Super Mutant, Scorched, or Mole Miner corpses restores more Health and hunger. For perks in other Fallout games, please see "Perk". This guide will feature all in game Strength perks cards, their stats, priority, tips & more! Perk Card List & Stats. Fallout 76 Perks are special abilities traditional to the Fallout series, that give a unique bonus to players while active.These bonuses are so unique that Weapons usage and playstyles become more reliant on the abilities unlocked by perks in the later stages of the game.. The following is a list of all of the Strength Perk Cards which have been revealed in Fallout 76 so far. Duration refreshes with kills. You hear directional audio when in range of a Caps Stash. You regenerate health for 5 seconds after reviving another player. (only for pointed weapons), Your melee attacks ignore 50% of your target's armor. Your bows and crossbows ignore 24% armor and have a 6% chance to stagger. Less chance for you to mutate from rads or for Radaway to cure mutations. Intelligence is a measure of overall mental acuity (+2.072% XP per INT), and affects your ability to hack terminals, the condition and durability of items that you craft, and the return you get from scrapping. Gain 2 Charisma for each teammate, excluding yourself. Your rifle attacks have a 10% chance of crippling a limb. All the Fallout 76 Strength Perk Cards Revealed So Far. Your pipe weapons break 40% more slowly and are cheaper to repair. At night your silenced weapons do an additional 25% sneak attack damage. Your explosives detonate with twice the radius. The greater your rads, the greater your strength! Perk cards in Fallout 76 are an important part since they represent the skills of your character. (Plans required), You can craft Rank 2 energy gun mods. Critical Hits now only consume 70% of your critical meter. Fallout 76 offers perks in seven different categories: Strength, Endurance, Perception, Agility, Charisma, Intelligence, And Luck. Your rifles have 20% more range and even more accuracy when sighted. Avoid 10% of incoming damage at the cost of 30 Action Points per hit. You have a better chance to find more caps when opening a caps stash. All the Fallout 76 Endurance Perk Cards Revealed So Far. When you are on a team, gain 10% more XP. V.A.T.S. Critical Hits now only consume 85% of your critical meter. (No Power Armor), Sprinting consumes 30% fewer Action Points. V.A.T.S. Pages in category "Fallout 76 Strength Perks" The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total. Falling below 30% health will automatically use a Stimpak, once every 20s. Your punching attacks now do +15% damage. You will never mutate from Rads and Radaway will never cure mutations. Relative Rank Strength. It affects the number of Action Points in V.A.T.S. Gain a total of +30 to your maximum Health. You deal +120% damage to workshop objects. All Perk Card & SPECIAL List - Priority & Effects, arranged by the level that you acquire them as you play through Fallout 76. You deal +80% damage to workshop objects. Your punching attacks now do +10% damage. All of the Fallout 76 strength perk cards. Perks are passive improvements or attributes to a player that can assist in their gameplay. The negative effects of your mutations are reduced by 25%. All Strength Perks in Fallout 76 Fallout 76 Strength Perks are perks specialized to the … Duration refreshes with kills. Buying and selling prices at vendors are now much better. Your bows and crossbows ignore 36% armor and have a 9% chance to stagger. has a better chance to fill your Critical meter. Perks Trailer. Your disease cures always cure a disease from nearby teammates too. Chance your equipped armor will repair itself even more when struck. Crafting workshop items now costs 50% fewer materials. How much value you get per invested perk point (relative to other ranks) Pairing. system. Weights of all Chems (including Stimpaks) are reduced by 30%. (Plans required), You can craft Rank 1 energy gun mods. Your two-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. - Choose your perks and mutations. You have a 50% chance to keep your Stimpak when you revive another player. Players can equip multiple cards within a SPECIAL attribute so long as the total point value of the cards equipped does not exceed the attribute level. Featured Articles Perk Card List by Category When adventuring alone, take 20% less damage and gain 30% AP regen. Any kill in V.A.T.S. While the return of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Your rifles and pistols ignore 36% armor and have a 9% chance to stagger. Teammates hit by your flame weapons regen health briefly. You pay 30% fewer Caps when Fast