Nioh allows you to use any of its five different weapon types at any time, but the two you choose give you stat bonuses that follow … Nioh 2 best weapon choice for beginners would be spear and sword. New Nioh DLC Out July 25: Adds New Weapon, Armor, Yokai, Trophies & More. Nioh 2 features a variety of weapons, but which is the best among them is a serious debate. Early on, you're asked to choose two of the five different weapon types that you wish to specialize in: Sword, Dual Swords, Spear, Axe, and Kusarigama. To help you in this decision, we've compiled a guide detailing what each weapon has to offer, as well as information on the statistics they're tied to and the starter Guardian Spirits that support them best. You can also check out the game's coolest armor sets for a sneak peak at the loot you may find. This guide will help players decided which weapon suits them. Skill benefit: +1 to Courage (Affects your Ki recovery speed, and your resistance to Lightning). Nioh 2 best weapons (Image credit: Sony) Understanding what the Nioh 2 best weapons can make a tough game easier. There are several weapon pairs that pop out right from the get go: Dual swords and Hatchets – Both of these rely on Skill as their main scaling stat, you’ll do max damage with both just by leveling Skill. The added boosts in both luck and equipment drop rate are also added perks. This mechanic is crucial in late game to ensure that players will have proper gears without the hassle of grinding for loot and soul-matching manually. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. RELATED: Nioh 2: Best Weapons For Each Build. Skill benefit: +1 to Heart (Affects your Ki and your resistance against Fire, also benefits Bow). For this reason, it's more of an advanced weapon, as effective use of its Skills along with its varying repertoire of attacks requires thoughtful and precise execution. Please refresh the page and try again. Nioh 2 – Best Weapons Guide Tonfa. After clearing Nioh's introductory dungeon, you're asked to choose which weapons you want to prioritize pouring points into. Fun and challenging game. Nioh features an exciting array of rare, unique and powerful items that can sometimes offer huge bonuses when equipped with other items in the same set. Unfortunately, this won't save you from your choice of Guardian spirit. In any case, the sword is a solid weapon from start to finish. The Kusarigama allows for quick, close-range strikes as well as ranged attacks thanks to its distinct design. Its low stance is blisteringly fast in dispensing vollies of gut punches, while chaining Demon Dance and Pulverise Skills will leave … Item Defilement is a mechanic exclusive to The Abyss. The tonfa are my favourite weapons in Nioh 2, which I used throughout my playthrough. For example, Daiba-washi is perfect for Dual Swords users, enhancing your quick attack damage and evasive abilities. They’re nimble wooden arm braces that provide an excellent blocking stance and are quick to rip apart an enemies stamina when creating a fluid combo. There's an item you can purchase called the Book of Reincarnation that allows you to completely respec all of your stats and skills. They feel a bit stunted in use but are admirably nimble and acrobatic in low and mid stance. This mechanic is crucial in late game to ensure that players will have proper gears without the hassle of grinding for loot and soul-matching manually. Honestly, it depends on your style and what you want to do. The skill tree revolves around mastering your Switchglaive weapon skills. Visit our corporate site. The Sword is a perfect complement to any other weapon type you choose. 13 0 8. Skill benefit: +1 to Constitution (Affects your Life, and your resistance to Poison and Paralysis). Nioh 2 is the best soulslike yet, a disruptive spin on the masocore genre that feels blessed with a blistering pace in combat despite its clever focus on tactics and staging in-between. It's perfect for beginners, as it's the easiest to use and is often unhindered by tight, enclosed spaces. The Nioh Collection is a worthwhile return for seasoned pros to experience optimized visuals, DLC content, or different weapons and skills. It’s worth focusing on a few weapons though, as Nioh 2 has skill trees and affinity systems for each type. Another weapon added as part of Nioh's extensive DLC, the Tonfa is a fast and punishing pugilistic weapon designed for brutal close-quarters exchanges and decimating opponent stamina. Nioh allows you to use any of its five different weapon types at any time, but the two you choose give you stat bonuses that follow you into