Alongside with power attack, furious focus, that sort of stuff. It depends on system and mods from feats and skills and so on and so forth. Community / Forums / Starfinder / Rules Questions / Dual wielding : You can dual-wield hand crossbows, but you will need to class dip into Alchemist or Witch to get something which allows you reload while dual-wielding. Prerequisite: Dex 15. This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. This is a list of feats that specifically assist characters who wield a weapon in each hand. However, those are not exactly going to help with dual-wielding, barring some fairly ludicrous excesses of cybernetic limbs. You can make one extra attack each round with the secondary weapon. Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. or do you want cool dual wield.. which forces you to Build Fighter in there somehow. I would suggest that, if allowing it, it would require a separate "2-handed dual-wield" giving a -1 damage penalty (for biomechanical reasons) if both are 2-handed, and none if the secondary is smaller, and the same to hit penalties as normal, and an "Improved 2-hand dual-wield" without the damage penalty. According to the equipment section, a whip is treated as a one-handed weapon, which means that in order to dual wield (assuming you have the two-weapon fighting feat) you will be taking a -4, -4 penalty. Whether blending sword and dagger or spinning a double-bladed sword through a dazzling attack routine, few warriors are as awesome to behold as practitioners of the Dual Wielding … Light Crossbow: A good ranged option, and it doesn't care about your Halfling Rogue's 5 Strength. Two Weapon Rend Probably one of the best reasons to dual wield, rending an opponent is one hell of a brutal attack that you get for free. As always It Depends. Double Slice While it seems nice, the damage increase isn’t really worth the feat slot. Vital Strike, Improved, Greater This is a trap, and you should stay away from it. Feats Prerequisites The easiest class for this is the fighter in my opinion. Rogue shifts a lot of the pressure from the Dual Wield efficiency onto Sneak Attack bonus damage, with Dual Wielding's purpose being more of a delivery system than primary damage outlet. This does not include feats that generally help any melee character equally. you can dual wielding fighter and get 2 kukri Take feats like weapon focus (Kukri), Weapon Specialization (Kukri), Improved Critical (Kukri), and their respective chains, and the Two weapon fighting stuff. Dual wielders train in ambidextrous techniques that allow them to wield double weapons or two weapons simultaneously. Starfinder simply doesn't support two weapon fighting like Pathfinder 1st edition did. The Swashbuckler's Fancy Footwork would also allow mobility that would otherwise be taken by Cunning Action, eating up that precious Bonus Action Attack. A Dexterity Two Weapon Ranger Build for Pathfinder: Kingmaker The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. Does it do more or less damage than the Big Honking Sword? 1) You are a dual wielder (lets say a bard for example) and in your main hand you hold a longsword, and in your offhand you wield a whip. You can fight with a weapon wielded in each of your hands. Dual wielding is always a good option for rogues - if you pick a heavy one hander like sabre than also backstabs will be ok. Or just do a backstab with a gun and switch to dual weapons. See Two-Weapon Fighting. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. Search. Two handed v dual wielding (pathfinder) One perennial argument in every fantasy game system I’ve played (online and pen and paper) is in regard to dual wielding. Its really more for SMG style "medium" weapons, IMO. you could go Fighter2/Cleric Dual, which is the lowest form of Fighter commitment and still gives 1APR Grand mastery and that better dual wield, 4 flat HP and additional con+HP from 16+ boosting your total THAC0 and damage output quite a lot.