Shares a recast timer with certain blue magic spells. The level of the Blue Mage determines the maximum number of points available for setting spells. Note: Doom, tail screw, and Missile are all considered “Auto death” spells. Blue Mages have a lower level cap than other jobs, originally only reaching a maximum level of 50 on release, which was raised to 60 in patch 5.15 and set to increase further to 70 in patch 5.4. Certain blue magic spells can be acquired via Whalaqee Totems. As such, there are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs. 49: Veil Of The Whorl Using Blue Magic. Shares a recast timer with certain blue magic spells. Probably the worst of all the job points, and the most confusing. Unlike other magic spells, it is not possible to use Blue Magic as soon as it is acquired. Increase effect duration by 1%. Magic: Ice: No. Increases the effect duration of blue magic usable under the effects of Unbridled Learning that affects party members. 48: Glass Dance: Deals ice damage to all enemies in a wide arc to your fore and flanks with a potency of 350 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies. Stand in the puddle to avoid Mega Death, do NOT stand in the puddle to avoid Funeral Pyre. If you have problems w/ MP, set Aetherial Mimicry, find a healer, and use Pom Cure instead of White Wind. Magic: Lightning: No. if you have 4 blues spamming screw, you can drop bosses in seconds- if only one blue has it, its better to spam missile. While your Blue Spell Book will tell you one place you may get a spell, it will not tell you ALL the places, and often the place it mentions is not your best option for learning that spell. Blue Magic Curriculum: Spell #49 – Veil of the Whorl January 31, 2021 January 31, 2021 kvasir369 Welcome to the forty-ninth entry of the Blue Magic Curriculum, where we talk about the spells found in the Blue Mage Spellbook, along with their strengths, … Since the patch became live, players have been exploring every corner of Eorzea and defeating enemies of all kinds to get new spells. Patch 5.45 dropped February 2 and it not only increased the Blue Mage level cap to 70, but it added 23 new spells for players to collect in their spell-book. Gamer Escape: Gaming News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts Gaming Community featuring News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts Set Fire/Primal spells to kill adds quickly. Blue mage functions independently of other classes and jobs, starting at level 1 with a maximum level of 70. It is described to be a "Limited Job" not associated with any class, and can only learn actions/abilities from enemies. Point Total/Maximum. Each Blue Magic spell is assigned a point value (Blue Magic Points). RELATED: Final Fantasy XIV: The Puppet's Bunker Guide. if the mob fully resists missile, you cannot hit it with any of these spells.Tail screws Hit rate is about 10%. Blue Mage is a job in Final Fantasy XIV introduced in version 4.5. First, the spells you wish to use must be set. 29: Red, Fraught, and Blue: Make sure to set your best Wind and Lightning spells, as well as Flying Sardine. None of the blue magic unbridled learning spells affect party members. Here is my list of the suggested best ways to learn the 80 spells available to level 60 Blue Mages. To obtain these items, complete the blue mage quest "Blue Leading the Blue" and certain achievements, then speak to Wayward Gaheel Ja in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12.5 Y:12.9). Blue mage is the first of several planned Limited Jobs in FINAL FANTASY XIV.