the first real dungeon of the game. Pros: If you like quick attacks and want a melee weapon to scale with your Ninjutsu, but not as a primary focus Cons: If you want to wear heavy armour or keep your distance. In the rotten hollow of an ancient tree you'll find a hefty cornucopia of damage dealing swords, axes, and everything in between sticking into the dirt. Skill benefit: +1 to Stamina (Affects your Life and maximum Equipment Weight, also benefits Hand Cannon). Blessed weapon types are denoted with a Buddhist vajra icon next to the weapon's attack stats. There are two types of weapons - melee and ranged. The levels of Nioh 2 are full of looping paths, alleys, and … Nioh 2 Fist Build | Weapon. The Axe can inflict devastating damage to enemies if you're able to land its slow, heavy blows. Loaded with a variety of weapons and skills Nioh 2 is an outstanding PS4 game you cannot mission. The dual swords are a lot like the hatchets except arguably a little worse given that you can’t throw them. This section of NiOh guide explains what weapon types are there in the game. Another weapon benefitted by high Ki recovery and a nimble character. "Recommended Skills and Stat Builds for each Weapon Type Now Available!" While that may be the case for those who have already played Nioh 2 and know what to expect, expanding the weapon selection doesn’t do much for new players. You’ll notice as you pick each weapon up that they offer distinct advantages to your skills as well as feeling different to one another. GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. The Switchglaive is the other new weapon type in Nioh 2, and they are one of the most versatile weapons in the game. For example, the Skill stat affects the power of Dual Swords and Guns, as well as your ability to activate the special effects of more technical armor. This forces players to plan their attacks ahead, constantly being aware of the vulnerable window afterward. The weapons are divided into melee and ranged ones. HyperX headsets guide: get some of the best game audio in your setup, Best wireless gaming headsets 2021 - cut the cord with Sennheiser, SteelSeries, and more, 25 Best Nintendo Switch games you can play right now. The spear is great for jabbing enemies from afar and keeping your distance from the Yokai. Nioh has an exciting campaign mode and a facelift for the PS4 that includes enhanced difficulty and new monsters and weapons for engaging game play for beginners and enthusiasts alike. The Axe works for its simplicity, probably the best starting weapon in the game. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Team Ninja’s latest can be tough but it’s possible to excel with the right weapon. While you gain more Guardian Spirits the further you get in the game, you're stuck with your starter for a while, so choose wisely. The combat system is top notch. You’re going to … ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Nioh – Upgrading Weapons and Armor. You'll have to progress through the game in order to gain access to the rest of the starters. Learn more, Find out which weapons to choose and the skill benefits they bring in our guide to the Nioh 2 best weapons. Also, It is a step up from Nioh 1. Spears are one of the five weapon types you can equip in Nioh, and knowing just how to use them can make you an incredibly deadly force in battle. Their gimmick is that each stance transforms the weapon. The Dragon Ninja Armor set contains a Fist Weapon – The Falcon Claw, so it is pretty easy to just pick this up as the main weapon for this build. It's a perfect fit for Axe users, but can also be effective with Sword and Spear users too. feature discussing how the game is a return to form for its developer Team Ninja, our feature on its evolution from JRPG to action game. Video: Ways to Not Die in Nioh. Nioh 2 introduces two weapon effects: Blessed and Corruption. Axe is pretty good early game for the sheer DPS it puts out. Great for beefy builds. Best starting weapons in Nioh Nioh weapon types. It's at its best against groups of enemies, as the barrage of quick hits it inflicts can easily whittle away enemy health bars, with little commitment or cost to your maneuverability. For new players, this remastered collection is absolutely the best way to experience the Nioh games. On top of deciding what two weapons to specialize in, you're also asked to choose your first Guardian Spirit. The tonfa are my favourite weapons in Nioh 2, which I used throughout my playthrough. Nioh 2 demands that you have a profound understanding of all the attacks your weapon(s) can perform, but there's a wide range