“Spontaneous pregnancy loss” has been recommended to avoid the term “abortion” and acknowledge the emotional aspects of losing a pregnancy.1 Another emotionally neutral term is “early pregnancy failure.”2. Wilcox AJ, Rasch V. Lee DT, Physicians should address the issue of guilt with their patients and allay any concerns that they may have “caused” the spontaneous abortion. He received his medical degree from Ohio State University School of Medicine and Public Health, Columbus, and completed a family medicine residency at the University of Minnesota Medical School at Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis. Spontaneous abortion: expectant management, medical treatment or surgical evacuation. Chung TK. Randomised trial comparing expectant with medical management for first trimester miscarriages. Bei der letztn Untersuchung in der 9. He received his medical degree from the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Ultraschall in dieser Schwangerschaft (Eisprung war mit Sicherheit am 12.11., die rechnerische Angabe 6+1 stimmt also mit dem tatsächlichen SS-Alter ... Sicher und gesund aufwachsen
J Am Board Fam Pract. Transvaginal sonography in the detection of retained products of conception after first-trimester spontaneous abortion. 36. Clevin L, Oliver LM, bin nicht der Doc, wollte aber gern auch etwas dazu sagen, wenn ich darf. Nutzungsbedingungen Bin erst Ende 6. Gonorrhea and chlamydia testing also should be considered. Does stress influence early pregnancy loss?. Kinder, Dr. med. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Missed Abortion' auf Duden online nachschlagen. He received his medical degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, and completed a family medicine residency at The Medical Center in Columbus, Ga. ANTHONY A. BMJ. Many studies17–24 have compared expectant management, medical therapy, and surgical management for women with incomplete spontaneous abortion. 11. Solange es Ihnen gut geht, die Kontrollen unauffällig sind, werden Sie aber ganz bestimmt beruhigt sein können, wenn auch die ersten 10-12 Wochen ein wenig unsicherer sind, als die Zeit danach. 2. es gibt Zahlen zu frühen Fehlgeburten, wobei nicht zwischen dem Typ differenziert wird und je früher die Schwangerschaft ist, umso größer ist das Risiko. (hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin.). Determinants of depressive symptoms in the early weeks after miscarriage. Ca. Expectant management proved to be successful, with no need for surgical intervention in 82 to 96 percent of women.17–22,24 Most patients who had surgical intervention were followed expectantly for two weeks before intervention was recommended.17,19,21 Medical therapy with misoprostol (Cytotec) or mifepristone (Mifeprex) does not confer significant additional benefit.23 The average time to completion of the miscarriage was nine days.20, In women with missed spontaneous abortions, expectant management has a variable but generally lower success rate than medical therapy, ranging from 16 to 76 percent.17,20,25,26 In contrast, medical therapy for missed spontaneous abortion results in high success rates for completion of a spontaneous abortion without surgical intervention. New York: McGrawHill, 2001:856–69. Incidence and outcome of bleeding before the 20th week of pregnancy: prospective study from general practice. Nun wollte ich die unter euch gern etwas fragen, die bis zur 12. Baird DD, Pymar HC. Woche, denn ab da gilt ein Kind nicht mehr als Frühchen. Kline J, In: ALSO: Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics course syllabus. Risk factors for spontaneous abortion are listed in Alle Infos über alle 40 Wochen! /
Besteht ein erhöhtes Risiko bei einer weiteren Mehrlingsschwangerschaft . 10. SSW - 6+1 - und hatte schon mehrere Aborte, was mich sehr verunsichert. 7. Ankum WM, 30% bereits vor der Implantation 14. SSW hatte ich dann ein leichtes Ziehen im Bauch, das mich irgendwie beunruhigt hat. / Vol. The patient and her partner may be dealing with feelings of guilt, and they typically will go through a grieving process and have symptoms of anxiety and depression. Geller PA, Physicians should be alert to the development of psychologic symptoms that frequently occur following spontaneous abortion (e.g., depression, anxiety). O’Connor P, SSW konnte ich auch schon das Herz des Babys schlagen sehen. In der 9. Woche, denn da wusste ich, die heikelsten 12 Wochen sind geschafft. Traditional treatment consisting of surgical evacuation of the uterus remains the treatment of choice in unstable patients. Previous: Diverticular Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Next: Hemoptysis: Diagnosis and Management, Home
