He starts filming the meeting, officially to post them to social media, but really in the case Brügger should be interested in making a sequel to Det Røde Kapel. The Mole: Undercover in North Korea > Nézze meg a filmet online, vagy nézze meg a legjobb ingyenes 1080p HD videókat az asztalán, laptopján, notebookján, táblagépén, iPhone-on, iPad-en, Mac Pro-n és még sok máson This series tells the story of ‘The Mole’, an ordinary family man from Denmark turned secret agent, and 'Mr. [3] Mr. James meets the North Koreans officials again in Uganda, where they discuss buying an island in Lake Victoria to construct an underground drugs and weapons manufactory, under the disguise of establishing a luxury hotel. Thats why they fucked up. The Mole: Undercover In North Korea (1/2) Reallife-undercoverthriller over twee Deense burgers die op een levensgevaarlijke missie gaan: tien jaar lang infiltreren in … Van wapenhandel tot drugs tot een geheime illegale operatie waarbij ze betrokken worden. But how far can they go without blowing their cover? You couldn't make it up! Thomas Brunstrøm of Berlingske said that "even by Mads Brügger's standard, it's an insane story, with characters so colorful that if The Mole had been fiction, you would probably say it was too unrealistic. In der Dokumentation ist zu sehen, wie der Däne Ulrich Larsen, genannt "The Mole", im Laufe von zehn Jahren schrittweise die dänische und internationale Korean Friendship Association infiltriert, um die … The Mole Undercover in North Korea Documentary movie. You get to decide who he is. "[16], The Swedish and Danish foreign ministers, Ann Linde and Jeppe Kofoed, announced on 12 October 2020 that they would bring the documentary to the attention of the UN Sanctions Committee, and also raise the issues in the European Union. Brügger decides to inject into the story a "Mr. James" (Jim Latrache-Qvortrup), pretending to be a possible investor. He joins the Korean Friendship Association and contacted Brügger about his ventures. Original title: The Mole: Undercover in North Korea. [3] He watched Brügger's documentary series Det Røde Kapel (The Red Chapel) about North Korea, and became interested in the country. [19], 2020 Danish documentary television series by Mads Brügger, List of documentary films about North Korea, "Instruktør Mads Brügger lod familiefar infiltrere Nordkorea: 'Det kunne være endt helt forfærdeligt, "Documentary claims to expose North Korea trying to dodge sanctions", "Tidligere dansk jetsetpusher hyret til at snyde Nordkorea", "5 hjerter: Man taber kæben over Mads Brüggers nye dokumentar", "Anmeldelse: Selv efter Mads Brügger-standarder er »Muldvarpen« det glade vanvid", "Mads Brüggers forbilledlige DR-dokumentar "Muldvarpen" får os helt tæt på Nordkoreas usandsynlige manøvrer", "Anmelderne: Selv efter Mads Brügger-standard er 'Muldvarpen' det glade vanvid", "Documentary about Danish chef who exposed North Korean arms deals to be sent to UN", "Chef turns spook to expose North Korea's illegal weapons deals", "Spionekspert: – En av de beste etterretningsoperasjoner jeg har sett", "Joint statement by the minister for foreign affairs of Sweden Ann Linde and the minister for foreign affairs of Denmark Jeppe Kofod", "Danmark og Sverige bringer DR-dokumentar op i FN-komité", "North Korean embassy official calls 'The Mole' documentary a 'total fabrication, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Mole:_Undercover_in_North_Korea&oldid=1004382826, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox television with nonstandard dates, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 February 2021, at 09:58. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? The Mole Undercover in North Korea Documentary movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea. Regie: Mads Brügger. the-mole-undercover-in-north-korea The Mole : undercover in North Korea. The Mole Undercover in North Korea Documentary movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea.Director: Mads BrüggerWriter: Mads BrüggerStars: Ulrich Løvenskjold Larsen, Mads Brügger, Alejandro Cao de Benos … How John Dalli the EU commissioner of health was accused of being in the pocket of tobacco companies. The Mole: Infiltrating North Korea Oct 13, 2020 BBC iPlayer At the father's funeral Adams big brother, Jakob ... See full summary ». Markus, who has to go home to his teenage daughter, Mathilde, when his wife dies in a tragic train accident. Broadcast your events with reliable, high-quality live streaming. Het gaat over twee Deense burgers die tien jaar lang undercover zitten in Noord-Korea. [17][18], North Korea, from its embassy in Sweden, denied the allegations made in the documentary and called it a "fabrication". Sometimes the scenes that take place are almost too bizarre to want to believe in them and the viewer is left with some questions. He has stated that he was just acting, playing along on Mr James' plans to deal weapons and drugs.[2]. This FAQ is empty. A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea. The Mole: Undercover in North Korea film magyar felirattal ingyen. A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea. Need some streaming picks for the month? Best documentary ever This is the real deal! 23 of 30 people found this review helpful. The Mole - Undercover in North Korea. Best documentary ever En als je dacht dat dit land bizar was… Echt, het kan altijd nog erger. The Danish president of Korean Friendship Association. Create. [3], He lives in a Copenhagen suburb with his wife and kids, who did not know about his 10 year long double-life. The Mole – Undercover in Noord-Korea is een tweedelige docuserie die je kan zien op NPO Start. Live Streaming. Dokumentarfilm | Dänemark 2020 | 135 Minuten. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. Dokumentarfilm | Dänemark 2020 | 135 Minuten. Teilen. Broadcast your events with reliable, high-quality live streaming. A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea. Former coordinator of the UN Panel of Experts on North Korea, Hugh Griffiths said "This film is the most severe embarrassment to Chairman Kim Jong-un that we have ever seen. Het gaat over twee Deense burgers die tien jaar lang undercover zitten in Noord-Korea. The Mole: Undercover in North Korea (2020) 8, 0 details. In the documentary The Mole - Undercover in North Korea, we get to follow the mole Ulrich and the fake businessman Mr James' journey in North Korea's dark world of illicit arms deals. [7][8] The Mole Undercover in North Korea Documentary movie. En als je dacht dat dit land bizar was… Echt, het kan altijd nog erger. The Mole: Undercover in North Korea Uit Knack Focus van 09/12/2020 08/12/20 om 21:00 Bijgewerkt op ... op om aan te tonen dat Kim Jong-uns regime de internationale sancties probeert te omzeilen die aan Noord-Korea zijn opgelegd wegens zijn nucleaire programma. Trailer The Mole: Undercover in North Korea (2020), durata trailer 1m31s A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world’s most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea. Drugsdealer als infiltrant All of them including theyre familys. [2] After a meeting with Cao de Benós about possible sale of drugs and weapons from North Korea, the Mole and Mr. James travel to North Korea, where they sign a contract with North Korea to produce drugs and weapons in another country. Maar bizarre verhalen, die zijn vaker ontsnapt uit het gesloten regime van Kim Jong-un. The Mole: Undercover in North Korea (2020) Documentary movieA real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea.Director: Mads BrüggerWriter: Mads BrüggerStars: Ulrich Løvenskjold Larsen, Mads Brügger, Alejandro Cao de Benos de Les y Pérez2h … James', a former jet-set cocaine pusher posing as Scandinavian billionaire. Sometimes the scenes that take place are almost too bizarre to want to believe in them and the viewer is left with some questions. Van de andere kant: corrupte handelaren zoals degenen die in beeld komen, zijn niet specifiek iets van N-Korea of Oeganda, maar kom je overal tegen. North Korea are desperate for money. Create. Mr James, an agent provocateur, seems willing to do illicit deals involving narcotics and weapons. [1] He quickly rises through the ranks and gains the trust of KFA leader Alejandro Cao de Benós from Spain. [3], Sam Wollaston of The Guardian describes his as "polite, unassuming, his unmemorable 44-year-old face is how I imagine an efit template might be, what you start with before you add distinguishing features. Van wapenhandel tot drugs tot een geheime illegale operatie waarbij ze betrokken worden. The Mole and Mr. James use hidden cameras and microphones to secretly record their meetings; contracts are signed, deals are cut and soon the team become involved in a plan to build a secret, underground weapons and drugs factory somewhere in Africa. [4], Ulrich Larsen is a former chef, who was forced to retire early due to chronic inflammation in the pancreas, and now lives on government benefits. Danish director Mads Brügger and Swedish private investigator Göran Björkdahl are trying to solve the mysterious death of Dag Hammarskjöld. חפרפרת בקוריאה הצפונית the mole: undercover in north korea סיפורו הבלתי ייאמן של שף לשעבר שהופך לסוכן סמוי, ובמשך 10 שנים, תחת זהות בדויה, נתקל בקנוניה של סחר בינלאומי בכלי … Danish journalist Mads Brügger goes undercover as a Liberian Ambassador to embark on a dangerous yet hysterical journey to uncover the blood diamond trade in Africa. Four friends, all high school teachers, test a theory that they will improve their lives by maintaining a constant level of alcohol in their blood.