World Championship 2008. next. How can i summon the ultimate blue eyes white dragon? use only 40 cards. Yu-Gi-Oh! Jesse and Jaden (Johan and Judai): Have 150 total tag duels. With an all-new solo mode and the ability to trash talk opponents via Wi-Fi voice chat, the gaming giant that is Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 on the DS, GameFAQs has 9 guides and walkthroughs. Date de sortie : 27/03/2008 Genre : Autre Editeur : Konami Developpeur : Konami. Now Playing. Wiki. One Forbidden card allowed banlist. No 2º venço usando BURN. Yu-Gi-Oh! This is a Tag Duelist List for "Yu-Gi-Oh! Is there any trick getting exclusive faces or is it just by chance? Wiki | Fandom. Yu-Gi-Oh! Unlock All Costumes & Discs … 1 Blurb 2 Trivia/Glitches 3 Promotional … Dandylion x1. Summary; Release Data; Game Credits; Also Playing; Collection Stats; Guides; Q&A; Cheats; Saves; Reviews. you must beat someone 10 times in world championship and then go to options and you can select them as a tag team partner . Added: Aug 12th 2009. World Championship 2008 characters | Yu-Gi-Oh! Chaos. Lava Golem and Gorz the Emissary of Darkness: Have 20 teams in Tag Duel with at least 5 wins each; Jasmine and Mindy (Junko and Momoe): Have 50 total tag duels. Guides. Spells: Axe of Despair x2. Amazoness Card Set. How do you add cards to your deck and how do you switch cards in your deck with cards you've collected? Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. More. 1 decade ago. yugioh wc 2008? Yu-Gi-Oh! Answer Save. just keeps getting bigger. For Yu-Gi-Oh! I'm in world 6. I just got to world 4 which is tag duels. View mode. World Championship 2008". World Championship 2008 DS. Category:Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 . Yu-Gi-Oh! Searching for the YGO WC 2008 Download Puzzles (see post for more info). TimeAndSpace. Reviews. 02111890 0001FFFF. DS; Rubriques. TIP: To get an awesome tag partner log into wifi and go to the leader board, you can download the ghost data for the worlds best yugioh wc 2008 players, you can then make them your tag partners. World Championship 2008 Cheats: Kartenpasswörter A-C, Kartenpasswörter D-F, Kartenpasswörter G-L, Kartenpasswörter M-R, Kartenpasswörter S-Z. 3 Answers. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Manga Ryu-Ran x1. This is a Ghost Duelist List for "Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag tournament partner cheats for Yu Gi Oh 5Ds: Stardust Accelerator World Championship 2009. i've been dueling with the neo-cat for a while now and im tired of having him as my partner (he doesn't help … Community content is available under. im actually looking for friends, and i also would like someon eto trade monster reborn because i dont know where to get it. Toon Dark Magician Girl x3. Relevance. How do you gain tag partners on Yu-Gi-Oh world championship 2008? i need a deck that is good for use over wifi. monsters: Dark rabbit x2. Notify me about new: Guides. Game ID - US edition (DS) North America. Now supossedly there are 6 more Tag Duelists, but I have figured them out yet. ===== 08.) Home Nintendo DS Yu Gi Oh 5Ds: Stardust Accelerator World Championship 2009 . World Championship 2008 are on this page of our website. 0211188C 0001FFFF. Well I chose a theme and it's a warrior and lvl monsters deck. It's ideal that the player find a tag partner whose deck archetype matches or at least complements the one the player uses. Unlock Leo: Duel 10 times and agree to be your .., Yu Gi Oh 5Ds: Stardust Accelerator World Championship 2009 Nintendo DS Source(s): i have … Kaiba and Yami Yugi: Have 200 total tag duels. All cards x9 [Press SELECT to activate] 94000130 … It also features online Dueling with friends via the Nintendo DS Wi-Fi Connection. You will unlock Yubel from Yu-Gi-Oh GX in CPU Duel for defeating this slab of evil granite Thus, this concludes the worlds. Codes by Codejunkies & Fa_demion No ban and restriction list 12012bb6 0000ea00. 1 decade ago. Top Answer . More cheats, codes, tips and tricks for Yu-Gi-Oh! Cheats. Share. 02111864 0098967F. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. Send to Friend. GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~, only in single duel?? Now, this place has several teams waiting for the player. If you have/know something I don't, hit me up on my E-mail, [email protected] Other than that, I'm done, gotta get something 2 eat, adn SC rocks. 1 2. yugioh world championship 2008? I'm asking anyone if you think my deck is good enough and make any requests for it. Wish List. The player can obtain other tag partners by beating the available AI Duelists 10 times each. See Answer. Unlike World Championship 2008, you are much more limited to the tag partners you can have. Yu-Gi-Oh! Any downloaded Duel Ghosts can also be used as tag partners. anyone have an instant win action replay code?? Toon Goblin Attack Force x2. Add new page. In this mode, you can use up to one banned card. Fairy Meteor Crush x1. 120,547 Pages. help with yugioh wc 2008? All discs. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Toon Summoned Skull x2. Unlocking tag partner... Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue eyes Toon Dragon x3. i tried making my own but i am not that good with making decks. 29. help with an online deck. Posted: jun 12, 2008 8:37 pm. The following is a list of partners you can use to team with in World Championship Tag Team battles. Anonymous. Parrot Dragon x2. Toon Masked Sorcerer x2. World Championship 2008". Answer Save. World Championship 2008 Action Replay Codes for Nintendo DS. 1. Date de sortie : 27/03/2008 Genre : Autre Editeur : Konami Developpeur : Konami. What is the best deck for making your opponent discard 10 cards then winning. This is a Duelist List for "Yu-Gi-Oh! Cheat Codes for Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 Question and Answers : ry3028. Asked by Wiki User. But then I can't get any new tag partner … Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. All Free. Tag Partners (WC) Do you guys know which story mode tag partners can be carried over to WC mode? Yu-Gi-Oh! Fiend's … Series; Booster Pack Rainbow; Structure Decks. Tag duel with Me and Greast Shogun Shien vs. Seto Kaiba and Yami Yugi. World Championship 2008". Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008". Get a 90% card collection to unlock Recipe mode. Got a Yu-Gi-Oh!World Championship 2008 walkthrough, FAQ or Guide? because i would like to unlock "amazoness tiger" or "amazoness chain master" as a tag partner, but they are in tag duel, not single. Share via Email Report Story World 1: Grace. Rate this cheats: 8 6 Tag tournament partner. World Championship 2008 on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Unlocking FAQ". Booster Packs. Toon Gemini Elf x3. Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. For Yu-Gi-Oh! Go to free duel,single duel and beat a guy 10 times there.When you beat a guy there 10 times it will unlock him as tag partner for you.Free duel I repeat. This is a Ghost Duelist List for "Yu-Gi-Oh! Find all our Yu-Gi-Oh! 122CC41C 00000000. DP 9999999. Wikis. The New Light. Corey Feldman Interview. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Questions. 20 monsters, 14 magic, 6 traps. 3 Answers. Minha dupla: Cloudian - Poison Cloud. by acidraw Follow. Game Platform Game ID: YG8P-EC8E1215 | Platform: Nintendo DS 40 Codes Found . World Championship 2008. oh and one question, how do i get kaibaman to appear in the world of order, i have seen him once but at the time i didnt have a blue eyes in my deck, i havnt seen him since, he is the only person i have left to beat and its making me mad!! just wondering..but can you get new tag partners? So far I've heard that Yusei , Akiza , and Bolt are port-able. Yu-Gi-Oh! Toon Mermaid x2. Board. HELP!!! I guess. yugioh wc 2008 toon deck, pls rate it? All costumes. The game contains most cards present in the OCG up to and including the "Gladiator's Assault" Booster Pack set and some cards that at that at the time were TCG exclusive. Toon Alligator x2. Comment | Bookmark . 0 0. this is my tip. Get a 90% card collection. World Championship 2008 Cheats. Yu-Gi-Oh! Favorite Answer. In this duel I use my D.D Burn deck.Em português:Nesse duelo eu uso meu deck D.D Burn. Hello there, I got YGO WC 2008. Chazz and Alexis (Manjoume and Asuka): Have 100 total tag duels. Add this game to my: Favorites. No primeiro duelo eu deixo o Cloudian Nimbusman com 13000 de ATK e venço de OTK. Games Movies TV Video. The instant win code is (try not to use it much) 122C73A4 00000000 . Get an 80% card collection to unlock View mode. Home. World Championship 2008". I want new tag partners, and I need to switch my tag partner. This is a Duelist List for "Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki User Answered 2009-05-13 17:34:27. Toon Cannon Soldier x2 . Reply Subscribe Abuse. Share via Email Report Story Send. World Championship 2008 Action Replay Codes . This is a Tag Duelist List for "Yu-Gi-Oh! Favorite Answer. My journey landed me in the realm of darkness where you partner up to survive. Disable Card Animations, Sound Effects, During a Duel 022cac20 ffffffff. Deck (42): Monsters: Armed Dragon lv 3, 5, 7, 10, command knight, d.d. I have been going to her in the Darkness world and I am not getting special exclusive faces. Share. Yu Gi Oh WC 2008 World FAQ 4.5K 0 0. by acidraw. Keep beating up on them to 10 wins, so you can experiment with different Tag Partners. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. A Propos Du Jeu : • Disponible. Relevance. World Championship 2008 is a video game, and part of the World Championship series. Register Start a Wiki. Recipe mode . Battling any player 10 times will unlock him as a tag partner beside the tag teams. Max / Infinite DP 02114310 05f5e0ff. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. in worldchampionship 2008 how do you get new tag partners im sick of neo-spacian dark panther n want another partner plzzz help. World Championship 2008". Defeat Amazoness Paladin at the Colosseum … Q&A. Phantom of Chaos Armytile Seal Stone Challenge - You know the drill, so summon him and win win win!! Play Queue. Restore Ban List 12012bb6 00000028. Also see Cheats for more help on Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 • Disponible.