Although initially accepting the terms she reconsidered, and on July 29, 1914, the day after World War I started, she left Germany and took the boys back to Zürich, a separation that was to become permanent. Dia adalah satu-satunya wanita dalam kelompok itu terdiri dari enam siswa, dan hanya wanita kelima untuk memasukkan bagian tersebut. Marić and Einstein separated in 1914. Godine 1886. A fost înmormântată în Cimitirul Nordheim. [53] Ognjenović later adapted the play into a libretto for the opera Mileva, composed by Aleksandra Vrebalov, which premiered in 2011 in the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad. Mileva Marić (sârbă chirilică: Милева Марић; n. 19 decembrie 1875, Titel[*] , Serbia – d. 4 august 1948, Zürich, Elveția), numită uneori Mileva Marić-Einstein sau Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn (sârbă chirilică: Милева Марић-Ајнштајн) a fost o fiziciană și matematiciană sârbă și prima soție a … Mileva Marić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милева Марић; December 19, 1875 – August 4, 1948), sometimes called Mileva Marić-Einstein or Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn (Serbian Cyrillic: Милева Марић-Ајнштајн), was a Serbian physicist and mathematician and the first wife of Albert Einstein from 1903 to 1919. Kemudian pada 1904, Marić melahirkan Hans Albert Einstein di Bern, Swiss. Dia memenangkan izin khusus untuk menghadiri kuliah fisika pada bulan Februari tahun 1894 dan lulus ujian akhir bulan September 1894. Mileva Marić (tiếng Serbia: Милева Марић; 19 tháng 12 năm 1875 - 4 tháng 8 năm 1948), đôi khi được gọi là Mileva Marić-Einstein hoặc Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn, là một nhà vật lý và toán học người Serbia và là người vợ đầu tiên của Albert Einstein từ 1903-19. In 1896, Marić passed her Matura-Exam, and started studying medicine at the University of Zurich for one semester. She was a Serbian mathematician, as well as the first wife of Albert Einstein. In 1891 her father obtained special permission to enroll Marić as a private student at the all-male Royal Classical High School in Zagreb. 1. Mileva Marić (serbiaksi kyr. Mileva Marić a murit la vârsta de 72 de ani pe 4 august 1948, în Zürich. [10], Marić's academic career was disrupted in 1901 when she became pregnant by Einstein. Existují jisté indicie, které vedou k závěrům, že byla spolutvůrkyní teorie relativity. "Mileva Einstein-Marić". [40][41] After Einstein married his cousin Elsa in June 1919, he returned to Zurich to talk to Marić about the children's future. They had a daughter, Lieserl, born in 1902, and two sons, Hans-Albert and Eduard. "Ma Einstein è stato un pessimo marito",, "The debated legacy of Einstein's first wife", Albert-Mileva Correspondence: Original Letters, "Einstein's Wife: The Relative Motion of 'Facts'", Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, Die Grundlagen der Einsteinschen Relativitäts-Theorie, List of things named after Albert Einstein,ć&oldid=1002413725, Articles with German-language sources (de), Articles with dead external links from February 2019, Articles containing Serbian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "The testimony of the well-known Russian physicist, Mileva told a Serbian friend, referring to 1905, that "we finished some important work that will make my husband world famous. Mileva Marić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милева Марић; December 19, 1875 – August 4, 1948), sometimes called Mileva Marić-Einstein or Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn, was a Serbian mathematician. Tahun itu ia jatuh sakit parah dan memutuskan untuk pindah ke Swiss, di mana pada 14 November ia mulai di "Girls High School" di Zurich. [9] Einstein passed the exam in fourth place with a grade average of 4.91. Po rođenju joj je iščašen kuk, pa se Mileva celog života borila s ovim hendikepom. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. Maurer, M. (1996); Troemel-Ploetz, S. (1990), (approximately 44000 Euros — 5600 times 7.9 — as per. 1. She was a Serbian mathematician, as well as the first wife of Albert Einstein. Maric came from a fairly affluent family of Serbian descent. Mileva Marićová (* 19. december 1875, Titel, Srbsko – † 4. august 1948, Zürich, Švajčiarsko) bola srbská matematička, fyzička a manželka Alberta Einsteina. She is portrayed by Samantha Colley and Sally Dexter. In 1930, at around 20, Eduard had a breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. 234–235), Highfield and Carter (1993, p. 186). ^ Pusch, Luise. Biografia. She would have had to have been extraordinarily talented to overcome the restrictions on the admission of women. When three months pregnant, she resat the diploma examination, but failed for the second time without improving her grade. Mileva Marić (Милева Марић), tamén chamada Mileva Marić-Einstein e Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn, nada en Titel o 19 de decembro de 1875 e finada en Zürich o 4 de agosto de 1948, foi unha matemática serbia, primeira muller de Albert Einstein. Mileva Maric Mileva MARIĆ (naskiĝis la 19-an de decembro 1875 en Titel ; mortis 1948 en Zuriko ) estis matematikistino , fizikistino , unua edzino de Albert Einstein . Retrieved 2016-04-10. Sourcebooks Landmark, $25.99 (304p) ISBN 978-1-4926-3725-7", "Einstein's Girlfriend on National Geographic", Greison, G. Il politecnico di Zurigo nega a Mileva Maric la laurea postuma. Trbuhovic-Gjuric, D. (1991). Nesporné však je, že se fyzikou zabývala nadále. She is portrayed by Samantha Colley and Sally Dexter. Nuevatribuna. In 2017, her life was depicted in the first season of the television series, A fictionalized depiction of Mileva Marić (portrayed by Christina Jastrzembska) and her potential contributions to Einstein's work is depicted in the first episode of the second season of the. She sold two houses to raise funds for his care and maintenance. Einstein's Wife: The Real Story of Mileva Einstein-Marić. Ketika hamil tiga bulan, dia kembali menduduki pemeriksaan ijazah, tapi gagal untuk kedua kalinya tanpa meningkatkan nilai nya. Dia pergi ke Novi Sad, di mana putrinya, disebut sebagai Lieserl, lahir pada tahun 1902, mungkin pada bulan Januari. Marić, who had never wanted to go to Berlin, became increasingly unhappy in the city. Shortly after her birth, her father ended his military career and took a job at the court in Ruma and later in Zagreb.She began her secondary education in 1886 at a high school for girls in Újvidék (today Novi Sad in Serbia), but changed the following year to a high school in Sremska Mitrovica… Mileva Marić nacque a Titel da una famiglia possidente. [15], The question whether (and if so, to what extent) Marić contributed to Albert Einstein's early work, and to the Annus Mirabilis Papers in particular, is a subject of debate. Her letters, in contrast to Einstein's, contain only personal matters, or comments related to her Polytechnic coursework. Enhavo Disusul anak berikutnya, Eduard Einstein pada tahun 1911 di Zurich, Swiss. In September 1913, the Einsteins visited Marić's parents near Novi Sad, and on the day they were to leave for Vienna, Marić had her sons baptised as Orthodox Christians. [42] Based on newly released letters (sealed by Einstein's step-granddaughter, Margot Einstein, until 20 years after her death), Walter Isaacson reported that Marić eventually invested the Nobel Prize money in three apartment buildings in Zurich to produce income. Einsteinen lehenengo emaztea eta laguntzailea izan zen. Mileva Marić is a main character on the first season of Genius. In 1900, she failed the final teaching diploma examinations with a grade average of 4.00, having obtained only grade 2.5 in the mathematics component (theory of functions). Mileva Einstein-Maric was born in 1875 in Titel, Austria-Hungary (now Serbia). [1] Marić and Einstein were collaborators and lovers and had a daughter Lieserl in 1902, whose fate is unknown. Eduard Einstein was institutionalized until his death in 1965. Marić was delayed temporarily due to Eduard being ill, but then joined the party. Mileva Marić je rođena 1875. godine u vojvođanskom gradiću Titel. In 1904 their first son, Hans Albert, was born. She won special permission to attend physics lectures in February 1894 and passed the final exams in September 1894. At the age of one year Lieserl suffered from scarlet fever from which she retained permanent damage. [3], In the fall of 1896, Marić switched to the Zurich Polytechnic (later Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ETH), having passed the mathematics entrance examination with an average grade of 4.25 (scale 1–6). Stefan, V Alexander: Regarding Interalia, Albert Einstein and Mileva Marich Einstein, The World Year of Physics 2008 Honoring Albert Einstein, This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 09:32. Pernikahan Einstein dan Marić mulai goyah pada tahun 1912. [6] She enrolled for the diploma course to teach physics and mathematics in secondary schools (section VIA) at the same time as Albert Einstein. Þetta æviágrip er stubbur. They later had two sons, Hans Albert and Eduard. [33], The marriage had been strained since 1912, in the spring of which Einstein became reacquainted with his cousin, Elsa. Biografio. [47][48][49] In the same year a bust was placed in her high-school town, Sremska Mitrovica. Nilai-nilainya dalam matematika dan fisika yang tertinggi diberikan. With expenses mounting by the late 1930s for his institutional care, Marić sold two of the three houses she and Einstein had purchased. Mileva je upisala Žensku gimnaziju u Novom Sadu, ali je već sledeće godine … They separated in 1914, with Marić taking the boys and returning to Zurich from Berlin. Marić aloitti lääketieteen opinnot Zürichin yliopistossa, mutta vaihtoi sitten Zürichin teknilliseen korkeakouluun, jossa Einsteinkin opiskeli. Mileva Maric. Милева Марић, 19. joulukuuta 1875 Titel – 4. elokuuta 1948 Zürich) oli serbialainen matemaatikko ja Albert Einsteinin ensimmäinen vaimo. Esterson, A, and Cassidy, D. C. (2019). A year later, they returned to Zurich, as Einstein had accepted a professorship at his alma mater. On December 19, 1875, Mileva Marić was born into a wealthy family in Titel in the Kingdom of Hungary, Austria-Hungary (today in Serbia) the eldest of three children of Miloš Marić (1846-1922) and Marija Ruzić - Marić (1847-1935). Edited by Jürgen Renn & Robert Schulmann. Stachel writes: "In her case we have. —Albert Einstein on Mileva[src] Mileva Marić is a nuclear physicist, and the ex-wife of Albert Einstein. In 1910, their second son Eduard was born. Mohon tanda tangani komentar Anda dengan mengetikkan empat karakter tilda (~~~~). Rata-rata nilainya 5.05 (skala 1-6) membuat ia mendapat posisi kelima dari enam siswa mengambil ujian tahun itu. On the way, Einstein visited an uncle in Antwerp and then Ehrenfest and Lorentz in Leiden, while Marić took a swimming holiday with the children in Locarno, arriving in Berlin in mid-April. Sa mlađom sestrom Zorkom i bratom Milošem odrastala je u brojnim gradovima. August 1948), manchmal auch Mileva Marić-Einstein oder Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn ( serbisch-kyrillisch: Милева Марић-Ајнштајн) genannt, war zunächst ein serbischer Physiker Ehefrau von Albert Einstein von 1903 bis 1919. Miloš Marić, il padre di Mileva, nacque il 20 dicembre 1846 in una famiglia di contadini che abitavano nel villaggio serbo di Kać, vicino a Novi Sad.Miloš Marić, dopo aver terminato la propria istruzione a Sremski Karlovci e a Novi Sad, intraprese la carriera militare nell'esercito della Duplice Monarchia. Halaman ini bukanlah forum untuk diskusi umum mengenai subyek artikel. Halaman ini terakhir diubah pada 24 Juni 2019, pukul 10.27. Mileva Marić (serbieraz: Милева Марић;Tilen, 1875eko abenduaren 19a - Zürich, 1948ko abuztuaren 4a) serbiar matematikaria izan zen. During a historical aberration of 1942-1947, the Einsteins were abducted by the Nazis for a plan of Adolf Hitler's to attack the United States with nuclear weaponry of his own. 1. "Mileva Einstein-Marić". Ŝi vizitis gimnazion ekde 1885 en Szabács (Šabac) poste en Zagrebo, sed la lastajn jarojn finis ŝi en Svislando. Marić could draw on the interest, but had no authority over the capital without Einstein's permission. «La historia de una injusticia: Mileva Maric». Trbuhovic-Gjuric, D. (1991). A high school in her birthplace of Titel is named after her. Retrieved 2016-04-10. Gdyby nie Mileva, wciąż byłbym urzędnikiem patentowym gdzieś w Wiedniu... Mileva Maric – znana fizyczka oraz matematyczka i była żona Alberta Einsteina. Mileva Einstein-Marić (på serbisk: Милева Марић-Ајштајн; født 19. december 1875 i Titel, Serbien, død 4. august 1948 i Zürich, Schweiz) var en serbisk fysiker, samt Albert Einsteins første hustru (1903-1919). Mileva Marić 19. decembra 1875 - 4. avgusta 1948), ponekad zvana Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn ili Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn bila je srpski fizičar i matematičar i prva supruga Alberta Ajnštajna od 1903. do 1919. [12], She went to Novi Sad, where her daughter was born in 1902, probably in January. Mileva Marić (Милева Марић), tamén chamada Mileva Marić-Einstein e Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn, nada en Titel o 19 de decembro de 1875 e finada en Zürich o 4 de agosto de 1948, foi unha matemática serbia, primeira muller de Albert Einstein. Pada bulan Oktober Marić pergi ke Heidelberg untuk belajar di Universitas Heidelberg untuk semester musim dingin 1897/98, menghadiri kuliah fisika dan matematika sebagai auditor. Edited by Martin J. Klein, A. J. Kox, and Robert Schulmann. Einstein, Albert and Marić, Mileva (1992) The Love Letters. Silakan bertanya jawab atau memperkenalkan diri Anda. Einstein would receive the prize for his work, and she would receive the money. "Without Mileva's help, I would still be working as a patent clerk in Vienna." In June 2009 a memorial gravestone was dedicated to her at the Nordheim-Cemetery in Zürich where she rests. Pada musim gugur 1896, Marić beralih ke Politeknik Zurich (kemudian Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH)), setelah lulus ujian masuk matematika dengan nilai rata-rata 4,25 (skala 1-6). ↑ Nuevatribuna. [33] After Vienna, Einstein visited relatives in Germany while Marić returned to Zurich. Nesporné však je, že se fyzikou zabývala nadále. Mileva Ajnštajn-Marić ou Mileva Marić (en cyrillique serbe Милева Марић), née le 19 décembre 1875 à Titel, Serbie et morte le 4 août 1948 à Zurich, est une physicienne d'origine serbe. Dia juga dihentikan bekerja pada disertasi diploma bahwa dia berharap untuk berkembang menjadi Ph.D. tesis di bawah pengawasan profesor fisika Heinrich Weber. De fick tillsammans tre barn, Lieserl, Hans Albert och Eduard, innan de skilde sig år 1919. Ŝia diplomlaboro traktis termodinamikon. Mileva 1875. december 19-én született az akkor Magyarországhoz (Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia) tartozó (délvidéki Bács-Bodrog vármegyei) Titelen.Apja Milos Marić, gazdag földbirtokos, állami tisztségviselő, egyébként leszerelt katona volt, fontos tevékenységet végzett a helybeli szerb ortodox egyházi közösségben. Im Jahr 2005 wurde Mileva Marić in Zürich von der ETH und der Gesellschaft zu Fraumünster als „Mitentwicklerin der Relativitätstheorie“ geehrt, und am Haus Huttenstrasse 62, ihrem Wohnsitz in Zürich, wurde zu ihrer Erinnerung eine Tafel angebracht. 420–421), Isaacson (2007, pp. Mileva berasal dari Serbia dan bersama Einstein dikaruniai 3 orang anak, yaitu Lieserl Einstein yang meninggal dunia sewaktu masih bayi, Hans Albert Einstein, dan Eduard Einstein. Some of the debate over whether Marić collaborated with Einstein is based on their interactions: In 1903, Marić and Einstein married in Bern, Switzerland, where Einstein had found a job at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property. Mileva Marić (serbieraz: Милева Марић;Tilen, 1875eko abenduaren 19a - Zürich, 1948ko abuztuaren 4a) serbiar matematikaria izan zen. Mileva Marić (serbiaksi kyr. Post tio ŝi ekstudis en la Svisa Federacia Instituto pri Teknologio en Zuriko, kie ŝi konatiĝis kun posta edzo Albert Einstein. By the late 1930s the costs of his care at the University of Zürich's psychiatric clinic "Burghölzli" overwhelmed Marić. Pada tahun 1891 ayahnya mendapat izin khusus untuk mendaftarkan Marić sebagai mahasiswa pribadi di semua laki-laki Royal Classical High School di Zagreb. They began a regular correspondence. [2] Shortly after her birth, her father ended his military career and took a job at the court in Ruma and later in Zagreb. Mileva Marić (1875-1948) was a Serbian physicist. Einsteini egotzitako aurkikuntzetan izandako partaidetza-mailari buruzko eztabaida handia dago, bai esparru zientifikoan bai kanpoan, hala ere, Alberten lanen eta Milevaren arteko erromantzearen arteko bat … Her highest grades were in mathematics and physics, both "very good", one grade below the highest "excellent". She was the only woman in her group of six students, and the fifth woman to enter that section. [46], In 2005, Marić was honoured in Zürich by the ETH and the Gesellschaft zu Fraumünster. [32] In August the Einsteins planned a walking holiday with their sons and Marie Curie and her two daughters. Mileva Marić (19 Desember 1875 – 4 Agustus 1948; Serbian Cyrillic: Милева Марић) adalah istri pertama dari tokoh fisika terbesar abad ke-20, Albert Einstein yang menikah antara tahun 1903 sampai 1919. Selamat datang! Mileva Maric. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 5 The Swiss Years: Correspondence, 1902–1914. On December 19, 1875, Mileva Marić was born into a wealthy family in Titel in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (today Serbia) as the eldest of three children of Miloš Marić (1846–1922) and Marija Ružić-Marić (1847–1935). Einsteinen lehenengo emaztea eta laguntzailea izan zen. [50] Sixty years after her death, a memorial plate was placed on the house of the former clinic in Zürich where she died. Mileva Einstein-Marić (på serbisk: Милева Марић-Ајштајн; født 19. december 1875 i Titel, Serbien, død 4. august 1948 i Zürich, Schweiz) var en serbisk fysiker, samt Albert Einsteins første hustru (1903-1919). Mileva berasal dari Serbia dan bersama Einstein dikaruniai 3 orang anak, yaitu Lieserl Einstein yang meninggal dunia sewaktu masih bayi, Hans Albert Einstein, dan Eduard Einstein. She was the only woman among Albert Einstein's fellow students at Zürich's Polytechnic and was the second woman to finish a full program of study at the Department of Mathematics and Physics. The Einsteins both left Zurich for Berlin in late March. He made regular contributions to his sons' care, which he continued after emigrating to the United States with his second wife (Elsa, his first cousin). Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, Eidgenössisches Polytechnikum today Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland,, Artikel yang tidak memiliki referensi Juni 2019, Pages using infobox person with unknown parameters, Lisensi Atribusi-BerbagiSerupa Creative Commons. Wiki content for Mileva Mileva Mileva Marić - Mileva Marić (Serbian Cyrillic: Милева Марић; December 19, 1875 – August 4, 1948), sometimes called Mileva Marić-Einstein or Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn, was a Serbian physicist and mathematician a She was one of the first women to study physics. Mileva Marić ( serbisch-kyrillisch: Милева Марић; 19.Dezember 1875 - 4. Marić and Einstein separated in 1914. Tak lama setelah kelahirannya, ayahnya mengakhiri karier militernya dan mengambil pekerjaan di pengadilan di Ruma dan kemudian di Zagreb. Mileva Marić 19. decembra 1875 - 4. avgusta 1948), ponekad zvana Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn ili Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn bila je srpski fizičar i matematičar i prva supruga Alberta Ajnštajna od 1903. do 1919. Das tragische Leben der Mileva Einstein-Maric, Bern: Paul Haupt (1988); ISBN 3-258-03973-9. Mileva Marićová byla velmi nadanou studentkou, ale kvůli vztahu s A. Einsteinem se vzdala vlastní kariéry a stala se oporou pro svého manžela. Ubrzo nakon njenog rođenja Miloš je okončao vojnu karijeru i prvo prihvatio posao na sudu u Rumi, a kasnije u Zagrebu. Marić took the boys and returned to Zurich from Berlin. [1] Marićilla on väitetty olleen osuutta Einsteinin tutkimuksissa. A memorial plaque was unveiled on her former residence in Zürich, the house Huttenstrasse 62, in her memory. Another bust is located on the campus of the University of Novi Sad. Consultado el 14 de febrero de 2017. Pada tahun 1896, Marić lulus Ujian Matura, dan mulai belajar kedokteran di University of Zurich selama satu semester. In October Marić went to Heidelberg to study at Heidelberg University for the winter semester 1897/98, attending physics and mathematics lectures as an auditor. Marić had hoped for a girl, while Einstein would have preferred a boy. Милева Марић (Тител, Аустроугарска, 19. децембар 1875 — Цирих, Швајцарска, 4. август 1948) је била српска математичарка, прва жена Алберта Ајнштајна She began her secondary education in 1886 at a high school for girls in Novi Sad, but changed the following year to a high school in Sremska Mitrovica. Marićilla on väitetty olleen osuutta Einsteinin tutkimuksissa. Ás veces suxírese que … Lieserl's existence was unknown to biographers until 1986, when a batch of letters between Albert and Mileva Marić was discovered by Hans Albert Einstein's daughter Evelyn. Baru bergabung dengan Wikipedia? Terlebih ketika Einstein mulai dekat dengan sepupunya, Elsa. Mileva Marić (alfabeto cirílico serbio: Милева Марић) también conocida por Mileva Einstein (1875-1948) fue una matemática serbia.Fue colega y primera esposa de Albert Einstein.En la actualidad existe un gran debate, tanto fuera como dentro del ámbito científico, sobre el grado de participación en los descubrimientos atribuidos a Einstein. She was interred there at Nordheim-Cemetery. [6], She sat for the intermediate diploma examinations in 1899, one year later than the other students in her group. Letakkan teks baru di bawah teks yang sudah ada. (Einstein telah datang atas kandidat tahun sebelumnya dengan rata-rata nilai 5,7. Mileva Marić died at age 72 on August 4, 1948, in Zürich. Fölsing (1997, pp. Eduard Einstein a fost instituționalizat până la moartea sa în 1965. Under the terms of the agreement, the money was to be held in trust for their two boys, while she was able to draw on the interest. [citation needed]. They were married from 1902 to 1919. They were married from 1902 to 1919. Debate over whether Marić was a co-author of some of Einstein's early work, putatively culminating in the 1905 papers, is based on the following evidence: Some of the debate over whether Marić collaborated with Einstein is based on their letters: Thus, while some scholars have argued that there is not enough evidence to support the idea that Marić helped Einstein to develop his theories,[27][28][29][7] others have argued that their letters suggest a collaboration between them, at least through 1901 before their children were born.[19]. Highfield and Carter, p. 187 ("180,000 Swiss Francs"). In 1930 at about age 20, their second son Eduard had a breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Mileva Marić (19. desember 1875 – 4. ágúst 1948; s.Милева Марић) var serbneskur stærðfræðingur og ein af fyrstu evrópsku konunum sem lögðu stund á rannsóknir á stærðfræði og eðlisfræði.Hún var eiginkona Alberts Einsteins árin 1903 – 1919. [13] Some sources say Lieserl died soon after in 1903,[14] but others suggest she was put up for adoption in Serbia. The girl was referred to in correspondence between the couple as Hansel before she was born and Lieserl after. Mileva Marić (serbia keeles Милева Марић; 19. detsember 1875 – 4. august 1948) oli serbia füüsik ja teadlane, Albert Einsteini kaasüliõpilane Zürichi Kõrgemas Tehnikakoolis ja hiljem tema abikaasa.. 17-aastaselt asus Albert Einstein õppima Zürichi Kõrgemasse Tehnikakooli (ETH) matemaatika ja füüsika erialale. Mileva Marić, född 19 december 1875 i kungariket Ungern i nuvarande Serbien, död 4 augusti 1948 i Zürich i Schweiz. In 1922, Einstein received news that he had won the Nobel Prize in November. [52], Three years later, in 1998, Vida Ognjenović produced a drama, Mileva Ajnštajn, which was translated into English in 2002. Mileva Einstein: Une Vie, Editions des Femmes; ISBN 2-7210-0407-7 (translation into French by Nicole Casanova of Im Schatten Albert Einsteins. First name : Mileva Sun sign: Sagittarius Born in: Titel, Serbia Famous As: scientist - physicist Birthday: December 19, 1875 ⚰ Death date: August 4, 1948 Age: 73 years, 73 year Old Female Books: In Albert's Shadow - The Life and Letters of Mileva Marić, Einstein's First Wife Education: heidelberg university (1897–1898), university of zurich (1896–1896), eth zürich; Mileva adalah seorang matematikawan Serbia yang pertama kali bertemu dan menjadi teman akrab Einstein sewaktu masih kuliah di ETH Zurich, negara Swiss. Mileva Marić is a main character on the first season of Genius. Þetta æviágrip er stubbur. Translated by Shawn Smith. [38], They had negotiated a settlement[39] whereby the Nobel Prize money that Einstein anticipated he would soon receive was to be placed in trust for their two boys. Pada tanggal 19 Desember 1875, Mileva Marić dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga kaya di Titel dalam Monarki Austro-Hungaria (sekarang Serbia) sebagai anak tertua dari tiga anak Miloš Marić (1846–1922) dan Marija Ružić - Marić (1847–1935). She rejoined the Zurich Polytechnic in April 1898,[3] where her studies included the following courses: differential and integral calculus, descriptive and projective geometry, mechanics, theoretical physics, applied physics, experimental physics, and astronomy. In mid July 1914[34] after settling in Berlin, Einstein insisted on harsh terms if she were to remain with him. [54][55], Serbian mathematician and wife of Albert Einstein, Darko V: Mathematics Intelligencer Sep 2019.