Schließlich müssen sie zunächst den Gedanken verarbeiten, dass da ihr totes Kind weiterhin in ihrem Bauch ist. Counseling to address feelings of guilt, the grief process, and how to cope with friends and family should be provided. Diverticular Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. Woche schwanger, der Embryo misst bei letzter Untersuchung eine Größe von 7 mm und das Herz schlägt. Spontaneous abortion: short-term complications following either conservative or surgical management. Von einem verhaltenen Abort (in der Fachsprache "missed abortion" genannt) spricht man, wenn der Embryo oder Fetus stirbt und unbemerkt zusammen mit der Plazenta bzw. Frauen, die besonders auf ihren Körper achten, könnten eine verhaltene Fehlgeburt allenfalls daran erkennen, dass die typischen Schwangerschaftsanzeichen zurückgehen. Spontaneous abortion. Expectant management of first-trimester spontaneous abortion. Geyman JP,
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 1 Definition. Die Missed Abortion ist eine Form der Fehlgeburt, bei der die Fruchtanlage abgestorben ist, aber nicht spontan aus dem Uterus ausgestoßen wird.. 2 Klinik. Häufigkeit Indikation Operation Folgeprobleme Prävention. Major depressive disorder in the 6 months after miscarriage. Ich solle in einer Woche nochmal kommen. Friden B, Neugebauer R, Cunningham FG, Gant NF, Leveno KJ, Gilstrap LC, Hauth JC, Wenstrom KD. Dr. Griebel received his medical degree from the University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, and completed his residency at Quad Cities Genesis Family Practice Residency Program in Davenport, Iowa.... JOHN HALVORSEN, M.D., is the Thomas and Ellen Foster chair and professor of family medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria. Re: häufigkeit missed abortion Beitrag von Leela » 31.10.2016, 23:00 Super, das ist schön Und gar nicht mehr so lang, dann spürst Du das Kleine auch, das … However, when women were followed with serial serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurements, the actual miscarriage rate was found to be 31 percent.4 Many pregnancies are lost spontaneously before a woman recognizes that she is pregnant, and the clinical signs of miscarriage are mistaken for a heavy or late menses. One meta-analysis9 found that a chromosomal abnormality occurs in 49 percent of spontaneous abortions. Prim Care 2000;27:157. Verhaltener Abort (engl.missed abortion) bedeutet das (bis zu monatelange) Verbleiben einer bereits abgestorbenen Leibesfrucht im Uterus (Retention in utero). Missed Abortion: Die Fehlgeburt verläuft vorerst unbemerkt, die Frau verspürt aber oft ein Nachlassen der Schwangerschaftszeichen (Übelkeit, Brustspannen) und hat das Gefühl, dass etwas nicht stimmt. Slade P. Spontaneous abortion refers to pregnancy loss at less than 20 weeks’ gestation in the absence of elective medical or surgical measures to terminate the pregnancy. Autosomal trisomy was the most commonly identified anomaly (52 percent), followed by polyploidy (21 percent) and monosomy X (13 percent).9 Most chromosomal abnormalities that result in spontaneous abortion are random events, such as maternal and paternal gametogenesis errors, dispermy, and nondisjunction. Bei beiden konnte man nie etwas auf dem US sehen. Bindels PJ, Wieringade Waard M, Women are at increased risk for significant depression and anxiety for up to one year after spontaneous abortion. stumpfe Abrasio bei Plazentaresten oder Blutungen; Epidemiologie. Threatened miscarriage in general practice: diagnostic value of history taking and physical examination. Thilaganathan B. Ärzte stellen diese Fehlgeburt durch einen Ultraschall fest. JAMA. Das zweite Etappenziel war die 25. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. Hartman EE, Spitz B.