of attacks and they each put their own spin on how you fight. Each of the five weapon types sport their own particular strengths and weaknesses; however, with little opportunity to experiment with how each weapon feels, it can be difficult to decide what works for you. It was first released worldwide in February 2017, and was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment internationally, and Koei Tecmo in Japan. Like this. In addition, its attacks are difficult to deflect, which makes it a great choice to break an enemy's guard. There are a lot of great weapons in Nioh 2.But of course, the best weapon is the one that fits your personal build the best. In short, by defiling an item and then successfully leaving the Abyss with that defiled item, the player has a chance to: … NIOH is a game in which you will find lots of weapons in a short time, which are divided into five different categories. There are five weapon types in Nioh, each with its own traits: Sword (starting … If you're able to fully grasp all that the Kusarigama has to offer, it can be one of the most rewarding and satisfying weapons to use. If you like using more calculated weapons, such as the Spear, Axe, or even the Kusarigama, this is the Guardian Spirit for you. Each weapon scales with one of the character's attributes and plays very differently. There are 40 Switchglaive skills that you can acquire in Nioh 2. Nioh 2 brings up an interesting new world of monsters to slay down. It also sports a variety of wide, sweeping attacks, which makes it a great fit against groups of enemies attempting to assault you. The axe is brilliant at dealing with lots of enemies at once in the mid stance with its wide swinging motion, and can be devastating up close thanks to its overhead leaping charged attack in high stance. Patience and fast reflexes are key with the Dual Swords, as its underwhelming attack power sometimes extends the duration of encounters. Nioh 2 Guide – Choosing the Best Starting Weapon and Strong Builds. Being able to identify what the Nioh 2 best weapons are is important, as you have a long and difficult adventure ahead which you want to be well prepared for. In high stance you can hold Triangle to perform a Scorpion-esque “Get over here!” move, hooking enemies with your sickle and pulling them in close. Nodachi is a little more skill based, but is still a good learner's weapon. The hatchets are fast-paced and deadly when chained together in a combo. In mid stance it transforms into a sword and spear combination that is better at dealing with enemies at a distance, similar to the reaper’s scythe that appears when you switch into high stance, which, if you can pull off the charged combo, is devastating at any range. © Skill benefit: +1 to Magic (Determines the effect and capacity of Omyo Magic). You will receive a verification email shortly. It is. Nioh 2: Choosing the Best Weapon & Skills for Your Playstyle. Looking for a solution then here is a guide to help you out. In low stance it’s a deadly fast one-handed blade with a massive area of attack. Also, for $10, there is no-brainer not to buy it. Nioh features a plethora of armor to obtain that'll make you feel like the awesome Japanese samurai you've always dreamed of becoming. There is no boss or enemy that it is disadvantaged against, and it has a gentle learning curve that nonetheless reaches VERY high heights at its best. This means you can take more damage and perform more attacks before tiring, which is pretty much what every new player needs. In short, the longer you use a weapon, the stronger that weapon gets. Below you can find details on each statistic and the weapon it supports: The Sword is the most reliable and well-balanced weapon type in the game, offering both short and long range attacks. Weapons in Nioh and information about their stats is shown below. In addition, it amplifies close combat damage against humans and reduces the Ki consumption. Just be aware of what demonic delights you’re signing up for! Spend points on stats that pertain to each weapon. … With armor and weapons being provided by the … You may equip 2 melee weapons and 2 ranged weapons with ammunition. Kato is the go-to Guardian Spirit if your focus is on dealing damage. The Weapons of Nioh come in many shapes and sizes, and each will be important as you battle your way through armies of man and Yokai alike. Recommended Articles "Discover Nioh 2's Best Weapon Types through our Tier List!" It reduces evasive maneuver Ki usage, while adding bonuses to your quick attack damage. Isonade is for more defensive players, as its stat bonuses benefit