Islands In Palmistry-Extremely Bad And Unlucky Sign In Your Hands? Let’s see another set of combinations found on the Sun line. But the source of each line should be different from each other. In the palm, there normally exists a level line which is parallel with or more the … Sun line in palmistry. Double Sun Line means person having good knowledge of two works or two fields but he is not able to concentrate in one field. IV. A rectangle, or a star found on the sun line is also considered lucky. The significance of palmistry is very much in life. Tagged hand reading, job line, Line of brilliancy, line of success, money line, palm reading, palmistry, success line, Sun line, sun line meet small lines from mount of moon, the line of Sun Sun Line – Type 36 By admin 2 | April 18, 2013 - 9:22 am | November 18, 2013 Sun Line. Palmistry February 27, 2019. Life Line Head Line Heart Line Fate Line Sun Line Health Line Marriage Line Children Line Travel Line Intution Line. To find out how much wealth you will have by sun line of Palmistry. (this is present in many famous persons palms) Location The Sunline begins from the mount of the moon and runs till the base of the ring finger. Palmistry can be used to determine some consequences or guidance to our future. © Netway India Pvt. Similarly, if the line from the lower mars cuts the sun line denotes continuous lawsuits from enemies will ruin the life and reputation of a person. 2. Below here are signs or lines that are considered auspicious in palmistry when found on your palm. Sun line that divides like a fork is considered good while a chained sun line indicates obstacles. Sun Line. Palmistry Lines - LIFE LINE. When the hill of Apollo, the sun coming off the line to the hill of Mercury, such a person becomes a journalist, writer, dancer and produced good results in the field of art. It is often said that the presence of such sun line will bring success in the latter part of one’s life is not necessarily true. The Sun Line Palmistry The Sun Line, or Line of Apollo, is not always present and when it is, shows how successful someone's life will be - creative and self-confident individuals often have this line, as they will go to any lengths necessary to achieve their goals and always follow through on their plans. I have chosen only these three to be classified as major lines, although some hand readers also like to refer to the Saturn (vertical line to the middle finger) and Apollo lines (vertical line to the ring finger) as major ones. Gaps on Sunline If there are gaps in Sunline then the person knows many kinds of skills but is not a master of any. Best Signs In Palmistry And Super Powerful Signs On Your Hands? In my image to the right you will see the life line and the fish sign can appear on any part of this line. The sun line is considered to be very auspicious along with the Bhagya in the Hastreline. The rectangle on the Sunline People who have a rectangle on the Sunline are into saving money. The Sunline is also called the Apollo line. Line of Apollo - Sun Line may rise from the line of life, or from the line of fate, or from the plain of Mars, or even from the mount of Moon, or the line of head, and, or from the line … According to the practical palmistry, line of Apollo is the line of Sun, that can rise from many places on the palm of your hand. There are also two key vertical lines: the fate line and the sun line. Through the palmistry, human can … To simplify Sunline in palmistry I have written an article please read through it. As this line begins its journey from the Mount of Moon which is located on the palm’s base, one the little finger’s side and then descends upwards to the Mount of Sun which is located below your ring finger or Apollo finger, it is named as Apollo Line. Most palms have ‘the major’ lines; a heart line, a head line and the life line. For those who do not have a fate line, this line compensates for it. Sun line starting from the Mount of Upper Mars (located between the head line and heart line, under the little finger) and ending at the base of the ring finger indicates a successful career based on … Let’s see the practical combinations of this brilliant line and its various interpretations. The Sun Line is also called as the Line of Apollo. Too short People with too short Sunline are predicted to live an ordinary life. Scissors If by chance there is a scissor on the Sunline, it is going to bring obstacles in career life. Apart from the combination mentioned above, there are some other combinations which can predict about your wealth such as if many lines from different sources connect with the sun line that indicates wealth status. Wavy sun line on the hands represents even though the person is capable of achieving the desired reputation,he or she won’t be able to make full use of one’s abilities because of constant obstacles which might take a toll on the health and confidence of the person. Sun line which ends at fate line (pic C) means popularity at that age, but if the line bends toward Saturn is considered bad. It makes the person very balanced and grounded while achieving the desired success in one’s career.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'funchannelpalmistry_com-leader-1','ezslot_15',108,'0','0'])); Flag sign on sun mount represents the person will gain international fame in his or her career in the traditional palmistry. A few lines of the sun, in palmistry means that a person takes on a new case and did not finish the previous one. Please note:Don’t make a triangle from the upward branch and downward branch cutting the Sun line. Nitin Sirs in depth knowledge in Palmistry is just amazing . It's important to recognize that the fish sign is not mistaken for an island. Palmistry is an important science which tells us about the future very genuinely. The person lacks the requisite talent or skill sets in one’s career. According to the practical palmistry, line of Apollo is the line of Sun, that can rise from many places on the palm of your hand. Money Manage Line. Went thru the e book on Combination of deaths . Palmistry : Bracelet, Sun line and Fate line Hand science is very micro and large science. This line indicates the ability of intuition. Palmists say that this line is associated with popularity. Looking forward to the books on Hindu Signs and Fate line . Sun Line … For example, the bump beneath each finger is a mount. They more easily secure recognition, reward, riches, and honours. Let us now observe the fingers separately from the rest of the hand. View original. It is not present as a complete line on all hands and is more typically found only in segments. Sun line is it the luck line, name, and fame line in palm reading. ... Astrology, the moment of birth is very important (which at times is not available to the individual concerned) but in Palmistry, it is the lines and mounts on one's hand that hold the key to … Location The Sunline begins from the mount of the moon and runs till the base of the ring finger. Tags: double sun double mount. Double Sun Line (2 Sun Line) On Mount Of Sun In Palmistry . The sun line, or Apollo's line, is the vertical crease furthest toward the pinky side of the palm, and it reveals public image, legacy, and fame. This line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. As this line begins its journey from the Mount of Moon which is located on the palm’s base, one the little finger’s side and then descends upwards to the Mount of Sun which is located below your ring finger or Apollo finger, it is named as Apollo Line. People usually think that the life line would tell how long you would be able to … Such people can also be bestowed with good fortune and money without doing any work due to lottery or inherited wealth. Fate line in both the palms is observed to assess that when one can get a permanent job, promotion, changes in the career, and the earning graph. Enemy Lines In Palmistry And Sudden Loss Of Money, Many Lines On Hand And Unsuccessful Signs In Palmistry, Business Money Lines And Excellent Success In Your Hands?-Palmistry, Most Lucky Loops And Money Signs In Your Hands?-Palmistry, Luckless Signs, Money Loss And Passion Line In Palmistry. However,if the line appears again as shown indicates that the person managed to overcome those obstacles and regained one’s reputation in the society. The Sun Line is a straight line extending down from the ring finger, usually parallel to the fate line. If the Sunline is seen running between the heart line and ring finger base, the person is likely to attain fame in the ’40s till the end of life. According to the art of palmistry this line is considered very important on a person's palm. This line starts from the bracelet or the mount of moon and reaches the regions of Mercury in the farm of a bow. Click on the pictures below to learn the various traits of the palmistry minor lines. Click on the pictures below to learn the various traits of the palmistry minor lines. Sunline ending at the headline People who have the Sunline ending at the headline are considered good scholars and intelligent. This Video Introduces you to the elusive 'Sun 'Or 'Apollo' Line ... Its bright influence in our lives attracts us to our personal creative quests. It originates below our ring finger and descends downward. Break on the Sun line suggests loss of reputation,fame,success and constant frustration and trouble during that particular period. The line on the palm that people are most curious about is the life line. I…. The Sun Line or Apollo Line is one of the important lines in palm reading. Usually, the fate line is responsible for the share of fortune in one’s life but if it is absent in the person then the Sunline can help attain luck and prosperity. 1. This line can also be called as the line of success or line of brilliancy. There is another combination of inherited money or wealth, that is – If many lines join from different mounts with the Syn line so will also indicate inherited money. The sun line is a vertical line which rises from the upper areas of the Mount of Moon or anywhere on the Apollo mount. In palmistry, there are mainly three major lines to read: Life Line, Head Line (also Wisdom Line) and Heart Line (also Love Line). Accordingly, if a line shows a particular attribute, it is important to look for other indications for confirmation; as one feature can offset another. 7 Minor Palm Lines (not the 5 major lines) in Palmistry. That’s why it is known as sister line or line of reputation in palmistry. All rights reserved. The individuals having the Line of Moon are found to have a very good career line. The triangle on the fate line may indicate luck and gains in life. The Sun Line Palmistry. Tagged branch of sun line goes towards Mount of Jupiter, fame line palmistry, hand reading, job line, Line of brilliancy, line of fame in hand palmistry, line of success, money line, palm lines of ruler politician, palm reading, palmistry, success line, Sun line, Sun line crosses Mount of Saturn, the line of Sun Sun Line … Parallel Or Double Sun Line. The significance of palmistry is very much in life. Ltd. 2001-2021. However,if too many Sun lines are present on the Sun mount suggests that the energy of the person is divided into too many fields or interests and he or she won’t be able to make it big in either of them. Cross on Sunline If there is a cross on Sunline, it can be downfall and loss of reputation in life. A mount (like “mountain”) is a raised area of flesh. The first finger is considered as the Dictator, the Lawgiver, the fingerof Ambition, the Indicator, the Pointer, etc. Basics of Sun line, its origin,timings and various combinations have already been covered in my previous article. They more easily secure recognition, reward, riches, and honours. Where is the sun line? Luckily, the second half of life is likely to shower fame on you. In addition to Wealth Palace, there is a position of wealth can also see how much this is the sun line. Your email address will not be published. It is considered as the sister line to the fate line. A cross on the fate line may indicate job loss or business loss. It is not considered to be an auspicious triangle.It should be well marked and distinct without any defects. A black dot on the Sunline A black dot on the Sunline shows that the person is likely to have a bad reputation. This palmistry fate line predicts the growth and downfall in the career. Palmistry: If you have these lines on your palm, then you will become rich and prosperous! Its significance in your life is like the importance of the Sun … Sometimes it also acts as a protection to the main sun line. Palmistry : Bracelet, Sun line and Fate line. Rahu lines are diagonal lines starting from mount of lower mars inside of life line which indicates problems in life (family problems, business loss, and marriage problems). If this finger is unusually long and nearly equals the second, all thesetendencies are extremely pronounced. These lines and mounts rise a person to wealth even if she/he is born in poverty.