Unbemerkte Fehlgeburt: Anzeichen richtig deuten. 2005 Oct 1;72(7):1243-1250. Lee DT, Chung TK. Dominguez-Rojas V. 1992;82:1332–9. Expectant management of incomplete, spontaneous first-trimester miscarriage: outcome according to initial ultrasound criteria and value of follow-up visits. Ankum WM, de Graauw KP. 72/No. Vos J, © Copyright 1998-2021 by USMedia. abortus; veraltet auch Missfall[1]) genannt, ist eine vorzeitige Beendigung der Schwangerschaft durch Ausstoßung und/oder Absterben einer unter 500 Gramm wiegenden Frucht. Team Joffe MM, J Psychosom Res. Most commonly, an issue with the chromosomes is to blame. Kline J, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, Illinois, A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. Platz-Christensen JJ, Expectant management should be considered for women with incomplete spontaneous abortions. Physicians should encourage the patient and her partner to allow themselves to grieve. THOMAS B. GOLEMON, M.D., is executive director of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria family medicine residency program at Methodist Medical Center. 2003;13:223–9. Liu L, Many recent studies16–24 have examined the outcomes of expectant and medical management for women with spontaneous abortions. Copyright © 2005 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Ich habe auch eine missed Abortion (schreckliche Bezeichnung) hinter mir. Cigarette, alcohol, and caffeine consumption: risk factors for spontaneous abortion. Jurkovic D, Risk factors in miscarriage: a review. Denn Angst gehört ja bei allen großen Lebensumbrüchen und zu allen tiefgreifenden Veränderungen dazu. Deutchman M, Eisinger S, Kelber M. First trimester pregnancy complications. Women who were found to be especially prone to these symptoms are childless and have lost a wanted pregnancy.31 One study28 showed that women who are managed expectantly have better overall mental health 12 weeks after a spontaneous abortion. 28. Choose a single article, issue, or full-access subscription. de Graauw KP. Woche, denn ab jetzt überstehen die meisten Babys eine Frühgeburt ohne bleibende Schäden. Chang AM. Ich finde, wenn man sich nicht dagegen wehrt, dass man einfach auch Ängste hat und dass dies normal ist, hilft das schon etwas.
Incidence and outcome of bleeding before the 20th week of pregnancy: prospective study from general practice. In der 8. Spontaneous abortion can be subdivided into threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, complete abortion, and recurrent spontaneous abortion. Oliver LM, Neugebauer R, Danach hatte ich mich körperlich gut erholt und bin sofort wieder schwanger geworden. 1997;315:32–4. danke und grüsse, Hallo,
Van Bulck B, Spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a pregnancy without outside intervention before 20 weeks’ gestation, affects up to 20 percent of recognized pregnancies. Shrout P, Prompt surgical evacuation of the uterus is the treatment of choice when the patient is unstable because of heavy bleeding or has evidence of a septic abortion. Leider hatte ich eine erneute Ausschabung in der 9. Obstet Gynecol. Two national organizations, the Compassionate Friends (http://www.compassionatefriends.org; telephone: 877–969–0010) and SHARE Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. (http://www.nationalshareoffice.com; telephone: 800–821–6819), provide support for women and their partners as they progress through the grieving process after a miscarriage. Khare M, Caudron J, Schlatterer JP, When transvaginal ultrasonography reveals an empty uterus and the quantitative serum hCG level is greater than 1,800 mIU per mL (1,800 IU per L), an ectopic pregnancy should be considered.5 When transabdominal ultrasonography is performed, an empty uterus should raise suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy if quantitative hCG levels are greater than 3,500 mIU per mL (3,500 IU per L). Goddijn M, Die Angaben über die Häufigkeit schwanken und sind von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig. Bourne TH. et al.