those who fight and traverse environments with caution. The Spear is a great long-ranged melee weapon, allowing you the ability to poke enemies before they get too close. Item Defilement is a mechanic exclusive to The Abyss. Naturally you want to select a weapon that matches your individual playstyle in Nioh 2, but you also need to ensure you're getting the most effective one too so you're not putting yourself at a disadvantage. Skill benefit: +1 to Strength (Activates special effects of Heavy Armour and Water resistance). There was a problem. If you are into soul games, this game is for you. As you know Nioh 2 features a game where a warrior in on a journey to hunt down supernatural creatures, this includes … Check out our other Nioh guides, like our beginner's guide and our guide on what the game doesn't tell you. Samurai sword- The Katana sword is a rock-solid basic weapon, and whether you are new to the series or not, Nioh 2 is a model choice for your starting weapon. This is where you will craft Weapons, Armor and Tools from Smithing Materials found during Missions out the game or salvaged from unwanted Weapons and Armor. The Axe is best paired with a faster weapon to better balance out its slow attack speed. Nioh 2 delights itself in finding ways to flatten your corpse into the dirt like roadkill. It can be bought at Tome's Blacksmith shop for 10,000 gold. There are so many weapon choices in Nioh 2 that it can be difficult to keep track. Its Ki consumption is forgiving, offering you a sufficient amount of leftover Ki to use to dodge out of a sticky situation. However, it's entirely possible to highlight a number of weapons objectively better than the rest. ". In this guide, we’re going to explain how each category behaves, to help you choose the best starting weapons in Nioh. Look for a way around. They increase constitution, which affects your health, and heart, which affects your ki. The Nioh 2 guardian spirit you select is important, as this choice goes far beyond the cosmetics of your alternate spirit form to determine your skills and buffs as well. The kusarigama is by far the most peculiar weapon in the game. Certain weapons provide attack bonuses against a specific enemy type, while certain armour provide passives that improve item drop rate from an enemy type. If you value speed over brute force, Daiba-washi is the perfect choice. +4 more. Nioh 2 has skill trees for each of its weapons along with skills to unlock for Ninja, Shiftling, Samurai, and Onmyo Magic. You're given three choices: Kato, Isonade, and Daiba-washi. Isonade's benefits allow you to respond to surprise threats more effectively, while allowing you some leeway towards recovering from damage. One of its major bonuses is Sense Enemies, which allows you to better detect the presence of nearby enemies with your radar. Forge in Nioh is the game's form of Crafting. Skill benefit: +1 to Skill (Activates special effects of Light Armour, also benefits Dual Swords and Rifle). Date published: 2020-03-17 Rated 5 out of 5 by Jvinlov from Fun swordplay and ninja fighting Soulsborne but more fun with lots of weapons to master, ninja points and lots of rpg elements plus great art … It’s charged low stance attack is a special treat, sweeping at a foe’s feet in a wide circle. There are a variety of bosses in Nioh and can be divided into two categories: human and Yokai, who are from another realm. The weapon you choose will just level up the related skill that is tied to the chosen weapon, but you can really use anything. Daiba-washi is the Guardian Spirit to use if you're set on using the Sword, Dual Swords, or Kusarigama. Very useful when combined with a beefy heavy armour build, but given how fast Nioh 2’s enemies are, you’ll want something nimble on your off-hand. I haven’t really explored other weapons, used kuri in nioh 1 and didn’t really like it (it was really a decoration for my kunais, the real weapon), and started off with odachi in nioh 2 and it feels amazing. You may equip 2 melee weapons and 2 ranged weapons with ammunition. For less powerful foes, please see the Enemies … A guide for Nioh 2 on PS5 and PS4 for players wondering which weapon type and guradian spirit to choose when starting a new game, and the stats that increase depending on choice. Weapons are color coded by their rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Exotic. Best Weapon Pairs. RELATED: Nioh 2: Best Weapons For Each Build. The most versatile weapon in the game. Nioh 2 Best guardian spirit Features Samurai and supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore. Playing Nioh, you're going