Recommended Cards. Big enough to go for game and attack over most monsters that Chimeratech Rampage Dragon cannot handle. Zane Truesdale is a playable Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! As the master of the Cyber Style, Zane uses Cyber End Dragon to power his Underworld Deck with forbidden techniques. Must have : Cyber Dragon Vier (Ranked Duel Reward) Monster X 3 Cyber Dragon Core (Future Horizon) Monster X 3 Cyberload Fusion (Future Horizon) Quick Play Spell X2 … Being able to banish “Cyber Dragon(s)” of different levels from your hand, field, and/or graveyard gives this card immense flexibility as even if your monsters on the field were to be destroyed by Treacherous Trap Hole or used as tribute for Lava Golem, “Cyber Dragon” monsters still act as “Cyber Dragon” while in the graveyard. Duel Links Desperado deck, Desperado in the current meta, how to use. One of, if not the, worst matchup for Cyber Dragon. Once you have the role, click the Discord logo in the top-right of the screen and log in. Duel Links! If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; Special Summon 1 "Cyber Dragon" monster from your Deck. Can be used if you control 2 … Paired greatly with Cybernetic Overflow, this card allows untargetable backrow removal as well as search potential. Daily Cash Duels, Weekly Tournaments, Monthly Championships, Top Player Discussions with Best Players in the game. Cyber Dragon is a character version of the card "Cyber Dragon". The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. ... here are the best Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links decks of the current meta. Duel Links] Duel Links Meta. As previously mentioned, Cyber Dragons revolve around Fusion Summoning their boss monsters that can attack multiple times, allowing for consistent OTKs. And I constantly banish him so I can fuse into cyber twin. Pack Opening Soon! It requires just one purchase of the Red-Eyes structure deck, which can be done with gems. A competitive Cyber Dragon deck capable of easily blowing up your opponent’s board in a single turn and summoning Fusion Monsters capable of dealing massive damage. The LIGHT Machine monsters that you send to the graveyard are very important as they set up future plays with Cybernetic Overflow. Some variants of the deck make use of the skill Level Augmentaion and Level Duplication, in which case the Cyber Dragon player must activate Cybernetic Overflow before the skill can be used, as you cannot respond to skills. Zane/Cyber Dragons place in the current meta is exactly what I wanted out of Duel Links for all character decks. Zane Truesdale’s Cyberdarks were all the rage last year, but this time his original … To help with this, the deck also provides searchable cards that destroy Monsters as well as Spell / Traps. Can be used if you control 2 or more monsters with 2000 ATK or higher. Trading Card Game (TCG). 18:55. Character Deck Qty; Zane Truesdale: Cyber-Art: Evolution: 2: Zane Truesdale: Cyber-Art: Cyber End: 3: It is the twenty-sixth Deck in the TCG's Structure Deck series, following Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon Structure Deck. Armed Dragon Thunderx Witches 2021. Duel Links decks that will help you climb to the King of Games rank in no time. Thank you for choosing to support Duel Links Meta's development! Extra Deck: Red-Eyes Slash Dragon This is a free to play version that works pretty well. This archetype is boosted up in the 21st main box: Cybernetic Rebellion then we get stronger support in the latest main box: Future Horizon. 100% Upvoted. Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower’s effect to destroy your cards does not phase Cyber Dragons as they can still be banished from the GY via Cybernetic Overflow and if Overflow were to be destroyed, you get a search off of it. Home » » Cyber Dragon KOG July 2019 Cyber Dragon KOG July 2019. The only problematic monsters come in the form of Shiranui Sunsaga which can protect itself from Cybernetic Overflow, and Archfiend Zombie-Skull because it protects Zombie monsters from card effect destruction. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. No decks using this card have been submitted recently. Being able to maintain control of the board often results in the winner of this outcome. This is your main fusion spell using your Field and Banish Zone as materials. Being able to destroy their monsters before they Synchro Summon is fairly easy due to Cybernetic Overflow. Black Gate Keys are normally required to Duel Zane Truesdale at the Gate. Following closely behind Cyber Dragon Core as the best card in the deck, this trap is your main form of monster and backrow removal. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju x2. Powerful, tbh. Must have : Cyber Dragon Vier (Ranked Duel Reward) Monster X 3 Cyber Dragon Core (Future Horizon) Monster X 3 Cyberload Fusion (Future Horizon) Quick Play Spell X2 … Decks Non-Meta Decks . Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Great defensive trap to use offensively against monsters that would otherwise be bigger than your boss monsters, such as Shiranui. This synergizes with Cybernetic Overflow - which banishes your monsters for you to then fuse with. Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck is a Structure Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! This easy-to-summon Fusion Monster (requiring 2 or more “Cyber Dragon” monsters) functions as another form of backrow removal and as a game finisher. You can proc this yourself, giving you more options depending on the situation. This page notes details of Cyber Dragon (LIGHT/Machine/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Much like Blackwings, Shiranui as a Synchro deck suffers from disruption. With optimal use of Cybernetic Overflow and choice tech cards, Shiranui can be defeated with medium difficulty. Great defensive card to mitigate the low ATK of the fusions while also providing an alternate way to trigger Cyber Style. Read more ← Previous; Deck Search You can only use 1 "Cyber Dragon Core" effect per turn, and only once that turn. At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" to your Deck. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while it is on the field or in the Graveyard. February 7, ... Blue-Eyes Link Light Dragons. Tier List ... Overview The Duel Links Tier List is based on decks performance of the latest Tournament from 15 Jan 2020 to 29 Jan 2020. Also aids in the activation of Cyber Style. Cyber Twin Dragon A powerful Fusion Monster that can attack twice, used by Zane Truesdale in the anime! Furthermore you need a level 5 cyber ao you can pop 3 or even 4 cards with Cybernetic overflow. This Deck is the TCG equivalent of Structure Deck: Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons … Skill: Ultimate Dragons [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links! It also appears as an opponent at Stage 9-3 under Quest mode. There are no decks on the Tier List that currently use this card. Going first with the combo puts you in a favorable position as you can destroy their board when their resources are consumed. Deck Help. Cyber Dragon Duel Links Deck Ciber Dragon Duel Links ... Duel Links Meta 107,796 views. However Cyber Dragons still retain the ability to commit quick and devastating Turn 2 plays. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. After graduating from Duel Academy, Zane Truesdale was on the fast track to becoming the greatest Duelist in the pro leagues.However, his defeat against Aster Phoenix set him on a dark path where his only desire was victory - at any cost. After clearing your opponent’s field, you can go for game with this card’s secondary effect to gain up to two additional attacks by sending LIGHT Machine monsters from Deck to GY. The game lets players play as characters from the original series, including Yami Yugi, as well as the spin-offs, such as Yusei from Yu-Gi-Oh! Home ... O Deck desde a Renovação do Meta perdeu um pouco do seu Espaço porém dps dessa SC e essas últimas Cups ele tem mostrado que ainda tem muito poder Bruto, ... Jovem, coloca um link dos vídeos com esse deck na página. GX anime.. ... classic way of playing when you are a non meta deck facing a meta deck. Daily Cash Duels, Weekly Tournaments, Monthly Championships, Top Player Discussions with Best Players in the game. Character Deck Qty; Zane Truesdale: Cyber-Art: Evolution: 2: Zane Truesdale: Cyber-Art: Cyber End: 3: And I constantly banish him so I can fuse into cyber twin. Duel Links Cyberdark deck, Cyberdark deck in the meta, how to build Cyberdark deck. 2800 ATK monster that can attack twice. Drawing any missing piece of the puzzle has an increased probability with this monster at 3 copies. With both great turn 1 and turn 2 options, powerful cards, and truly destructive capabilities, Cyber Dragon stands to be on the Tier List and should be expected to perform well in both Ranked as well as high-level tournaments. Thank you for choosing to support Duel Links Meta's development! Level 2, level 3 from skill, vier is 4 and cyber … Finally, if this card on the field were to be destroyed by card effect, you are able to search for either another Cybernetic Overflow or Cyberload Fusion. Cosmic Cyclone and Cybernetic Overflow prevent Blackwings from searching with Black Whirlwind. For Point Duel Tournaments Join Discord~ DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Also Cyber Dragons in Duel Links won’t be OP until all of its main cards drop which is the case with most GX decks right now. 114k members in the DuelLinks community. -System Down: Generic anti-machine card that also assists in triggering Cyber Style. In order for us to continue bringing you fresh daily content, please whitelist our site in your ad-blocker. Enjoy the gameplay! The following characters use "Cyber Dragon" in their Decks. Cyber Dragons Vs. Witchcrafters. Great against Dark Magician decks as Magician Navigation cannot negate cards activated in the Damage Step. I’m still looking to improve the deck, so if you have any suggestions then please don’t hesitate to share! save. While not entirely perfect, the deck has definitely become competitive and is able to go head-to-head with tournament level decks and come out on top. In order for us to continue bringing you fresh daily content, please whitelist our site in your ad-blocker. report. Great for dealing with monsters that cannot be targeted and/or destroyed. Cyber Dragon decks were a beast in the early GX era, and much like Six Sams got a buff here and there to make them playable in the modern era of the time. Destroying Top Tier Decks! Your required different levels come from Cyber Dragon Core, Proto-Cyber Dragon (from Cyber Style), Cyber Dragon Vier, and Cyber Dragon. Read for information regarding the best decks to use for PvP. Dueling the best New Meta decks, Hieratic, Digital Bug, Constellar, Black Blue Eyes, Desperado, Cyber Dragons, Ritual Beasts, Evil … Each effect can only be used Once Per Turn. However, with backrow-hate cards such as Cosmic Cyclone and Double Cyclone, this issue should diminish in severity. Duel Links Cyber Angel deck, how to use Cyber Angel, Cyber Angel in the Duel Links meta. Cyber Dragon (Duel Links) From Yugipedia. Blackwings, similar to many other Synchro decks, suffer from disruption during their main combo. Duel Links! 820 votes, 111 comments. Cyber Dragon is a very fast-hit type that aims at OTK with fusion monsters such as Chimeratech Rampage Dragon and Cyber Twin Dragon while clearing the … The effect of "Legendary Atlantean Tridon" will decrease the ATK of your opponent's monsters by 300, so even if your opponent has a monster with 3000 ATK, you'll be able to destroy it with "Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon"! hide. 2014-02-06 SDCR-IT038 Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck Rivoluzione Cyber Drago Structure Deck Ultra Rare 2016-03-18 OP01-IT021 OTS Tournament Pack 1 OTS Buste da Torneo 1 Common 2017-10-05 LEDD-ITB30 Legendary Dragon Decks I Deck Drago Leggendario Common Even though your own graveyard is also shut down, Cybernetic Overflow typically banishes from your side of the field and the hand during the early game. A searchable card that triggers Cyber Style and also allows you to use your Hand and Graveyard for Cyberload Fusion. I ran this in the carnival event during the spellcaster and dragon sections. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Easy to get out with Cyber Style. This page notes details of Cyber Twin Dragon (LIGHT/Machine/Fusion Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. franchise through a unique way to Duel and through the various characters players meet. Extra Deck: 2x Cyber End 2x Cyber Twin 1x Overdragon 1x Rampage 1x Pair Cycroid. Duel Links. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on … Characters' Decks. On en parle sur le forum >> [Avancé] Deck Cyber Dragon OTK posté le [09/12/2019] . Then activate the effect of "Legendary Atlantean Tridon" by Tributing it as well as "Deep Sea Diva" to Special Summon "Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon" from your hand or Deck! You can also dodge targeting effects and go for game after your monsters attack. It is a fast and powerful deck whose fusion monsters can quite easily pull off OTKs. The deck benefits from going 1st as you are able to: General Rule of Thumb: Activate Cybernetic Overflow first and activate Cyberload Fusion second. Zane Truesdale is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Cyber Dragons are pretty OP but 1 single copy of the actual Cyber Dragon is not OP I don’t see why people would say that. Three direct attacks from this monster results in 6300 damage, which is lethal in almost every case. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds.The game's vast card catalog has been steadily growing since its release back in 2016. The mirror match is a bit tricky to determine, as going second only provides little advantage. Your biggest fusion monster, typically used to get over things that Cybernetic Overflow cannot get rid of, such as Invoked Cocytus or other monsters with high ATK/DEF values. As some Shiranui players make Shiranui Sunsaga on Turn 1, Herald of the Abyss becomes Cyber Dragon’s out.