Mir persönlich hat es mehr geholfen, irgendwann zu verstehen, dass man mit einem letzten Rest-Risiko immer leben muss. Forenarchiv. Adapted with permission from Scroggins KM, Smucker WD, Krishen AE. Garcia-Enguidanos A, Haines CJ, Missed Abortion / Fehlgeburt zusammengetragen. Chung TK, Many patients report dissatisfaction with the medical care they receive.35,36 The Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics5 provider course offered by the American Academy of Family Physicians summarizes issues to discuss with women and their partners after a spontaneous abortion Laboratory tests should include potassium hydroxide and “wet prep” microscopy of any vaginal discharge, complete blood count, blood typing and Rh testing, and quantitative serum hCG testing. 27. Sairam S, Chung TK. Ich hatte Anfang letzten und Anfang diesen Jahres je eine Fehlgeburt ohne Ausschabung in der 6. und 7. Ich habe vor 2 Monaten mein Baby am ende von der 20.SSW. 1. et al. 1999;12:55–64. Risk factors in miscarriage: a review. 34. 1 Pro- Hoogduin KA, Lee C, The woman and her partner may grieve differently; specifically, they may go through the stages of grief in different orders or at different rates. 18. Hartman EE, Molnar AM, If an ultrasound examination finds an intrauterine pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy is unlikely, although heterotopic pregnancy has been reported (i.e., simultaneous intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies).5 The risk for spontaneous abortion decreases from 50 to 3 percent when a fetal heartbeat is identified on ultrasound examination.1, Cervical abnormalities (e.g., excessive friability, malignancy, polyps, trauma), Idiopathic bleeding in a viable pregnancy, When the clinical examination reveals a dilated cervix, spontaneous abortion is inevitable. Verhaltene Fehlgeburt (missed abortion) 3.2 Verhaltene Fehlgeburt Stirbt die Schwangerschaft ab, verbleibt sie zumeist über Tage bis Wochen in der Gebärmutterhöhle - verhaltene Fehlgeburt (missed abortion). Lam MH, Chan KP, 1998;38:61–4. Grisso JA, Krishen AE. Copyright © 2020 American Academy of Family Physicians. Chromosomal abnormalities are a direct cause of spontaneous abortion. Valero J, The reliability of ultrasonography in the management of spontaneous abortion, clinically thought to be complete: a prospective study. 2002;99:563–6. Brensinger C, Medical management of missed abortion: a randomized clinical trial [published correction appears in Obstet Gynecol 2002;100:175]. Haines CJ, Expectant medical or surgical treatment of spontaneous abortion in first trimester of pregnancy? 22. Bourne TH. 1999;106:804–7. 6 Prozent. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 1154 orhttps://www.aafp.org/afpsort.xml. Datenschutz 30. Lam MH, Was steht eingentlich drin ..? Ich war nun zum 3ten Mal schwanger und meine Gysi meinte es sei nicht gut circa in der 7 Woche, hatte ein sehr hohes HCG sicher auf ... Hallo Herr Dr. Bluni! LG. Sahota DS, Creinin MD, Physicians should realize the importance of providing care that is sensitive to the medical and psychologic aspects of a couple who experiences spontaneous abortion. Mediadaten Haines CJ, Controlled prospective study on the mental health of women following pregnancy loss. Bei einem natürlichen Abort treten normalerweise typische Symptome und Anzeichen wie Blutungen, Krämpfe oder Schmerzen im Unterleib auf. Londers L,
20. 2002;81:781–2. The reliability of ultrasonography in the management of spontaneous abortion, clinically thought to be complete: a prospective study. Andersen B, verloren. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Nach Untersuchung wurde festgestellt das in der Nabelschnur sich eine Art Pfropf gebildet hat und somit mein Baby nicht mehr versorgt wurde. Friden B, Hallo, 1. dazu liegen keine Zahlen vor 2. es gibt Zahlen zu frühen Fehlgeburten, wobei nicht zwischen dem Typ differenziert wird und je früher die Schwangerschaft ist, umso größer ist das Risiko. Es handelt sich dabei um einen frühen Tod des Embryos ohne Blutungen oder Wehentätigkeit. Luna S, Members of various family medicine departments develop articles for “Practical Therapeutics.” This article is one in a series coordinated by the Department of Family Practice at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago–Rockford. Nelson DB, 3. Prim Care. Figure 2.1 A 50-mcg dose of Rho (D) immune globulin (Rhogam) should be given to patients who are Rh-negative and have a threatened abortion or have completed a spontaneous abortion.5, Algorithm for the management of spontaneous pregnancy loss. DAY, M.D., is assistant executive director of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria family medicine residency program at Methodist Medical Center. Expectant management of missed miscarriage. Folgender Text ist von der Intitiative Regenbogen : Die Fehlgeburt ist die wohl häufigste Komplikation der Schwangerschaft. N Engl J Med. Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. Hallo, 1. dazu liegen keine Zahlen vor 2. es gibt Zahlen zu frühen Fehlgeburten, wobei nicht zwischen dem Typ differenziert wird und je früher … Lidegaard O. / Anfang 7. 21st ed. Diese Form (englisch: missed abortion) ist besonders tückisch. Major depressive disorder in the 6 months after miscarriage. 1988;319:189–94.