to start getting loot. Matt Espineli Weapons in Nioh and information about their stats is shown below. Skill benefit: +1 to Skill (Activates special effects of Light Armor, also benefits Hatchets and Rifle). Nioh 2 best entry weapon-which one should you choose. If you start to regret your weapon choices as you learn more about the tactics and unlockable Skills they each have to offer, don't fret. Nioh 2 is a great game like Nioh 1. For more about the history of Nioh, check out our feature discussing how the game is a return to form for its developer Team Ninja, as well as our feature on its evolution from JRPG to action game. This Nioh Armor Sets Guide shows all of the best Nioh armor sets we’ve discovered in Nioh so far including screenshots, locations of each piece and the stats and … February 4, 2021 Taku Bou Nioh 2 6. Players can create Common, Uncommon, Rare and Exotic qualities of Weapons… Deeper than soul games. 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Weapons are color coded by their rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Exotic. For Nioh 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best weapon? Best Katana Swords In-Game: Tokagemaru: This one won’t be hard to find in Nioh 2 but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. The weapon demands precision and accuracy to be most effective; however, be wary of using it against faster enemies, as poorly timed execution can prove punishing. One of the main ways Nioh sets itself apart from the other Souls-like games is in its more in-depth melee combat system.Besides a variety of different stances that completely change how a weapon is wielded and the powerful Living Weapon system, you are tasked with selecting a preferred weapon after completing the … Being able to identify what the Nioh 2 best weapons are is important, as you have a long and difficult adventure ahead which you want to be well prepared for. Nioh 2 Kusarigama Build – Stat Each offers their own unique stat bonuses that benefit certain playstyles. What’s not to love? Keep a note of what skills you’re advancing so you can get off to the best possible start with your character build. For more on Nioh 2, here are the best skills and best weapons we’ve seen in the game so far! First off, it's important to understand Nioh's various statistics; each are tied to a particular weapon or ability. The odachi is a gigantic katana that deals a devastating amount of damage at any range, compensated by slow attack animations. Verdict. If you had just started the game and wondering what is the best weapon to start playing Nioh 2 then here is a guide for you. Which is the best weapon to start in Nioh 2? RELATED: Nioh 2: The 5 Best Things About The Sequel (& The 5 Worst) Primary scaling, secondary scaling, and tertiary scaling have a significant impact on a weapon's damage. This forces players to plan their attacks ahead, constantly being aware of the vulnerable window afterward. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! Nioh 2 - Tier List: Best Weapon Type to Use in Nioh 2. The sword is your run of the mill starting weapon, a smaller blade that works well when combined with a good amount of Ki (stamina.) Plus Hatchets have one of the best movesets in Nioh 2. However, the Spear can prove cumbersome in enclosed spaces, as it can ricochet wildly if struck against a wall. I alternate between a flurry of swings and slashes with the kusarigama, then switch it out for the enormous odachi, a sharp blade with the reach of an elephant's trunk and the impact of a … Again, this is intentional in its design. How to Unlock Switchglaive Skills An edition for both PS4 and Microsoft … This build combine the best of both world, but not a strong focus on Projectile, but rather a combination of both the melee weapon and the throwing power of Shuriken and …. We’re going to run you through all of the Nioh 2 starting weapons so that you can make the right choice before embarking on your grand adventure. Its stat bonuses provide boosts in both close range attack and Skill damage, as well as reduced Ki consumption for critical attacks. Skill benefit: +1 to Dexterity (Affects the effectiveness and capacity of your Ninjutsu). A charged attack in high stance allows the protagonist to wield them as a duo and cleave at an enemy for massive damage. We’ll list the benefits beyond affinity next to each weapon. By Nioh (Japanese: 仁王, Hepburn: Niō, "Two Deva Kings") is an action role-playing video game developed by Team Ninja for the PlayStation 4 (PS4). They can also be thrown in any stance when holding Triangle to attack enemies from afar. The Sword is the most reliable and well-balanced weapon type in the game, offering both short and long range attacks. Skill Benefit: +1 to Courage – Affects your Ki recovery speed and your resistance to Lightning. Rated 5 out of 5 by Edward Wilks from NIOH Nioh is an awesome action adventure game until NIOH 2 Comes Out Later this month. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, It's the perfect middle ground between the Sword and Axe, offering decent attack power and relative speed. Table of Contents About Starting Weapon and Guardian Spirit It’s worth noting that regardless of what weapon you pick at the start, you’ll be able to use anything in the main game. A bludgeon and a sickle chained together, it is fantastic for crowd control when fighting big groups of enemies. The Forge is located inside the Blacksmith screen, which is accessible from the map screen. This speeds … Plus, combat in Nioh 2 is just effortlessly cool - no matter what weapon you choose, or how good you are at stringing together combos. Waste Not, Want Not. Nioh 2 tips | Nioh 2 healing elixir | Nioh 2 Guardian Spirit guide | Nioh 2 Ki pulse | Nioh 2 Soul cores | Nioh 2 Amrita. A starting selection of 1 million weapons wouldn’t make the beginning of this game any easier. Nioh’s weapon familiarity meter. NY 10036. The rarer the item, the more beneficial status effects it will possess. Each category includes weapons with different stats that affect the way you fight with them. It's worth noting that the Kusarigama's attack power isn't tied to a specific statistic, though its damage is improved greatly when you put points into Skill or Dexterity. After customizing … Nioh 2 is the best non-FromSoftware Soulslike I've played, and despite some of its issues, it's the most fun I've had playing a game in this genre since my first playthrough of Dark Souls III. The more you use a weapon, the more familiar you get with it. Nioh 2 Best Starting Weapons & Guardian Spirit Combo for Beginners. Thank you for signing up to GamesRadar+. As you get into the higher level missions in Nioh, you’ll pick up more and more gear pieces that will likely have better stats than whatever you have equipped. As with all Yokai weapons, it will imbue the Corruption element, which deals additional ki damage to enemies; Raikiri: Good late-game weapon with the potential to imbue the Lightning element. The Dual Swords lack attack power, but their ability to quickly string together multiple hits makes them worthwhile. The Guardian Spirit you choose will also give you an attribute bonus. Nioh 2’s free PS5 upgrade is out today, and with it there’s one less excuse for anyone to ignore last year’s best samurai combat game. The rarer the item, the more beneficial status effects it will possess. Nioh guide: stats, leveling up, weapon bonuses, prestige and skill points Leveling up is all about weapons By Jeffrey Parkin … Useful if you’re wanting to slice and dice, but there are better options. We recommend having a specialized character. New York, However, its true potential is realized through its unlockable Skills, which provide it with an array of ways to set up deadly combos. Today we will be exploring the best Nioh 2 weapon combos. GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. A LOT of loot. You will need the following option on the weapon ... Purification Talisman – This is the best talisman to use on a weapon. Across all stances it’s great for lunging at enemies and overhead slices that deal massive damage, though it’s not the fastest weapon in the game, it is deadly. The katana can use decent combos in all three postures, and can get a proper range when … The switchglaive is pretty much a Bloodborne trick weapon that changes depending on the stance you choose. Nioh isn't friendly to new players, even if you've played similar, Soulslike titles before. Nioh Best Weapons When it comes to best weapons in Nioh, you need to be familiar with Weapon Familiarity. In short, by defiling an item and then successfully leaving the Abyss with that defiled item, the player has a chance to: There are 2 … Nioh 2 lets you trial all the kit before you lock it in. If you wish to fix PVP, I believe the best way is creating a separate character slot where player’s levels are fixed at about 200 where skill points from hair locks were disabled. Naturally it uses a lot of stamina but involves some fluid acrobatics, ensuring combat feels like a dance regardless of your stance. Great for high stamina builds. In other words, you should pick the weapons you’re really going to use. "Understand Which Stats to Prioritize in Nioh 2!"