Traveling. Shotguns now weigh 60% less and you reload them 20% faster. You can repair any weapon to 200% of normal maximum condition. All pistols now have 30% more range and more accuracy when sighted. Drinking any liquid has a 60% reduced chance to cause disease. Food and drink weights are reduced by 90%. Bloodpacks satisfy more thirst, no longer irradiate, and heal 100% more. Your chance to catch a disease from food is reduced by 30%. It remains at the base charisma that you are without the added charisma perk card. Gain 60 damage resistance while firing a heavy gun. It … Reduce your target's damage output by 20% for 2 seconds after you attack. Stimpaks generate excessive edible meat. Unfortunately, the charisma perk card doesn't allow you to share higher level perk cards with other players. All food satisfies hunger by an additional 25%. Each hit in V.A.T.S. GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Sprint 20% faster at increased AP cost when your health is below 50%. (No Power Armor), Gun bashing does +25% damage with a 5% chance to cripple your opponent, Gun bashing does +50% damage with a 10% chance to cripple your opponent, Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage, Your two-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage, Your two-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage, Take 15% less damage from your opponents' melee attacks, Take 30% less damage from your opponents' melee attacks, Take 45% less damage from your opponents' melee attacks, Your melee weapons weigh 20% less, and you can swing them 10% faster, Your melee weapons weigh 40% less, and you can swing them 20% faster, Your melee weapons weigh 60% less, and you can swing them 30% faster, Shotguns now weigh 30% les and you reload them 10% faster, Shotguns now weigh 60% les and you reload them 20% faster, Shotguns now weigh 90% les and you reload them 30% faster, Weights of all Chems (including Stimpacks) are reduced by 30%, Weights of all Chems (including Stimpacks) are reduced by 60%, Weights of all Chems (including Stimpacks) are reduced by 90%, Your one-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. Fallout 76 Strength Perks are perks specialized to the Strength Stat. You're half as likely to get addicted when consuming Chems. Your attacks ignore 25% armor of any insect. You can repair armor and Power Armor to 130% of normal maximum condition. You are 50% harder to detect while sneaking. Your melee sneak attacks do 3x normal damage. Intelligence Perk Card List - Stats & Tips. All drinks quench thirst by an additional 25%. Having perks relating to Melee attack damage can help you combat against creatures in the early stage. Cost: 1. swaps targets on kill with +10% damage to your next target. 60% chance to find an extra meat when you "Search" an animal corpse. Your explosives detonate with a 50% larger radius. See a throwing arc when tossing thrown weapons, and they fly 30% further. Slight chance your weapon will repair itself when hitting an enemy. The Cap Collector perk works well with these perks: Fortune Finder. Any kill in V.A.T.S. Stimpaks generate edible meat. Players you revive have +6 Action Point regen for 10 minutes. Falling below 40% health will automatically use a Stimpak, once every 20s. Browse all Fallout 76 perks. Your punching attacks now do +20% damage. Food in your inventory will spoil 90% more slowly. Your Power Armor breaks 20% more slowly and is cheaper to repair. All food satisfies hunger by an additional 50%. After level 50, players will continue to level up and receive card packs but cannot increase any SPECIAL attribute. Ammo Factory. (Plans required), Melee weapons break 50% slower and you can craft Tier 5 melee weapons. SPECIAL perks are now determined by You gain complete immunity to chem addiction. Upon unlocking a slot, a single legendary perk card can be chosen and fit into that slot, offering its bonus immediately. Up to level 50, you earn one S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. Your melee sneak attacks do 2.6x normal damage. (No Power Armor), Carry junk to gain up to 30 Damage and Energy Resistance. has a 35% chance to restore all Action Points. (No Power Armor). Rads increase your chance to inflict 25 rads with a melee attack, Rads increase your chance to inflict 50 rads with a melee attack. You can repair any weapon to 130% of normal maximum condition. Higher Rads improve the chance. Fallout 76 – Vault-Tec Presents Being a Better You! Avoid 20% of incoming damage at the cost of 30 Action Points per hit. Duration refreshes with kills. Focus fire to gain accuracy and damage per shot. For example, Melee fighters need to put points in strength whilst stealth players may place points in agility. Players you revive are cured of all Rads. By increasing resistance, you get less damage caused by enemies. Unfortunately, there is no way to change your SPECIAL point allocations while playing in Nuclear Winter mode at this time, so the player will have to change it in Adventure/Survival mode, instead. Gladiator Melee weapons break 10% slower and you can craft Tier 1 melee weapons. The negative effects of your mutations are reduced by 75%. Map of All Flower & Plant Locations in Fallout 76. Any kill in V.A.T.S. Gain 8 Damage & Energy Resist(max 24) for each teammate, excluding you. 10% bonus damage means enemies may explode into a gory red paste. Higher rank cards have greater effects. This provides massive bonuses for values that are revolving around melee damage, carry weight and Unarmed damage and have the following perks to reflect such. YouTube Follow. Gain 10 Damage & Energy Resist (max 30) for each teammate, excluding you. Your armor breaks 20% more slowly and is cheaper to repair. (No Power Armor), Each AGI point adds +3 Damage and Energy Resist (Max 45). Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. Here are the Best Perk Cards in Fallout 76 for Beginner’s. You can repair armor and Power Armor to 200% of normal maximum condition. targets limbs. The maximum attribute level is 15 for each attribute and 56 across all SPECIALs. Strength is a measure of your raw physical power. To use this Perk Card your character has to be at least level 26. Thus far, Endurance Perk Cards seem to do what players would expect; make you tougher and improve your resistances to things like radiation. Sprint 10% faster at increased AP cost when your health is below 40%. Aim your gun a creature below your level for a 75% chance to pacify it. (No Power Armor). Automatic rifles now reload 10% faster and have better hip fire accuracy. Fallout 76 Character Build Planner - Allocate your SPECIAL attributes. Gain 1 Charisma for each teammate, excluding yourself. Guns break 10% slower and you can now craft Tier 1 guns (Plans required). has a 25% chance to restore all Action Points. Your limb damage is completely eliminated. Legendary perk slots are account-wide, so those slots will be instantly available on any new character, allowing a varying degree of legendary perk cards for each possible build, though without the benefit of having them at the maximum rank. It affects how much you can carry, and the damage of all melee attacks. Your bows and crossbows ignore 12% armor and have a 3% chance to stagger. Your armor breaks 40% more slowly and is cheaper to repair. All perk cards still have a SPECIAL point requirement, so the player character will need points allocated in certain SPECIAL attributes in order to equip the perk cards they desire. Aim your gun at any Animal below your level for a 25% chance to pacify it. Gain 6 Damage & Energy Resist(max 18) for each teammate, excluding you. (Plans required). has a chance to fill your Critical meter. When adventuring alone, take 15% less damage and gain 20% AP regen. Your one-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. You take no radiation from eating or drinking. Radiation now regenerates your lost Health. has a 15% chance to restore all Action Points. swaps targets on kill with +10% then 20% damage to your next 2 targets. 15% bonus damage means enemies may explode into a gory red paste. All Luck Perk Cards; As players build up characters in Fallout 76, the game's new progression system comes into play. Aim your gun a creature below your level for a 50% chance to pacify it. (No Molotov), Hunger and thirst grow 40% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop, Hunger and thirst grow 80% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop. You can now find out the perks by their ranks in each category. You are 25% harder to detect while sneaking. V.A.T.S. The following Strength Perk Cards are arranged by the level that you acquire them as you play through Fallout 76.Learn what Perk Cards are available through the different stages of the game! Your melee weapons weigh 20% less, and you can swing them 10% faster. Fallout 76. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. All Night Long Fallout 76 Perk. When you are on a team, gain 15% more XP. Players can swap cards at any time; this can be especially useful when switching between solo and group play. Food and drink weights are reduced by 30%. Hunger and thirst grow 60% more slowly at night. You can now craft energy guns. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. It affects how much you carry, and the damage of all melee attacks. The weight of all junk items is reduced by 75%. Aim your gun at any Animal below your level for a 50% chance to pacify it. Eating Human, Ghoul, Super Mutant, Scorched, or Mole Miner corpses restores even more Health and hunger. Chance your weapon will greatly repair itself when hitting an enemy. Hunger and thirst grow 20% more slowly at night. It's one reason why I focused more on leveling up the strength card (was already at 15) to respec the extra strength points I had into charisma instead. Take 45% less damage from explosions and flame attacks. Restore more of your teammates hunger and thirst when you eat or drink. It is also dominated by perks that reduce your weight like food, chems, junk, ammo, weapons etc, and those upping the damage of melee weapons. There are so many incredibly useful perks that you can eventually get, not to mention your character can literally one shot end game enemies if you build them right. This page lists all perks in Fallout 76. All Power Armor parts and chassis weights are reduced by 50%. Gain 12 Damage & Energy Resist (max 36) for each teammate, excluding you. Obtain more components when you scrap weapons and armor. You take 30% less radiation from eating or drinking. Gain a 6% chance to instantly reload when your clip is empty. Your attacks ignore 50% armor of any insect. You drop a live grenade from your inventory when you die. Hack an enemy robot for a 25% chance to pacify it. Aim your gun at any Animal below your level for a 75% chance to pacify it. Make your target receive 5% more damage for 5 seconds after you attack. targets limbs. Some cards also require you to be a certain level before you can equip them. Your chance to catch a disease from food is reduced by 90%. Effects. (+5 Max). In Power Armor, heavy guns gain more accuracy and ignore 15% armor. However, they will have the opportunity to change their card selections prior to the round starting, while the player character is able to explore Vault 51 while waiting in a queue for a match to start. Chance your equipped armor will greatly repair itself when struck. Fallout 76 All Perk Cards - Every Fallout 76 Perk. Stimpaks may generate edible meat tissue. Cost: 3. to lend a hand. Automatic rifles now reload 30% faster and have excellent hip fire accuracy. Few Perks can let you eat wide range of meat and it helps you easily survive in the vast world map of Fallout 76. Unfortunately, the charisma perk card doesn't allow you to share higher level perk cards with other players. Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.3x normal damage. How to Stabilize Flux in Fallout 76 . has an excellent chance to fill your Critical meter. Not yet available for this perk card. Players you revive have +12 Action Point regen for 10 minutes. Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.5x normal damage. While below 35% health, gain a 45% chance to avoid damage. (No Molotov), Teammates hit by your flame weapons regen even more health. Each card correlates to a specific stat and has a cost, which is the number on the top-left corner of the card. 40% chance to find an extra canned food when you "Search" a food container. For details, please see the respective articles. Gain a 12% chance to instantly reload when your clip is empty. It affects your total Health, the Action Point drain from sprinting, and your resistance to disease. Shotguns now weigh 30% less and you reload them 10% faster. You can now craft advanced Power Armor mods. When adventuring alone, take 10% less damage and gain 10% AP regen. See a throwing arc when tossing thrown weapons, and they fly 15% further. Gain Pistol hip fire accuracy and a +2% chance to cripple a limb. Gain +1 hacking skill, and terminal lock-out time is reduced. © 2018 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Your crafted armor has improved durability. Gain 30 Damage and Energy Resistance while not wearing Power Armor. Charisma is your ability to lead and help others. Your pipe weapons break 60% more slowly and are cheaper to repair. The Legendary Perks system in Fallout 76 grants your characters up to a total of six legendary perk card slots. Chance your weapon will repair itself even more when hitting an enemy. Take 15% less damage from explosions and flame attacks. It's one reason why I focused more on leveling up the strength card (was already at 15) to respec the extra strength points I had into charisma instead. Your bows and crossbows now do +20% damage. All Strength Perks in Fallout 76. While below 35% health, gain a 30% chance to avoid damage. (Plans required). Description It adds some of Fallout 76 new perks to Fallout 4. Heavy guns gain a 12% stagger chance and a 12% chance to cripple a limb.