Woche im Oktober, da das Kind ... Sehr geehrter Dr. Bluni,
Die Plazentainsuffizienz (utero-plazentare Insuffizienz) beschreibt eine mangelhafte Versorgung des ungeborenen Kindes mit Nährstoffen und Sauerstoff. 1998;105:670–1. Palmgren N, Expectant management versus surgical evacuation in first trimester miscarriage: health-related quality of life in randomized and non-randomized patients. Verhaltene Fehlgeburt. The term “miscarriage” is synonymous and often is used with patients because the word “abortion” is associated with elective termination. Auch die Zahl der beson-ders gefährdeten Frühgeborenen unter 1500g Geburtsgewicht ( kleiner als 33 Schwanger-schaftswochen) blieb unverändert um ca. Gründe, Risiken, Häufigkeit Wichtige Fakten zum Thema Fehlgeburt. 5. In: Cunningham FG, Williams JW. Cigarette, alcohol, and caffeine consumption: risk factors for spontaneous abortion. Auch diese Unterteilung in überschaubare Etappen (die dann eigentlich immer viel schneller erreicht waren als ich dachte) haben mir geholfen, die allgemeine Angst in der SS besser in den Griff zu kriegen. Vos J, Bindels PJ, SSW. Genetic aspects of miscarriage. Janssen HJ, Leawood, Kan.: American Academy of Family Physicians, 2000:1–27. It's also possible that the embryo didn't develop and left behind an empty pregnancy sac (this is called an anembryonic pregnancy) or st… Shaw L, 15. Dann kam die 38. 2001;56:105–13. Jermy K, For clinical purposes, spontaneous abortion often is subdivided into threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, recurrent spontaneous abortion, and complete abortion Exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy and risk of miscarriage: population based cohort study. Speraw SR. Lancet. Hahlin M. Randomised trial comparing expectant with medical management for first trimester miscarriages. 9. Nielsen S,
CRAIG P. GRIEBEL, M.D., JOHN HALVORSEN, M.D., THOMAS B. GOLEMON, M.D., and ANTHONY A. Brain PH. The possibility of ectopic pregnancy should be considered when transvaginal ultrasonography reveals an empty uterus and the quantitative serum human chorionic gonadotropin level is greater than 1,800 mIU per mL (1,800 IU per L). Luise C, Physicians should recognize the psychologic issues that affect a patient who experiences a spontaneous abortion. Recent studies suggest that expectant or medical management is appropriate in selected patients. Approximately 20 percent of pregnant women will have some bleeding before 20 weeks’ gestation, and roughly one half of these pregnancies will end in spontaneous abortion.3 Up to 20 percent of recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage. Calle ME, Skodol A, Cheung LP, 16. 1. dazu liegen keine Zahlen vor
Geyman JP. 7(October 1, 2005)
Kline J, [2] Gronlund L, Ich war so happy! Präsentation als Missed abortion, Abortus incipiens, completus oder incompletus; Langsames Wachstum der Chorionhöhle; Therapie: I.d.R. Woche. Creinin MD, Pang MW, Platz-Christensen JJ, Br J Gen Pract. Woche und möchte gerne wissen wie hoch das Risiko einer Missed Abortion jetzt noch ist. Complete abortion: all products of conception have been passed without the need for surgical or medical intervention, Incomplete abortion: some, but not all, of the products of conception have been passed; retained products may be part of the fetus, placenta, or membranes, Inevitable abortion: the cervix has dilated, but the products of conception have not been expelled, Missed abortion: a pregnancy in which there is a fetal demise (usually for a number of weeks) but no uterine activity to expel the products of conception, Recurrent spontaneous abortion: three or more consecutive pregnancy losses, Septic abortion: a spontaneous abortion that is complicated by intrauterine infection, Threatened abortion: a pregnancy complicated by bleeding before 20 weeks’ gestation. et al. Spontaneous abortion can be subdivided into threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, complete abortion, and recurrent spontaneous abortion.
Spontaneous pregnancy loss: evaluation, management, and follow-up counseling. 1996;40:235–44.
Chan KP, Bindels PJ. Diese Blutungen und Schmerzen fehlen bei einer verhaltenen Fehlgeburt, weil der tote Embryo in der Gebärmutter bleibt. Expectant management of first-trimester miscarriage in clinical practice. Patient preferences for management of first-trimester incomplete spontaneous abortion. Expectant management of missed spontaneous abortion has variable success rates, but medical therapy with intravaginal misoprostol has an 80 percent success rate. Chang AM. 2002;19:580–2. 6. Bindels PJ. Immediate, unlimited access to all AFP content. Vincenzo Bluni am 17.01.2012, Hallo,
keine Behandlung erforderlich (spontaner Abgang), ggf. Hahlin M, Shrout P, Ultrasonography is crucial in identifying the status of the pregnancy and verifying that the pregnancy is intrauterine. dem Trophoblast manchmal wochen- oder gar monatelang in der Gebärmutter verbleibt. In: Cunningham FG, Williams JW. However, cervical evaluation is not reliable for distinguishing between complete and incomplete abortion.6,7 Transvaginal ultrasonography should be performed and is extremely reliable for finding products of conception, with a 90 to 100 percent sensitivity and 80 to 92 percent specificity.7,8, A missed spontaneous abortion usually is diagnosed by routine ultrasonography or when an ultrasound scan is obtained because the symptoms and physical signs of pregnancy are regressing. SSW bereits eine Misses Abortion hatten: 1. Bonsel GJ, 2001;16:2283–7. Woche noch in 7 oder 9 oder 15 Prozent zu FGs oder missed abortions? O’Connor JF, Frage: Threatened miscarriage in general practice: diagnostic value of history taking and physical examination. Oliver LM, Es hilft gar nichts, die Angst wird davon nicht weniger. 2002;30:428–32. BMJ. Grisso JA, Liu L, Hier gibt es keine typischen äußeren Fehlgeburt-Symptome. Thapar AK, For information about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 1154 or, Adapted with permission from Scroggins KM, Smucker WD, Krishen AE. Guido RS, Die Häufigkeit von Fehlgeburten kann lediglich geschätzt werden, da Fehlgeburten in den ersten Schwangerschaftswochen nicht immer erkannt werden. et al. Sahota DS, Nach einem langen Jahr des Wartens hatte es endlich mit der Schwangerschaft geklappt. Although the literature lacks good evidence to support psychologic counseling for women after a spontaneous abortion, it is thought that patients will have better outcomes if these issues are addressed. Hahlin M. Canfield RE, 2000;13:333–7. Der verhaltene Abort macht etwa 90% aller Fehlgeburten aus. Exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy and risk of miscarriage: population based cohort study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. Palmgren N, Häufigkeit Die Frühgeburtenrate in Deutschland ist in den letzten 10 bis 15 Jahren konstant geblieben und liegt bei ca. Incomplete miscarriage: a randomized controlled trial comparing oral with vaginal misoprostol for medical evacuation. 1992;42:94–6. Spontaneous abortion. J Perinatol. University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, Illinois. Don't miss a single issue. A comparison of the psychologic impact and client satisfaction of surgical treatment with medical treatment of spontaneous abortion: a randomized controlled trial. It has an 82 to 96 percent success rate without the need for surgical or medical intervention. Expectant management of first-trimester miscarriage in clinical practice. Am Fam Physician. Ich achte auf jede Kleinigkeit ob es normal ist oder nicht. Milsom I, Connecting the couple with a counselor who has experience in helping couples cope with pregnancy loss may be beneficial. Sairam S, Lidegaard O. One study15 that examined the influence of stress on early pregnancy loss failed to find a clear association. Structural abnormalities of individual chromosomes (e.g., translocations, inversions) were reported in 6 percent of women who had spontaneous abortions, and approximately one half of these abnormalities were inherited.9 Chromosomal abnormalities are more likely to be associated with recurrent spontaneous abortion, but are uncommon even in that instance (4 to 6 percent).9. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand.